A Good Thriller discussion

Film and Television > Favourite Actors

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message 1: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Here name as many as you want, 1 or 100 !

name any of your favourite actors

message 2: by DianeAlice (new)

DianeAlice | 171 comments Johnny Depp! For many reasons lol.

message 3: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 547 comments Harrison Ford.

And Matthew McConaughey in The Lincoln Lawyer. Other than not being built the way I envisioned Mickey Haller from the books, he nailed the part.

message 4: by Sophie (new)

Sophie | 1149 comments My favourites are:

Matthew McConaughey
Gabriel Macht (his portrayal of Harvey Specter in Suits is awesome)
Jim Broadbent
Bill Nighy (his Christmas song in Love Actually will forever be imprinted in my brain!)
Steve Carrell
Will Smith
Anthony Head (Giles from Buffy was THE man)

SUSAN   *Nevertheless,she persisted* (susan-workstosupportbookhabit) | 271 comments Benedict Cumberbatch, Anthony Hopkins,Johnny Depp, Matthew McConaughey,Idris Elba,Morgan Freeman and Tom Hiddleston.

message 6: by Jaime (last edited Mar 24, 2015 02:01PM) (new)

Jaime (jalyns7611) | 89 comments Johnny Depp
Charlie Hunnam
Leonardo DiCaprio
Gary Oldman
Brendan Frasier
Will Smith
Kevin Costner
Morgan Freeman
Steve Carrell
Harrison Ford
Nicholas Cage

message 7: by Paul (new)

Paul Alkazraji | 646 comments Liam Neeson... particularly in Schindler's List

message 8: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Barrett | 162 comments I watched The Imitation Game last night (utterly wonderful), and I have to say that Mr Cumberbatch is a superb actor.

message 9: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
YEs Liam Neeson, who I think even he is suprised how he has become an action star in his 60's !!

message 10: by Paul (new)

Paul Alkazraji | 646 comments Sean wrote: "YEs Liam Neeson, who I think even he is suprised how he has become an action star in his 60's !!"

Sean. I've seen him in Both Taken 1&2 and though he is good in harder action films, I hold a fondness for him in earlier roles... Michael Collins, Jean Val Jean etc. What say you?

message 11: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
I agree he acting was better, but I do enjoy a good action film, seen Taken 1,2 and 3.

Looking forward to Run All Night.!

message 12: by Kat (new)

Kat | 23 comments I just love Christoph Waltz! He takes his roles to the next level and hits it spot on every time!

message 13: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
A great actor

message 14: by Francesca (new)

Francesca | 8 comments Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Robert Redford
Paul Newman
Johnny Depp

message 15: by Angel (last edited Sep 29, 2015 05:48AM) (new)

Angel | 20 comments Sir Anthony Hopkins
Kerry Washington
Jamie Foxx

message 16: by Shivam (new)

Shivam (shivam21) | 57 comments Andrew wrote: "I watched The Imitation Game last night (utterly wonderful), and I have to say that Mr Cumberbatch is a superb actor."

I totally agree.

message 17: by Shivam (new)

Shivam (shivam21) | 57 comments My Favourites...

Brad Pitt (Go see "Fight Club")
Hugh Jackman ("The Prestige" , "Prisoners")
Jake Gyllenhaal ( "Enemy" , "Zodiac" , "Prisoners")
Christian Bale ( " The Machinist" "The American Psycho")
Matt Damon ( " The Bourne Series" )
Russell Crowe (" A Beautiful Mind" )
Robert Downey Jr. (any movie he is in)
and of course..
the phenomenal,
one of the BEST.. "Benedict Cumberbatch"

message 18: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Sir Anthony Hopkins, I do enjoy.

Robert Redford, still going strong with some great roles.

message 19: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9205 comments Colin Firth
Christopher Lee
Peter Cushing
Peter Lorre
William Powell
Richard Carlson
Tom Hanks
Gary Sinise

message 20: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Good mixture Kirsten.

message 21: by Susan (new)

Susan | 785 comments Gary Oldman in the remake of Tinker, Tailer ....
And Jean Reno. in The Professional, with Natalie Portman

message 22: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9205 comments He was superb in Tinker Tailor! Also his performance in The Fifth Element!

message 23: by Susan (new)

Susan | 785 comments Kirsten *Dogs Welcome - People Tolerated" wrote: "He was superb in Tinker Tailor! Also his performance in The Fifth Element!"
I haven't seen The Fifth Element. Did you see The Professional? Oldman plays a psycho cop/slash drug lord. Very scary!

message 24: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9205 comments He can do scary very well. Like Widmark in that movie with Victor Mature.

message 25: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Kiss Of Death, Kirstin, one of my all time favourites.

message 26: by Susan (new)

Susan | 785 comments Here's a newsflash for anyone in the Cambridge MA area. The Brattle theater is running a great series of noir films during July and August. You might be able to find it online if you google it. They're featuring femme fatals on Tues-Wednesdays. I'm very excited. A double feature with Robert Mitchum! Angel Face and Out of the Past. Double Indemnity and Detour in August!

message 27: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
When can I fly over ?

message 28: by Jason E. (new)

Jason E. Fort (fortress23) | 158 comments I am surprised I have never commented on this (unless I am somewhere waaaay back in the beginning; I didn't bother checking).
But Hugh Jackman is my favorite because his portrayal of my favorite comic book character, Wolverine, has in my humble opinion been perfection.
Then of course I really like Christian Bale as Batman, and I love Russell Crowe mainly for Gladiator and A Beautiful Mind and Cinderella Man. And Mel Gibson in BraveHeart and The Patriot...these are hard roles to picture anyone else filling. I watch so many Netflix TV series now, too, so I'd probably want to put some of the guys in there whom for some reason I can't place the names.

message 29: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9205 comments On this day in 1984 Richard Burton, renowned Welsh actor of stage and screen noted for his brilliant acting talent and his mellifluous baritone voice, died. Also well known for his relationship with Elizabeth Taylor.

Do you have a favorite performance?

message 30: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Where Eagles Dare...

message 31: by Magnus (new)

Magnus Stanke (magnus_stanke) | 367 comments Night of the Iguana and Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf

message 32: by Magnus (new)

Magnus Stanke (magnus_stanke) | 367 comments though maybe best of all, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold

message 33: by Susan (new)

Susan | 785 comments Kirsten *Dogs Welcome - People Tolerated" wrote: "On this day in 1984 Richard Burton, renowned Welsh actor of stage and screen noted for his brilliant acting talent and his mellifluous baritone voice, died. Also well known for his relationship wit..."
Burton was great in so many films. Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf, Spy Who Came in From the Cold are my favs

message 34: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9205 comments I've always felt James Woods was very good at doing menacing. But according to this article, the REAL James Woods is just as good at it:


message 35: by Marie (new)

Marie | 270 comments Kiefer Sutherland
Harrison Ford
Tom Selleck
Nicholas Cage
Pierce Bronson
Kevin Costner
Tom Hanks
Bruce Willis
Sean Connery
Hugh Jackman
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Slyvester Stallone

message 36: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments Kirsten *Dogs Welcome - People Tolerated" wrote: "I've always felt James Woods was very good at doing menacing. But according to this article, the REAL James Woods is just as good at it:


Dang, don't wouldn't want to have that guy mad at me

message 37: by Tim (new)

Tim Rees | 49 comments Alicia Vikander has been in a few good movies I've watched recently and Ryan Reynolds just seems to get better and better, but Daniel Day-Lewis has to epitomise acting in its purest form...

In the past I would have had to say James Stewart and Audrey Hepburn, with Sean Connery getting a big mention...

message 38: by Tom (new)

Tom Wood (tom_wood) I came into a new appreciation of Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe after seeing them in The Nice Guys:


message 39: by Susan (new)

Susan | 785 comments Javier Bardim! Soooo menacing in No Country For Old Men.

message 40: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
James Woods, very well known as NOT a nice guy.

message 41: by Tom (new)

Tom Wood (tom_wood) Sean wrote: "James Woods, very well known as NOT a nice guy."

But he did such a great job playing Hades in the animated version of Hercules!

Maybe he was typecast?

message 42: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9205 comments M wrote: "Kiefer Sutherland
Harrison Ford
Tom Selleck
Nicholas Cage
Pierce Bronson
Kevin Costner
Tom Hanks
Bruce Willis
Sean Connery
Hugh Jackman
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Slyvester Stallone"

Sylvester Stallone acts? Hmmmmm....

message 43: by Ken (new)

Ken Hulse | 19 comments Susan wrote: "Javier Bardim! Soooo menacing in No Country For Old Men."

Absolutely and with a real quiet menace .. no over acting involved

message 44: by Marie (new)

Marie | 270 comments Kirsten *Dogs Welcome - People Tolerated" wrote: "M wrote: "Kiefer Sutherland
Harrison Ford
Tom Selleck
Nicholas Cage
Pierce Bronson
Kevin Costner
Tom Hanks
Bruce Willis
Sean Connery
Hugh Jackman
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Slyvester Stallone"


lol - yeah scratch him off - lets replace him with Tommy Lee Jones

message 45: by Susan (last edited Oct 30, 2016 05:14PM) (new)

Susan | 785 comments M wrote: "Kirsten *Dogs Welcome - People Tolerated" wrote: "M wrote: "Kiefer Sutherland
Harrison Ford
Tom Selleck
Nicholas Cage
Pierce Bronson
Kevin Costner
Tom Hanks
Bruce Willis
Sean Connery
Hugh Jackman
A..." suggests cutting Sylvester Stallone

Um and maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger?

message 46: by Marie (new)

Marie | 270 comments Susan wrote: "M wrote: "Kirsten *Dogs Welcome - People Tolerated" wrote: "M wrote: "Kiefer Sutherland
Harrison Ford
Tom Selleck
Nicholas Cage
Pierce Bronson
Kevin Costner
Tom Hanks
Bruce Willis
Sean Connery

lol - you all are funny! I am not scratching off Arnold - I have about 20 dvds of him that I collect. He stays - lol

message 47: by Susan (new)

Susan | 785 comments Okay, I'll stir up more trouble. What's Tom Hanks doing on the list? He's so bland and boring. :)

message 48: by Marie (new)

Marie | 270 comments Susan wrote: "Okay, I'll stir up more trouble. What's Tom Hanks doing on the list? He's so bland and boring. :)"

You know that is funny you should say that because at one time I thought the same thing. lol

Then I saw the movie "Castaway" and my opinion changed of him. That is a great movie!

message 49: by Alexander (last edited Nov 08, 2016 02:25AM) (new)

Alexander Engel-Hodgkinson (nexus_engel) | 11 comments Denzel Washington
Sigourney Weaver
Jodie Foster
Harrison Ford
Samuel L. Jackson
Al Pacino
Robert De Niro
Clint Eastwood

2016-11-08 EDIT: Christopher Walken. I can't believe I forgot about him. :(

And for guilty pleasures:
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jason Statham
Jean-Claude Van Damme
and Nicolas Cage.

message 50: by Amy (new)

Amy (thenikitagirl) | 653 comments I love Tom Hanks, Susan! :)

Jack Nicholson
Morgan Freeman
Anthony Hopkins
Sean Penn
Edward Norton
Denzel Washington
Kevin Costner
Ryan Reynolds
Will Smith
Richard Gere
Kevin Spacey
Leonardo DiCaprio
Idris Elba
Ryan Reynolds
Christopher Meloni
Peter Gallagher
Steven Yeun
Joe Pesci
Robert DeNiro

So many more...

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