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Group Reads > Group Read Nomination Rules

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message 1: by Mora (last edited Jul 15, 2024 01:19PM) (new)

Mora Wildes | 145 comments Mod
We love to introduce our readers to new authors as much as possible (That's a BIG reason this group was formed) and with that in mind, these are the guidelines for our Group Reads.

We know that it's hard for authors to get the word out about their books. However, our group reads nominations is NOT the place to promote them. Authors/Publishers nominating their own books will have those nominations deleted, without comment.

Group read nominations are monitored by one of our moderators, who then creates our polls each month. Which books make it to the final polls will be at the sole discretion of the moderator. Though, generally speaking, they will be the books with the most nominations.

Members are always able to nominate more than one book, but we suggest only nominating the books you would like to read the MOST. That way, they have a higher chance of making it to the final polls. You can also add a +1 to any books someone else has already nominated. The more nominations a book gets, the more likely that book will end up in the final polls.

Books read as Group Reads in the past will not be eligible for our final Group Reads polls. As stated above, we want to offer our members exposure to new books and authors. That being said, feel free to suggest both new and old authors in this group, as long as the book itself has not been read as a Group Read by Clean Romance Cafe in the past.

Our previous Group Reads list is here:
Previous Group Reads

If a mistake is made and an ineligible book is nominated, the moderator will let you know.

As always, to the ever-growing members of this group, thanks for visiting and partaking at the Clean Romance Cafe!

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