After Dark discussion

Horror > Horror

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message 1: by Sherri (new)

Sherri Claytor (sherrileeclaytor) | 26 comments Mod
Has any horror books sent a chill up your spine lately?

message 2: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrilovescrows) | 2 comments I am currently reading Shadows on the Sun by Richard Matheson and it is defintiely got ominous tones so far

message 3: by Sherri (new)

Sherri Claytor (sherrileeclaytor) | 26 comments Mod
Haven't read that. I went and read the blurb. It looks good. I'm going back to oldies but goodies. Just starting King's "It". I read it years ago. Terrified of creepy clowns. lol

message 4: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrilovescrows) | 2 comments I hate clowns!

message 5: by Sherri (new)

Sherri Claytor (sherrileeclaytor) | 26 comments Mod
I know. My daughter-in-law wouldn't go near one at the fair. Made a huge detour to avoid him. lol

message 6: by Greg (new)

Greg Chapman | 4 comments I'm currently reading The Strain by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan.

It's the first in a creepy apocalyptic vampire trilogy... no sprakly vampires here!

Well worth a read!

message 7: by Mark (new)

Mark McLaughlin (mark_mclaughlin) | 26 comments The creepiest horror books are by Basil Copper Basil Copper -- a British writer who recently passed away. His works have a beautifully macabre texture, as soft as black velvet and twice as dark. Seek out his books and read them! I am proud to say, he was a friend of mine: we chatted at a couple conventions and exchanged a lot of correspondence. He was a wonderful Old World gentleman.

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