/lit/ discussion

Books for our Bookshelf/Upcoming reads

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message 1: by Elitist (new)

Elitist Catturd (elitistprime) | 2 comments So, how do you guy want to decide what /lit/ reads?

message 2: by Pinkerton (new)

Pinkerton | 2 comments Dick pics

message 3: by Elitist (new)

Elitist Catturd (elitistprime) | 2 comments ...with the titles of books written on them?

Like, everyone posts a picture of their dicks and then writes the name of a book on it, and then whoever's dick is bigger that's what we read?

message 4: by Pinkerton (new)

Pinkerton | 2 comments I'm joining Shelfari... Sorry.

message 5: by Bravo (new)

Bravo Alpha (grenciae) | 1 comments Shades of Grey The Road to High Saffron (Shades of Grey, #1) by Jasper Fforde

Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde!

message 6: by Snackpackgno (new)

Snackpackgno | 1 comments BERNSTEIN BEARS!!

message 7: by Kyeisi (new)

Kyeisi | 2 comments It shouldn't be the Golden Compass. Most people have already read that if they wanted to. Its not really a hard text to grasp either. It should be something that is heavy going and you can actually discuss.

message 8: by Johann (new)

Johann Liebert | 6 comments added Finnegan's Wake to start with, but feel free to add more and get your own group going. Perhaps some philosophy books(Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, anyone?).

message 9: by Bakklo (new)

Bakklo | 1 comments Finnegans wake sounds like a good choice for a group like this. Hope that this will work out and that people will stay active!

message 10: by Tenfold (last edited Mar 31, 2010 03:53PM) (new)

Tenfold | 2 comments Yea, I'm down with a slower pace. 30ish pages a week sounds good. I vote that we start on Sunday though. Cause I don't have the book yet slash need to get this week over with before I have time to read.

Edit: Not being selfish, just assuming others are in the same boat.

message 11: by Brian (last edited May 02, 2010 03:36AM) (new)

Brian J.M. (brianjm) | 4 comments So uh, it's a new month. Time to start? Or have you already?

message 12: by Laura (new)

Laura (laurelei_) I'm guessing no one did :(

message 13: by Brian (new)

Brian J.M. (brianjm) | 4 comments A shame.

/lit/ probably forgot about this place.

message 14: by Oreo (new)

Oreo | 2 comments I SUGGEST Going Rogue An American Life by Sarah Palin BY Sarah Palin

message 15: by Joan (new)

Joan (eerie-one) | 2 comments Is this group still alive? I wouldn't mind joining in and reading a book along you, guys.

message 16: by Tyler (new)

Tyler | 3 comments I joined yesterday.
We should all pick a book.
My vote is for V.

message 17: by Joan (new)

Joan (eerie-one) | 2 comments Well is the whole finnegan's wake thing ended already? I'm in for starting a book if so.

message 18: by Johann (new)

Johann Liebert | 6 comments Probably. Tried to get it started but no one could agree on a start date.
go for whatever

message 19: by Tyler (new)

Tyler | 3 comments Somebody choose a book.
I'm getting the new kindle.I'll read anything.

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