Clean Romance Cafe discussion

Novels/Novellas > Snowed In Recommendations?

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message 1: by Mora (new)

Mora Wildes | 145 comments Mod
Does anyone have any recommendations for a clean romance with a snowed in trope? Bonus points if it's an Enemies to Lovers book!

message 2: by Cali (new)

Cali Black | 34 comments Mandi Blake - Love In The Storm
not enemies to lovers though

message 3: by Mora (new)

Mora Wildes | 145 comments Mod
Thanks for the recommendation! I have read Mandi Blake before. I will have to look at this one.

message 4: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn Frank (carolynfrank) | 11 comments Thanks for the info. At $0.99 for all those books in the genre I love to read and write, how could I go wrong.

message 5: by Lynn (new)

Lynn | 37 comments Snowed In at the Event Center by Catelyn Meadows

I haven't read this one yet, but I've read other books by Catelyn and enjoyed them a lot.

message 6: by Mora (new)

Mora Wildes | 145 comments Mod
Lynn wrote: "Snowed In at the Event Center by Catelyn Meadows

I haven't read this one yet, but I've read other books by Catelyn and enjoyed them a lot."

I just looked, and it's part of a snowed in series. That's awesome!

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