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Reading Progress 2024 > Jeet's Reading marathon

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message 1: by Jeet (last edited May 08, 2024 12:22AM) (new)

Jeet Bhattachariya | 2 comments Hello Everyone,
I am new to this group. At the start of this year, I decided to complete 24 books. Two in a month. So far, I have already read 11 books. And out of which, I liked the below two books the most:
1) Firebird by Perumal Murugan
2) All blood is black at Night.

Currently reading Snow by Orhan Pamuk.Let me know which one turned out to be your favourite so far.

message 2: by Gorab, TheGunman (new)

Gorab (itsgorab) | 3765 comments Mod
You are picking all nice books! All the best to a fulfilling year.

message 3: by Jeet (new)

Jeet Bhattachariya | 2 comments thanks @Gorab

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