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Book Bloggers > Book Review Blogs - Post Yours Here

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Julie (jjmachshev) (jjmachshev) | 10 comments My reviews are here:
and here
and I'll read pretty much anything that catches my fancy, but I've been on a paranormal romance kick this year.

message 2: by Julianna (last edited Aug 22, 2008 06:47PM) (new)

Julianna (authorjuliannad) | 28 comments I'm not much of a blogger, but I write most of the reviews for my book review website, The Hope Chest Reviews.

message 3: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Thanks Julie(jjmachshev) and Julie(Mom2lnb) for adding your blogs in here :)
Great looking sites!

message 4: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte | 3 comments Hi Bobbie,

Thanks for inviting me to this wonderful group.

On my personal blog,, I review books about 1/3 of the time. I only review books that I enjoyed and want to recommend. I also blog about resources for readers and writers, writing tips, editing tips, and book industry info in general.

I contribute to a number of group blogs. These may be of interest to this group: is specifically for writers (or anyone who wants to improve his/her writing.) We’re a group of editors and writers, so you know we’ll have lots to say. Our hope is that readers will have lots of questions, comments, and suggestions for us. Our goal is to help writers by blogging about what we know best – editing.

Members of the Houston writing group, The Final Twist, contribute to You never know what your find there.

The Penny Dreadful blog,, is fast, fun, clean, cozy, and even good sometimes, enjoy these quick reads by any of a number of authors who shall remain anonymous.

message 5: by Bobbie (last edited Sep 05, 2008 07:13AM) (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hello back at you Charlotte :)

You're very welcome for the invite and thanks for joining!

I checked out your blog and I like it :) I also checked out Blood Red Pencil, your myspace blog & the Penny Dreadful Blog :) They are all very creative.

The Blood Red Pencil Blog looks like a place I should check out frequently for hints & tips for me as an unpublished writer ;)

Thanks for all the great links and I hope you enjoy our new Group, very much!!


Bobbie C-M

message 6: by Hertzan (new)

Hertzan Chimera (hertzanchimera) I just reviewed Philip K Dick's RADIO FREE ALBEMUTH on my blog.

I also moderate the Philip K Dick discussion group here on Goodsreads - for those who have an interest and might wanna contribute to the debate about this master mind-f**ker.

message 7: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Excellent, another great blog in our group ;)

message 8: by Chelle (new)

Chelle Cordero (chellecordero) | 13 comments Hi everyone!
My name is Chelle Cordero and I am the author of Bartlett's Rule and Forgotten (and 2 more books soon to come)

I post Entertainment/book reviews and Book Promos on my Xanga blog

Please come check it out - and if you would like to post a review or a promo, send it to me at

I blog (about my writing) at
...and I blog about life in general at

I also have a website with an online list of credits (all of my writing) at

message 9: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Looks good Chelle, thanks for adding your blog and all the other information and links.
Welcome! :)

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Hi everyone - I'm new to - just joined today.

I have a book blog:

I review mostly novels, although I try every once in awhile to branch out with some sort of non-fiction or poetry. :)

message 11: by Bobbie (last edited Sep 12, 2008 02:51PM) (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hi Colleen, Welcome to Goodreads and to Bloggers Unite!! :)

I hope you enjoy Goodreads as much as the rest of us and I’m sure you will.
It's addictive, I warn you ahead of time lol ;)

Thanks for adding your blog link.


Bobbie Crawford-McCoy

message 12: by Bobbie (last edited Jul 26, 2010 04:01AM) (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
I've added a new book review on 'Eyewitness Auschwitz, Three Years in the Gas Chambers' written By Filip Muller.

The book is about the Holocaust & the extermination/concentration camp Auschwitz.

Have a great evening!

message 13: by bookish (new)

bookish | 2 comments I blog about books and book-related material (when I'm not rambling) at BiblioAddict. I read a pretty wide range of material, fiction and nonfiction. Come see! =)

message 14: by Bobbie (last edited Jul 26, 2010 04:02AM) (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Cool! Nice blog Joy!

message 15: by Teddy (new)

Teddy (teddyrose) | 7 comments Thanks for inviting me to the group Bobbie!

My blog is a general book review blog, but my favorite genre is historical fiction.

The name is:
So Many Precious Books, So Little Time


message 16: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
You're very welcome Teddy! :-)

I'm happy to see you and thanks for adding your blog.


message 17: by Collin (new)

Collin Kelley | 3 comments I regularly review books at my blog at Just read and reviewed "Disquiet" by Julia Leigh and Carrie Fisher's memoir, "Wishful Drinking." They are also copied over to my Goodreads profile.

message 18: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hi Lacy,

The link you posted doesn't seem to work. It says that 'the page you've requested it not found'.
Could you re-post it for us?

Welcome to Bloggers Unite!


message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

message 20: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinsullivan) | 8 comments I'm about to post on my "business writing blogs" a list of reviewer sites so I'll put your guys blogs there

message 21: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod

Thanks for the updated link.

message 22: by Ceri (new)

Ceri | 1 comments Bobbie wrote: "I'll start :)

My blog is dedicated to reviewing all kinds of books, though I'll admit that my absolute favourite genre is Historical Romance.

~ Book Reviews By Bobbie ~

I write occasional bookreviews on my blog which is here At the moment we are running a serialised interview with the Welsh master of the absurd :- Rhys Hughes.

message 23: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hi Ceri,

Nice to meet you! :-) Thank you for adding the link to your blog. It is always fun to get to know other reviewers and bloggers.


message 24: by Samantha (new)

Samantha (samsbooks1020) | 1 comments I review mainly fiction on my blog:

Nice to meet all of you :)

message 25: by Blodeuedd (last edited Mar 10, 2009 02:39PM) (new)

Blodeuedd Finland | 3 comments

This is my blog where I blog about every book I read, everything from fantasy to chick-lit.

Happy to be here :)

message 26: by KyleeJ (new)

KyleeJ (kylees-journal) My reviews are here . Mostly fiction, some non-fiction. My favorites are horror/thriller, fantasy and chick-lit.

message 27: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hi Samantha, Blodeuedd and Kylee. :-) Thank you for posting your links!

We're happy to have you all here. :-)


message 28: by Quentin (new)

Quentin | 4 comments I usually don't blog book reviews but made an exception on my most recent post here on Goodreads, "BARF BAG INCLUDED". Jay Mcinerney's 'Brightness Falls'. May sound a bit harsh, but if you check it out you'll understand why it got my bile up -- Quinn

Nicole | The Readerly Report (nicolebonia) Nice to see everyone's blogs and the great information listed here.

My blog is Linus's Blanket at I read a little bit f everything, so it can be eclectic but it does lean heavily toward literary fiction and non-fiction.

message 30: by Chelle (new)

Chelle Cordero (chellecordero) | 13 comments Hi all, I am looking for reviews of my books as well as post reviews (of all books) on my Xanga site

I am offering everyone a Free .pdf ChapBook containing the 1st chapters of my 5 novels: Bartlett's Rule, Forgotten, Within the Law, Courage of the Heart & Final Sin.

You can either download this ChapBook on your own at or send me an email at with the word ChapBook in the subject line and I will email one to you right away.

Now, for the favor... I am hoping to get some (hopefully good) reviews as well. If, after seeing the ChapBook you are interested in reading & reviewing an ebook of one of my novels, send me an email to and tell me which book you'd like to review to post on GoodReads, Amazon and/or Barnes & Nobel; the best reviews will also be posted on my blogs with cross-promotion references to you. But Hurry, the 1st TWO respondents to each book only (so feel free to include a 2nd choice) & only one book per person.

Bartlett's Rule, Forgotten, Within the Law, Courage of the Heart, & Final Sin

(My Xanga site -

message 31: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hi Nicole,

Welcome to Bloggers Unite! :-)
Thanks for adding your blog and for joining us here.


message 32: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (sweetgirl) | 1 comments Hi everyone

My name is Nancy and this is my book review blog.
I haven't posted any new blogs lately and have a lot I plan to post, just been extremely busy. But I have a couple posts for people to read so far.

Here is the link to my blog:


Have a great day.

message 33: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hi Nancy,

I really like your blog's look; good stuff! Some very interesting content too. :-)
Welcome to Bloggers Unite.
Thank you for adding your blog and the link to it.

You have a great day too. :-)


message 34: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin (somegrrlreads) Greetings,

I'm Caitlin & my book review blog is at:

I'm using it to keep track of everything I'm reading this year (well, since March, anyway).

I am the daughter of a librarian & have been reading since I was 3 years old. It's my favorite thing to do & my defining characteristic.

Books - never leave home without one!


message 35: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hi Caitlin,

Thank you for adding your book blog! :-)

I know what you mean...I ALWAYS have a book with me; I'm thoroughly addicted!! :-)

message 37: by Carol (new)

Carol Evans | 1 comments I always have a book (or two) with me, too.

message 38: by Bobbie (last edited May 06, 2009 11:53PM) (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hi Vessel,

Welcome to Bloggers Unite and thank you for adding your URL! :-)

message 39: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hi Carol,

Welcome to Bloggers Unite and thank you for adding your URL. I'm so glad to meet another book blogger. :-)
It funny sometimes if I forget to bring a book and I have even 2 minutes of spare time, I feel upset because I could be reading instead of twiddling my thumbs! ;-) lol
Aren't books the BEST?

message 40: by Linda (last edited Jun 20, 2009 06:09PM) (new)

Linda B (brknhrt) | 13 comments My newest review is on Bookvisions

for "Adventures of Snip in Oregon".

message 41: by La Femme Readers (new)

La Femme Readers | 3 comments Check out my book review blog here:

message 42: by Carly (new)

Carly (carlysashacohen) Hello everyone!

I just started a book review blog,

I'm a children's bookseller, so most of my reviews are going to be YA, but I try to mix it up. I'm super new at this, so if anyone has any tips on getting the word out, I'd love the help!

message 44: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hello to: Jemima, Linda, Eleni and Carly

Welcome to Bloggers Unite! :) Thank you for joining us and for adding your blogs to our ever-growing list.
Feel free to comment, start discussions and join right in! :)

message 45: by Alexia561 (new)

Alexia561 | 7 comments Please check out my book review blog and let me know what you think. Thanks!

message 46: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie  Crawford | 197 comments Mod
Hi Alexia,

Welcome to Bloggers Unite. :) I checked out your blog and you've got a nice start there...the content is well organized, it’s visually pleasing and you have some nice reviews up.

Thanks for joining us and for posting your blog here.

message 47: by Alexia561 (new)

Alexia561 | 7 comments Thanks for the kind words Bobbie! I'm kind of new at this, and still playing with the layout of my blog. Visiting several other blogs I've found here, and getting great ideas! Thanks again for the encouraging words. :)

Bobbie wrote: "Hi Alexia,

Welcome to Bloggers Unite. :) I checked out your blog and you've got a nice start there...the content is well organized, it’s visually pleasing and you have some nice reviews up.


message 48: by Christy B (new)

Christy B (runaway84)

I just started this whole thing. Still learning. :)

message 49: by Linda (new)

Linda B (brknhrt) | 13 comments I have posted a review for Desperate Highway. It is a story of a changed life.

message 50: by Mandy (new)

Mandy (mandysouthgate) Hi everybody! I am having lots of fun going through your blogs this morning!

My blog is called Emm Media:

I review books, television, films and music. My aim is to put up at least one book review a week.

I am hosting the next book review blog carnival if you'd like to submt your book review:

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