Clean Romance Cafe discussion

Announcements and Information > For PUBLISHERS/AUTHORS

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message 1: by Mora (new)

Mora Wildes | 145 comments Mod
Here at Clean Romance Cafe, there is NO author promotion except in the author promotion threads, UNLESS someone specifically asks what you write or they’re asking for a recommendation of a type of book, and you happen to have one in your backlist.

Please DO NOT nominate your books for our Group Reads either. We do have a Guest Author Group Read every month, and you can message me directly if you’d like to do one of those, but I will have to judge if you are a good fit for that, and there might be a waiting list.

Please DO NOT start posting about your books at random throughout the threads. I would really love for this to be a place where authors and readers can come together, but that mostly involves getting to know each other, and hopefully having some fun along the way.

If you ignore this warning more than once, and it becomes obvious to me you are purposefully ignoring this rule, I will be forced to remove you.

Sorry, but it’s just the way it has to be to keep this group to its intended purpose.

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