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Sharing e-book ARCs?

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message 1: by Kewpie (new)

Kewpie | 1 comments I keep track of all of the Advance reading copies that come into my department. I usually just put them up on a cart for teens to check out. I encourage them to write reviews for what they read.

I've recieved two e-books recently. I'm not sure how to get these out to the kids, or what I'm legally allowed to do.

I don't want to just allow anyone to download this "free" book, because then there will be copies everywhere and nothing gained for the author or the publisher.

I don't want to print these out, because they would take a whole lot of paper, and it defeats the purpose of these companies wishing to "go green" and send e-books instead of traditional ARCs. Also, I think a book that was typed out and bound together in a notebook would be unappealing to most teens.

Any suggestions about what I could do with these ebooks? So far, I'm reading them and suggesting them for purchase, but these books are missing out on the extra feedback I get from my patrons!

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