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Archives > FA10 20.5 - Freedom Season

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message 1: by Sam (last edited Aug 22, 2010 12:04PM) (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments 20.5 – Freedom Season
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued on Sept. 22, 1863. Read a book related to the American Civil War or a novel set in the American South.

message 2: by Rachel Lee (new)

Rachel Lee (rlcwt9) | 27 comments Would you consider Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter related to the Civil War?

message 3: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Rachel Lee wrote: "Would you consider Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter related to the Civil War?"

All historical fiction is tangential to actual history...some are just more so than others. But, since I have read the book, I do know that there is a connection to the Civil War in the novel.


message 4: by Rachel Lee (new)

Rachel Lee (rlcwt9) | 27 comments Is Virginia considered the American South? I know it was originally but it seems like more people are calling it Mid-Atlantic now.

And the novel set in the American South doesn't need to be set during the Civil War, correct?

message 5: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Rachel Lee wrote: "Is Virginia considered the American South? I know it was originally but it seems like more people are calling it Mid-Atlantic now.

And the novel set in the American South doesn't need to be set..."

If it seceded from the Union, it's in the South.

And, yes, it doesn't have to be during the Civil War as long as it's set in the South.

message 6: by Rachel Lee (new)

Rachel Lee (rlcwt9) | 27 comments Wonderful. Thanks for the quick response.

message 7: by Coralie (new)

Coralie | 2675 comments For those of us who are from other countries and geographically challenged, could you give a list of those states/places that are considered to be the American South.

message 8: by Elizabeth (Alaska) (last edited Aug 23, 2010 06:40PM) (new)

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13901 comments Here is an article, but most importantly a map with a list. You could include both the states #1-7 and below it #1-4.

message 9: by Jayme(theghostreader) (last edited Aug 23, 2010 06:38PM) (new)

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2525 comments Was this task slightly changed? This task would be good if anyone still needs to fit in any Sookie Stackhouse novels. Not me personally though.

message 10: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Jayme(the ghost reader) wrote: "Was this task slightly changed? This task would be good if anyone still needs to fit in any Sookie Stackhouse novels. Not me personally though."

I'm not sure if this task is different from an SRC one or not...I had this one selected and written before they posted theirs.

You're right about Charlaine Harris books...good suggestion.

message 11: by Caity (new)

Caity (adivineeternity) Hahaha, I'm using Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe. It's set in Alabama, for anybody not familiar with the book. I have at least half a dozen others I could use, but with a title like that it's hard to resist.

message 12: by Cait (new)

Cait (caitertot) I can't narrow it down to one book yet, but I have a few options in mind. One of the things I love so much about RWS is that I can repeat a task. :o)
Bastard Out of Carolina
The Bottoms
Wise Blood
The Little Friend
The Optimist's Daughter
The Sound and the Fury
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2525 comments I can still go with my original book, "The Help". It takes place in Mississippi.

message 15: by Coralie (new)

Coralie | 2675 comments Thank you, Elizabeth and Liz. Now I have somewhere to start looking.

message 16: by Jane from B.C. (last edited Aug 24, 2010 12:32PM) (new)

Jane from B.C. (janethebookworm) | 62 comments Here are a couple of other options for books set in the Southern US. Neither book is set during the Civil War but one is set before (1790-1810) the Civil War while the other takes place during the Jim Crow era.

Mudbound set in Mississippi post WW II on a cotton farm so you could also get point for 20.4/Harvest season. I just finished it and it is well written and I found it compelling. The story unfold from the perspective of six different characters.

I have not read The Kitchen House but it is sitting here in my ever-growing pile of 'to-read' books. It is set before the Civil war on a tobacco plantation. So possibly points for 20.4/Harvest Season also.

As far as I can tell these are both debut novels by these authours.

message 17: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments I'm thinking about slating Kindred by Octavia E. Butler for this task.

It looks like it switches geographic locations between California, and a plantation in the South. Has anyone read this? Do you think it would qualify for this task? Is enough of it set in the South for it to qualify?

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13901 comments The Kitchen House is one that works for this task and is also the only book by this author, so you could use it for 10.4 and get combo points (or vice versa).

message 19: by Rachel (new)

Rachel | 574 comments I think I'm going to try and get through Gone With the Wind for this task because I have not yet read it

message 21: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments Melissa W wrote: "Is My Name is Mary Sutter ok?"

Looks fine to me!

message 22: by Katy (new)

Katy | 1160 comments Krista wrote: "I'm thinking about slating Kindred by Octavia E. Butler for this task.

It looks like it switches geographic locations between California, and a plantation in the So..."

I have read Kindred (and LOVED it, although it isn't my number one favorite Butler) - all the memorable parts take place in the South and as I recall, more than 50% of the book takes place in the South. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say 65-70% of it is in the South, if not more.

message 23: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments Katy wrote: "Krista wrote: "I'm thinking about slating Kindred by Octavia E. Butler for this task.

It looks like it switches geographic locations between California, and a plantat..."

Hi Katy, thanks! I think I'll pencil Kindred in for this task. Now you have piqued my curiousity though. It this isn't your favorite Butler title, what is? :-)

message 24: by Katy (new)

Katy | 1160 comments Krista wrote: "Katy wrote: "Krista wrote: "I'm thinking about slating Kindred by Octavia E. Butler for this task.

It looks like it switches geographic locations between California..."

Ha ha, well, my FAVORITE Butler is Fledgling but it's definitely a little weird. It's a vampire book, but a REALLY interesting one. I believe I stayed up very late at night thinking about the various implications of this book.

But Kindred is a great book also. I had never heard of Octavia E. Butler before I read Kindred and then I went on a bit of a Butler kick. Most of her others are more dystopia-scifi-fantasy oriented than Kindred is.

message 25: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Would Frederick Douglass' memoir, count? Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, count?

It seems to me to fit the spirit of the task.

message 26: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Dan wrote: "Would Frederick Douglass' memoir, count? Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, count?

It seems to me to fit the spirit of the task."


message 27: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Thanks a lot, Sam.

message 28: by Pat (last edited Sep 17, 2010 11:26AM) (new)

Pat (patb37) Cormac McCarthy? really?

I know that many of his stories are set in Texas and Mexico, which is technically in the south. Even so, I do not consider him a southern writer, no more so than Larry McMurtry.

I know Suttree is set in Knoxville, but does one title make someone a southern writer?

message 29: by Liz M (last edited Sep 17, 2010 11:45AM) (new)

Liz M Pat wrote: "Cormac McCarthy? really?

I know that many of his stories are set in Texas and Mexico, which is technically in the south. Even so, I do not consider him a southern writer, no more so than Larry Mc..."

I realize wikipedia is not infallible, but they did list him under Southern literature today. Wiki also included The Orchard Keeper, Outer Dark, and Suttree on the page for Southern Gothic and Child of God is set in southern Appalachia.

message 30: by Pat (new)

Pat (patb37) I see. I was unaware that he had more than one title that could be considered southern. Carry On.

message 31: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5068 comments So if a book is half and half like this one

Island Beneath the Sea: A Novel

in which the first half takes place in Haiti and the second half is set in New Orleans, Louisiana, it doesn't count here, correct? I'm using this for an author from Chile, but I am wondering if I can claim Combo Points for Freedom Season.


message 32: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Karen GHHS wrote: "So if a book is half and half like this one

Island Beneath the Sea: A Novel

in which the first half takes place in Haiti and the second half is set in New Orleans, Louisiana, it do..."

You're would need to be completely set in the South.

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