Clean Romance Cafe discussion

The Tenacious Act (One More Chapter)
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Guest Author Group Reads > Guest Author Group Read: The Tenacious Act by Marion De Ré

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message 1: by Mora (new)

Mora Wildes | 145 comments Mod
The Tenacious Act (One More Chapter) by Marion De Ré

This is the thread for the September/October Author Group Read with Guest Author, Marion De Ré. Marion will be joining us September 15th-October 14th, as we read her HOCKEY ROMANCE, The Tenacious Act.

The book is available on Amazon as an eBook, or in paperback, and is FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

So, grab a copy, read it, and join us in discussing the book over the next month.

Welcome to Clean Romance Cafe, Marion!

message 2: by Marion (new)

Marion Ré | 2 comments Thank you, Mora!
I'm so excited to be here and share Maxime and Hayley's story with you!
Feel free to ask me any questions.
Happy reading!

message 3: by Lynn (new)

Lynn | 37 comments I bought the book today. Can't wait to start reading.

message 4: by Mora (new)

Mora Wildes | 145 comments Mod
This one looks like a fun one. I hope you enjoy, Lynn!!!

message 5: by Marion (new)

Marion Ré | 2 comments Thank you, Lynn! Hope you'll enjoy it!

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