Unputdownables Book Club discussion

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message 1: by Wallace (new)

Wallace | 303 comments Mod
I don't know if this counts as Western... it's more like western/historical fiction:
One Thousand White Women The Journals of May Dodd by Jim Fergus One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd

message 2: by Zoe (new)

Zoe | 113 comments I LOVED that book!

message 3: by Wallace (new)

Wallace | 303 comments Mod
yeah it was really good.I wasn't expecting to like it, but I flew through it.

message 4: by Liz (last edited Oct 10, 2010 08:33AM) (new)

Liz Peace Like a River by Leif Enger Peace Like a River by Leif Enger Leif Enger

I really loved this book! Not knowing much about the Western genre, I don't know if this book would count for it, but I thought it had a very Western feel to it.

I would also recommend:
All the Pretty Horses (Border Trilogy, #1) by Cormac McCarthy All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy Cormac McCarthy

message 5: by Shelli (new)

Shelli Liz wrote: "Peace Like a River by Leif EngerPeace Like a River by Leif EngerLeif Enger

I really loved this book! Not knowing much about the Western genr..."

I enjoyed Peace Like a River and All the Pretty Horses is on my next year's challenge.

message 6: by JudiAnne (new)

JudiAnne (judipatooti) I'm going to suggest Lonesome Dove which is my favorite all time bona fide western. I have read it twice a while back but I would be willing to read it again.

message 7: by Shelli (new)

Shelli Judith...I own it and it's on my TBR.

message 8: by JudiAnne (new)

JudiAnne (judipatooti) Shelli wrote: "Judith...I own it and it's on my TBR."

It's really, really good!

message 9: by Liz (new)

Liz I've been wanting to read Lonesome Dove for a while. My mom loves it & keeps telling me to read it.

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