Manga Book Club discussion

Romance > Shoujo manga

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message 1: by No One (new)

No One (baka) Have you guys ever noticed that in shoujo manga the boys usually walk faster than the girls? If you have, what do you think of it? I think it's crap. All the boys I know are slow, and I'm normally the one being told to slow down. Long legs doesn't really matter. The ones I have trouble in keeping up with, are usually smaller than me.

Stephanie Fish:3 | 23 comments Oh yeah, and the boy that the girl fights with the most normally is the guy that she ends up with.

message 3: by No One (new)

No One (baka) Yeah. They start out by hating each other and then they end up dating.

Stephanie Fish:3 | 23 comments Emma wrote: "Yeah. They start out by hating each other and then they end up dating."


message 5: by No One (new)

No One (baka) And the girl is usually very stupid, while the boy seems to be a genious in class.

message 6: by Violet (new)

Violet Sakura (violetsakura) Hehe :) I think you've come across really boring ones :)
I really hate that feature in shoujo mangas too, when the girl is stupid and weak, and the guy must be the cleverest and coolest!
Try MARS, Hana Yori Dango, Akuma de Souruo. Either has great female characters.

message 7: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
what i really hate about shoujo is that guys can boss around any girl they want, and it's okay. just urks me. and the proposals are the worst. they tell the girl they will be married without any regard to her feelings. no asking, just stating it like it's a given fact.

but i guess there are other things i dislike too, such as how middle school and high school girls are overly sexed-up. i understand that in the real world kids are having sex at 13, but i still think it's a little too prevelant in shoujo. i guess i'm old fashion and think that 16 year olds having sex is a bit young. you don't think so when you're sixteen, but when you're older, you do.

my rant's over now. sorry about that.

Stephanie Fish:3 | 23 comments Starbubbles wrote: "what i really hate about shoujo is that guys can boss around any girl they want, and it's okay. just urks me. and the proposals are the worst. they tell the girl they will be married without any..."

Goodness, you must have held that in for a pretty long time.

message 9: by Katie (new)

Katie (shimmerpop) | 255 comments Violet wrote: "Hehe :) I think you've come across really boring ones :)
I really hate that feature in shoujo mangas too, when the girl is stupid and weak, and the guy must be the cleverest and coolest!
Try MARS, ..."

MARS is awesome.

message 10: by Katie (new)

Katie (shimmerpop) | 255 comments I dislike that common plot too, about average girl falling for "perfect" boy and I really dislike how then the girl is always almost groveling in her gratitude that he would deign to date her since she has nothing special about her. *rolls eyes*

I haven't read much shojo lately or I'm sure I'd have more to say. ^^

message 11: by No One (new)

No One (baka) I've read MARS, Hana Yori Dango and Akuma de Souruo. They're good enough, but I'm sick of the girls in manga always crying. I want a strong heroine.

message 12: by Katie (new)

Katie (shimmerpop) | 255 comments Emma wrote: "I've read MARS, Hana Yori Dango and Akuma de Souruo. They're good enough, but I'm sick of the girls in manga always crying. I want a strong heroine."

Or at least genuine crying. I cried whenever Risa did in Love Com, but Risa's tears were sincere (not sure if that was clear) and she really didn't cry much. Meathead punch!

message 13: by No One (new)

No One (baka) Yeah, when Risa cries in Love Com it's okay. But I hate it when the main character is weak and cry because of the smallest thing.

message 14: by Sephiroth (new)

Sephiroth (Cinderbolt) | 186 comments i read some of this stuff over the year over my friend's shoulder. It's all the same.

message 15: by Katie (new)

Katie (shimmerpop) | 255 comments Sephiroth wrote: "i read some of this stuff over the year over my friend's shoulder. It's all the same."

lmao! XD

message 16: by Anika (new)

Anika Never read it.... is it good?

message 17: by Sephiroth (new)

Sephiroth (Cinderbolt) | 186 comments read what?

message 18: by Anika (new)

Anika Love Com

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Stephanie Fish:3 wrote: "Oh yeah, and the boy that the girl fights with the most normally is the guy that she ends up with."

They're all SO predictable.

message 20: by No One (last edited Jun 01, 2010 09:13AM) (new)

No One (baka) We need more unpredictable shoujo mangas!

message 21: by Sephiroth (new)

Sephiroth (Cinderbolt) | 186 comments yeah, like where the guy hates the girl all the way through.

message 22: by No One (new)

No One (baka) Or the girl can hate the guy all the way. In stead of falling in love with him.

message 23: by Sephiroth (new)

Sephiroth (Cinderbolt) | 186 comments exactly.

message 24: by Stephanie Fish:3 (new)

Stephanie Fish:3 | 23 comments I truly doubt that there is a manga like that. I mean, yeah I guess there is..But most of them involves romance..

message 25: by Anika (new)

Anika yup! :)

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

Ha. It's real typical it doesn't happen, but, oh man, if there is one.......... I WANNA READ IT :)

message 27: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (last edited Jul 08, 2010 06:45PM) (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
Emma wrote: "We need more unpredictable shoujo mangas!"

i totally agree. it's gotten to the point where i can predict who will end up with whom, when the series should end, how fast the series will end, which plot twists would have made it better... but i still love the stuff. i must admit though, i've been slowly breaking into shonen. i must need a change somewhere. lol.

i wish there was more shojo written outside of the high school setting. gets a little old reading about 15 year olds at school, falling in love with some rich kid who is also running a business, and some how has a perfect grade point average. how about an office romance for a shojo topic? ah, scandalously fun.

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

All shojo manga is like... girl meets boy... they feel a spark inside them... they meet again... they fall in love, go out, a rival or something comes or something like that.

message 29: by No One (new)

No One (baka) Hmm ... Tobenari Tori? It's kind of different. Summary: Aoi was abused by her teacher in middle school, a trauma she is still unable to overcome. One day, because of a family vacation, she is reunited with her first love, Kaoru: even though she has never forgotten him, she definitely doesn't want him to see how much she's changed...!

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

That's like a book I read before... not manga, so I won't say anything about it.

message 31: by No One (new)

No One (baka) Oh! What's the book called?

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

It's Sweetheart by... someone. I think it's sara Zarr or something...

message 33: by Katie (new)

Katie (shimmerpop) | 255 comments Starbubbles wrote: "Emma wrote: "We need more unpredictable shoujo mangas!"

i totally agree. it's gotten to the point where i can predict who will end up with whom, when the series should end, how fast the series ..."

I like that "how about an office romance for a shojo topic? ah, scandalously fun." sounds good to me :D

message 34: by Katie (new)

Katie (shimmerpop) | 255 comments Anyone read Tramps Like Us? I like that one, but I suppose its Josei. (Did I spell that correctly?)

message 35: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
No One wrote: "Hmm ... Tobenari Tori? It's kind of different. Summary: Aoi was abused by her teacher in middle school, a trauma she is still unable to overcome. One day, because of a family vacation, she is reuni..."

sounds a little like bitter virgin. that one was really hard for me to read though. such a dark topic.

message 36: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
Shimmerpop wrote: "Anyone read Tramps Like Us? I like that one, but I suppose its Josei. (Did I spell that correctly?)"

no, but that one has been recommended to me. i've heard good things about it

message 37: by Marissa_san121 (new)

Marissa_san121 | 50 comments Hasn't anyone here thought of Ouran High School Host Club? The story line isn't over used, the main guy you expect the heroine to be with is an idiot, and the heroine doesn't cry ever two scenes!! It's great!! You can also find hints of other couples and see some funny drama along the way. I advice it considering I hardly pick up shojo and I love this series.

message 38: by Stephanie Fish:3 (new)

Stephanie Fish:3 | 23 comments Marissa_san121 wrote: "Hasn't anyone here thought of Ouran High School Host Club? The story line isn't over used, the main guy you expect the heroine to be with is an idiot, and the heroine doesn't cry ever two scenes!! ..."

I loveeeeeeeee
Ouran High School Host Club!!
I absolutly Love it~~
It's so cute!!~

message 39: by Marissa_san121 (new)

Marissa_san121 | 50 comments So true, so true.
"I'll shoot you if you shoot me, but you have to shoot me first."

message 40: by Noir (new)

Noir (INoirI) | 2 comments Sometimes, most love stories contain love rivals to spice up the story events.They help add more action or dramatic circumstances! Heh, my typical interests xD

message 41: by Geoff (new)

Geoff | 2 comments GE - Good Ending is a great one so far.

message 42: by Contrary (new)

Contrary (that-contrarian-librarian) Stephanie Fish:3 wrote: "Marissa_san121 wrote: "Hasn't anyone here thought of Ouran High School Host Club? The story line isn't over used, the main guy you expect the heroine to be with is an idiot, and the heroine doesn't..."

;D I like how Ouran makes fun of everything. And how Tamaki is an IDIOT.

message 43: by SakuraTenshi (new)

SakuraTenshi (sakuratenshiprincess) | 4 comments i love ouran high school host club, the wallflower, barajou no kiss and special a! all the main guy characters in each of these are cute^.^

message 44: by Max (new)

Max Mathesius | 5 comments I have a series long in the line of production. If you guys might be interested feel free to check it out. As of now their published annually as books for now but expect a manga adaption in the far future.

It's official, the series will be called Moon Gaiden from this point on. Thankyou! ^_^

message 45: by Amber (new)

Amber | 2 comments Read "Skip Beat!" It's awesome!!! :p

I've read about 10 books of the series so far and there is 31 out now. Once you read it, your hooked. ;)

message 46: by Rasheta (new)

Rasheta (rashetasedai) | 5 comments I'm waiting for Skip Beat to end so I can finish it up. *laughs* I have like ten series that are on-going I don't need another one. *laughs* Thankfully Black Bird and Vampire Knight are done now...whew.

message 47: by Kaitlin (new)

Kaitlin I've never been a fan of "Skip Beat", I TRIED AND TRIED to get into it but just couldn't!

message 48: by Rasheta (new)

Rasheta (rashetasedai) | 5 comments Kaitlin wrote: "I've never been a fan of "Skip Beat", I TRIED AND TRIED to get into it but just couldn't!"

I think I'd enjoy it more if it wasn't so dragged out. Ren and the main gal haven't even kissed yet and it's vol. 36 or something like that. Way to long for that to be drawn out.

message 49: by Cozen (new)

Cozen Skip beat is on its eleventh year now. I love the series but this- this funk lately with this story line has gone far beyond stretched an fans are beginning to waver. The arc needs to go somewhere. I just hope that this isn't signs of the series ending.but then again, I guess they all can't be like Naruto" and One piece. Those I fear most if ever I took reading from the start. The was one fighting (I think boxing) with more chapters, like 1,000 + and still going. Talk about dedication there.

message 50: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
I would have to agree, that is way more dedication than what I could ever muster.

I also have to agree that if the series (Skip Beat)were to end like how it is now, it just wouldn't do the series justice. It's meant to be corky and funny with just a babble of serious. You know? There has to be some motivation for everyone willing to not pursue love. haha

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