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message 1: by dely (last edited Jan 11, 2011 09:15AM) (new)

dely | 5459 comments Well, see if you like this idea.
I begin showing you my christmas tree of last year (the one of 2010 are still in the camera).
Under the tree there is also my lovely lovely cat, she always destroyes our tree stealing some decoration and playing with it in the whole house.

From Goodreads: Width must be 0-400, Height must be 0-1000, alt is a description of the image. All three are optional, but recommended.

Notice: But one word of caution regarding uploading photos of families on vacation. Remember this is a public group and that means anyone on goodreads can join this group and will be able to access ur photos. Please keep this in mind, the photos are public to anyone on Goodreads, and the Indian Readers group or its moderators will in no way be responsible for any misuse of those photos. This also goes for revealing/sharing of personal data and subsequent misuse of that. So beware members before u think of sharing something here. That said, we have no power to stop u from sharing anything that u want to, we can only put up disclaimers like these! (Aditya)

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

oh that is so so beautiful Dely!! :) Do u'll get a different tree too every year?

message 3: by dely (last edited Dec 31, 2010 02:43AM) (new)

dely | 5459 comments Thank you!
No, it's always the same tree but sometimes we change decorations.

message 4: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments
This is the Chambal River.....last year's pic....i had gone out with a friend....

message 5: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments
And this, is the entrance to the Tirupati Temple!

message 6: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments I know the pic's nt clear, look it up in my profile, its better there!

message 7: by dely (new)

dely | 5459 comments OMG, it is beautiful!
I like temples and here there aren't (I think there is only one in whole Italy).
I envy you :(

message 8: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Dely and Akanksha,
Your photographs are too good.
I'll try to upload a few later on

message 9: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments @Dely Yeah temples here are very beautiful, i'll upload more when i find them. In the meanwhile, i have a pic ul love for sure. Il put it up soon.
@Smitha Looking forward to it :-)

message 10: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
But how to add image here?

message 11: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments See, upload the pic on ur profile(photosimg src="address of the pic"/
enclose it in <> brackets. And then post it!

message 12: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod

message 13: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments

Happy New Year guys, just spent the last 2 hours on this Rangoli along with Harita!

message 14: by dely (new)

dely | 5459 comments Aditya, very nice! Have you made this?
I must wait yet 4 hours for new year.

message 15: by Meenakshi (last edited Dec 31, 2010 12:23PM) (new)

Meenakshi (mcoolshi) | 1963 comments
I don't know why that way which Akansha told did'nt work with me but the above is the link to the pic..
It is of the rangoli that I made this diwali with my sister.
@Adz thanks for reminding me of it

message 16: by Mansee (new)

Mansee | 2037 comments Happy New Year!

Here's wishing that this year and decade brings more sunshine to your life and embrace you with more happiness, good health, love and warmth :)

message 17: by Prerak (new)

may this year be the best so far of your lives!!!

message 18: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments @Dely, yes we made that!

message 19: by [deleted user] (last edited Jan 01, 2011 12:20AM) (new)

@ meenakshi and Aditya: awesome rangoli pics!! how long does it take to do??

EDIT: oops!Aditya already answered that!

message 20: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Beautiful Rangolis.

message 21: by Meenakshi (new)

Meenakshi (mcoolshi) | 1963 comments Hazel wrote: "@ meenakshi and Aditya: awesome rangoli pics!! how long does it take to do??

EDIT: oops!Aditya already answered that!"
I guess 5-6 hours but I guess I can make it in less time too.I can make it in more time as well.I depends on the difficulty level of the rangoli..
@Smitha thanks

message 22: by dely (new)

dely | 5459 comments Meenakshi wrote: "
I don't know why that way which Akansha told did'nt work with me but the above is the link to the pic..
It is of the rangoli that I made ..."

Very nice! With which materials have you done it? Flowers and food like for puja? You make rangoli for every feast or only for Diwali?

I put pictures in an other way: I go on "some html is ok" and follow what is written there. I use the website tinypic for hosting images.

message 23: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments The one we made was a very small one, the basic drawing with the chalk or the flour doesn't take more than 15-20 mins. The major part is in putting the colors and other decorations. If you are really organized and have all the colors at your disposal and make a decision as to put which color in which place and all that, you will be done in an hour and a half max :-) Make sure u hav sufficient quantities of each color before hand!

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

lol! spoken like a pro!!

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

@ dely: whenever u make them next can u put up photos of ur home made italian pizzas!

message 26: by dely (new)

dely | 5459 comments Sure!

message 27: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments
Okay, i'm not a pro but this is what i tried making on bhai duj(the only occasion when mom forces me to make it myself) and its nt rangoli, its a 'chauk'! Its made with flour and its supposed to be for 'shagun' or gud luck during pujas!

message 28: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments
The cake last nite! Unfortunately, it had a tragic fate, ended up on people's faces instead of being eaten! Had to order another one!!

message 29: by Meenakshi (new)

Meenakshi (mcoolshi) | 1963 comments @Dely material depends entirely on you.You will be surprised to know that we have no experience of rangoli making (although we have been making them for the past 6 years or so) and we have not used any proffesional rangoli equipments.WE have used the leftover colours of holi, some leftover flowers,already used diyas (which cannot be used in puja again).We have not used chalks at all.I decorated the diyas myself.
The most difficult part is to fill colours abstractly and to fill it in such a way that the shape of the design is not disturbed.
India is a diverse country.Difderent people make different rangolis for different occasions.I make it only on diwali.

@Akansha yummy cake..oh what a waste!!

message 30: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments Yeah i know, black favourite!!

message 31: by Meenakshi (new)

Meenakshi (mcoolshi) | 1963 comments mine too!!!I like butter scotch as well

message 32: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments Ikr! But i hate strawberry!

message 33: by Meenakshi (new)

Meenakshi (mcoolshi) | 1963 comments strawberry as in strawberry cake or strawberry on the cake?

message 34: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments Flavour!

message 35: by dely (new)

dely | 5459 comments You are artists! We make never things like rangoli or chauk (the one of Aka) for no feast.

message 36: by Meenakshi (new)

Meenakshi (mcoolshi) | 1963 comments @Akannsha me too..yuck!
@Dely thanks..

message 37: by dely (new)

dely | 5459 comments Ladies and gentelmen, only for you: Venice (in a cloudy day).

Piazza San Marco but they were works at the basilica and so it is covered by a scaffolding:
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

message 38: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Dely, now I am interested so much in Italy, that I am on the lookout for Italy based fiction. Sadly I feel the only way I can be in Italy is via 'Armchair travel'through books.

message 39: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments @Smitha try reading non-Don fiction in Italy if u can find any :-)

@Dely thanks for the amazing pics, splendid!

message 40: by dely (new)

dely | 5459 comments Aditya wrote: "@Smitha try reading non-Don fiction in Italy if u can find any :-)"

It is so hard to find books about Italy in english that doesn't speak about some Don?

@ Smitha: If it comes to my mind I will advise you some books who talk about Italy.

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

Dely that is so beautiful! how old are these pics?

Guys can v also have a "Indian Readers vacation to Venice"?? !!

message 42: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments @Hazel lol.....i wouldn't mind:-) but i guess we'll have to keep Aditya is chains otherwise he'll make us bankrupt by gorging on pizzas!!

message 43: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
@Aditya, @dely, thanks for your suggestions. As you correctly said, most fiction relates Italy to Godfather and Mafia.
@Hazel, book a ticket for me too

message 44: by Meenakshi (new)

Meenakshi (mcoolshi) | 1963 comments @Dely wow Italy is very beautiful
@Hazel lollz..

message 45: by Anbu (last edited Jan 03, 2011 01:37AM) (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments

Two birds at Sankey Tank, Bangalore.

message 46: by Anbu (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments One more

Both are taken last week..

message 47: by dely (new)

dely | 5459 comments Smitha wrote: "As you correctly said, most fiction relates Italy to Godfather and Mafia."

I don't know why...mafia doesn't exist! (joking)

Hazel wrote: "Dely that is so beautiful! how old are these pics?"

If I don't ho wrong they are from 1990. They are very old.

We can exchange our houses for holiday! You come in Italy and I come to India.

@Anbu, fabulous pictures! Are you passionate of photography? Is it your hobby or your work? Because they are really fantastic.

message 48: by Anbu (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments @dely.. Thank you.. Photography is my Hobby not part of the work.. :)

message 49: by Mansee (new)

Mansee | 2037 comments @ Anbu - Nice pics...

message 50: by Anbu (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments Thanks Mansee.. :)

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