Manga Book Club discussion

Questions > New Ideas for the Club

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message 1: by Miss, Group creator (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
Does anyone have a better way to improve the group or make it more fun?
Should we keep it the same?

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Hmmm... Maybe we can do trivia for some topics.

message 3: by Miss, Group creator (last edited Apr 07, 2010 01:09PM) (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
oh we could but I don't know how to do such things. Do we make some polls fot that?

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)


For the trivia, someone could post a question and then the other members could answer. Then another question... and so on.

message 5: by Miss, Group creator (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
ok then that would be great!!! I guess people can just do their own questions for polls.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)


message 7: by Sephiroth (new)

Sephiroth (Cinderbolt) | 186 comments masybe we can organize the topics into folders since there's so many topics.

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

etc. etc...

message 9: by Jazz (new)

Jazz | 41 comments i kinda like it when there's photos to look @.

message 10: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
i was thinking of doing that too! i guess i'll get on that so we can add our topics where they fit. then, when you add a new topic, in "folder" just select the genre you want.

message 11: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
yay! you guys have been so busy since i've been doing projects for school! slightly jealous. i'll need to play catch up in may, when school is done.

i added some more topics, and began to organize the book shelf. that'll take me a bit since there's like 500 books. but i'll get it done! kinda feel like i contribute a bit by adding all of those books. at least i get to put my extreme nerdiness to some use. though, i now feel like a complete manga bookworm

message 12: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
oohh! we should do a book of the month! it'll be fun!

message 13: by Katie (new)

Katie (shimmerpop) | 255 comments I agree, a book of the month would be fun!

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

Yeah! *muses*

message 15: by Jazz (new)

Jazz | 41 comments i would do it!

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)


message 17: by Miss, Group creator (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
Yes, sorry I am here.
Toooooooo much schoolwork and prom is this Saturday but I would love to do a book of the month.
What manga and what website can we find it at if others can not get the manga?

message 18: by Jazz (last edited Apr 20, 2010 05:35PM) (new)

Jazz | 41 comments if the manga isn't @ your library you can find most manga @ or ^^

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

*nods head until it falls off*

So what manga should we do?

message 20: by Miss, Group creator (last edited Apr 25, 2010 02:28PM) (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................I wonder what people will decide on. 07 Ghost,Kitchen Princess, or something that is popular.
Tick tock tick tock tick tock. The clock is ticking lol

message 21: by Sephiroth (new)

Sephiroth (Cinderbolt) | 186 comments bleach?

message 22: by Stephanie Fish:3 (last edited Apr 25, 2010 02:31PM) (new)

Stephanie Fish:3 | 23 comments how about RP? Do you guys already do that?

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

No, I think not something popular; something not really well known, so people can experience new manga.

message 24: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (last edited Apr 28, 2010 02:23PM) (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
you can do a monthly poll for books. pick like 4 books and add an option for "other," and just have people post the other book not listed they want to read. then the winner can be what we read for the month. you can add fun pictures to polls too. but i'm a little biased, i like polls.

but yeah, you can pick books by putting up a forum for suggesting books and/or by raiding a random member's bookshelf and pick some from what they have read/will read/are reading.

message 25: by Miss, Group creator (last edited May 01, 2010 07:11AM) (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
that is a nice idea, starbubbles but i do not know how to make a poll like that.
would you like to make it?

message 26: by Sephiroth (new)

Sephiroth (Cinderbolt) | 186 comments to make a poll, go to "Polls" and click "Create a Poll" then add the choices.

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

Did anyone put up a poll?

message 28: by Sephiroth (new)

Sephiroth (Cinderbolt) | 186 comments idk

message 29: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
i added the poll. i picked some lesser known, as well as fairly popular book titles that i have read, and that can be found at it won't be opened till the 7th, so editing can still be done to it if need be. i read a ton of shojou, so hopefully i offered at least some variety. i can't wait to see what people pick!

message 30: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
oh, i have it set up to read for june, that way we can vote this month, and read the winner for the next. voting will be open from 5/7 - 5/28. then if you want, you can make a special forum for event books, or just make a normal one.

yay! i'm so excited!

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

Ok! :D

message 32: by Jazz (new)

Jazz | 41 comments got it!

message 33: by Miss, Group creator (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
Thanks so Much !!!

message 34: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
no problem!

message 35: by Katie (new)

Katie | 5 comments Has anyone here seen or read Fullmoon wo Sagashite? It's pretty popular. There is also a manga Im reading called Ouran High School Host Club! It is hilarious. One of the characters reminds me so much of momiji!(sp?)

message 36: by Anika (new)

Anika Oh! I know Ouran High School Host Club! I used to watch these videos with my sister! It's hilarious :)

message 37: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
i love host club! i have picked up full moon a couple of times, but i always seem to put it back down.

message 38: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
oh, i added wish for our book of the month. would you like me to create an "event" for it? it's no biggie either way. i can also create another poll for july if you'd like. just let me know.

message 39: by Jazz (new)

Jazz | 41 comments Katie wrote: "...There is also a manga Im reading called Ouran High School Host Club! It is hilarious. One of the characters reminds me so much of momiji!(sp?)"

its Honey right?

message 40: by Miss, Group creator (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
Starbubbles wrote: "oh, i added wish for our book of the month. would you like me to create an "event" for it? it's no biggie either way. i can also create another poll for july if you'd like. just let me know."

Please do so. Thank you.

message 41: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
i added a poll for july and august, i hope people vote. i have trouble identifying what guys would like, so i hope there's at least one book choice that sparks some interest. well, there's always the "other" option. if you don't see what you want to read, you can always vote "other" and leave a comment with what you want to read.

oh, i sent everyone an event invite. excitement!

message 42: by Miss, Group creator (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
Starbubbles wrote: "i added a poll for july and august, i hope people vote. i have trouble identifying what guys would like, so i hope there's at least one book choice that sparks some interest. well, there's always..."

You are so helpful thank you again.

message 43: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
i was wondering if people would be interested in having "events" for when new books are released such as when skip beat! 22 comes out. it's a neat way for keeping track of when things are coming out, but it can get a bit hard to keep up.

i also added a poll for a monthly movie night. i was starting to feel that one event a month just doesn't seem to do it for our fun group.

does anyone else have any ideas for events and that sort of thing?

message 44: by Miss, Group creator (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
sounds great for the movie poll. I love Bride of the Water God. I am waiting on the new manga release of the nezt chapter.

message 45: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
i know! it's soo good! but it takes so long to be released! book 6 was delayed like 2 months. i was so upset

message 46: by Miss, Group creator (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
I wish it was faster releases. So do you think she should still go with Habeak through all that she has been through or will she go home, because she doesn't have mortality?

message 47: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
eh? are you talking about soah in vol 3?
i think that she's just linked to mui/habaek no matter what she does. i think the real question is how does mui see soah? is she a replacement for his last wife? is she the reincarnation of nakbin? or does he see and care for soah for who she is, soah?

anyway, that's what i'm dyeing to know. i think those questions will take more than a couple of volumes to not only get to, but answer.

i don't think that she'll ever become immortal. it doesn't seem like it's setting up for anything even close to that set-up.

message 48: by Miss, Group creator (new)

Miss (godblesseveryone) | 151 comments Mod
Well yes you are righ I don't think she will be immortal since that witch did something (don't wat to spoil for others hehehe). But yes this series will probably go on more. It is great but it gets me anxious to see all of it now. *.*

message 49: by Starbubbles, Respected Elder (new)

Starbubbles | 871 comments Mod
i know exactly what you mean! i felt that way about fruits basket too

message 50: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 46 comments For club ideas: I think perhaps bringing up more of the book of the month (and event the anime) and creating a speicific topic point for it would be neat. Maybe set up some questions and when each person is done answer them. Such as: Favorite character? or Favorite moment? Or make it a game. start a question, and the next person answers it then asks a question of their own for the next person. Just an idea to make it more lively.

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