ARCHIVED THREADS > Churchill Biography

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message 1: by Josh (new)

Josh Liller (joshism) I would like to get a recommendation on a good biography of Churchill.

Someone I know feels "The Last Lion" is the best but it is also a bit dry so I was looking for a second opinion and/or good alternatives.


message 2: by Chris (new)

Chris Waymire | 1 comments I read "The Last Lion" when I was in high school and loved it. It's what started me on reading about WWII from a British perspective.

message 3: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 19482 comments Hi Josh,
Below are a few suggestions on books covering Churchill:

Finest Years Churchill as Warlord 1940-45 Winston Churchill as Warlord 1940-45 by Sir Max Hastings by Sir Max Hastings (just released in UK)

[image error] by Carlo D'Este (own but not read)

In The Footsteps Of Churchill by Richard Holmes by Richard Holmes (own but not read)

Churchill and Australia by Graham Freudenberg by Graham Freudenberg (Excellent book covering Churchill's relationship with Australia, from the Boer War to the Cold War)

message 4: by happy (last edited Jul 18, 2012 12:56PM) (new)

happy (happyone) | 2270 comments This a short bio, less than 200 pages - just the highlights, but it is a good read and it brought out some stuff I had never heard before

Churchill by Paul Johnson by Paul Johnson

message 5: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 19482 comments Good post Happy, thanks for the recommendation.

message 6: by Tom (new)

Tom | 81 comments This one came recommended to me so I pick up a copy by have yet not a chance to read it

Churchill by Roy Jenkins by Roy Jenkins

This also comes recommended but only covers WWII, I have not a chance to read it either .
The War and Colonel Warden by Gerald Pawle

message 7: by 'Aussie Rick', Moderator (new)

'Aussie Rick' (aussierick) | 19482 comments Roy Jenkins is a well regarded author so it should be a decent read, let us know how it goes once you have had a chance to read it.

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