Chicks On Lit discussion

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Archive 08-19 GR Discussions > June Nominations *CLOSED*

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message 1: by Holli (new)

Holli June Book Nomination Time

** First 12 nominations will be up for a vote.

** Please post title AND author, no other info needed.

** NO need for seconding or voting at this point. Once the nominations are in I'll create a poll for voting.

** If you nominate a book and it wins YOU will need to lead the discussion or make arrangements for someone else to do that. PLEASE keep that in mind when you nominate a book and remember this is for June.

** Top two vote getters will be our books for June.

** Authors may not nominate their own books.

message 2: by Britt☮ (last edited Apr 13, 2010 03:36PM) (new)

message 3: by AJ (last edited Apr 15, 2010 07:50AM) (new)

AJ (anersword) | 121 comments Oh good Britt, I have that one on my shelf to read!

Baba Yaga Laid an Egg by Baba Yaga Laid an Egg (Myths) by Dubravka Ugrešić Dubravka Ugrešić

message 4: by Monica (new)

Monica (imelda85) Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill

message 6: by Holli (new)

Holli Great book Tanja!!

message 8: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Honolulu by Alan Brennert

message 9: by Jennifer W (new)

Jennifer W | 2175 comments The Night Villa by Carol Goodman

message 10: by Usako (new)

Usako (bbmeltdown) | 654 comments Thanks, Holli! I have it on my TBR physical shelf :)

message 11: by Sheila , Supporting Chick (new)

Sheila  | 3485 comments Mod
Pilate's Wife, a novel of The Roman Empire, by Antoinette May

message 12: by Sherry (last edited Apr 20, 2010 07:03AM) (new)

Sherry Haynes | 1 comments Rise and Shine by Anna Quindlen

message 13: by Holli (new)

Holli Closing nominations........

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