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Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America (Random House Large Print)
This topic is about Democracy Awakening
Footnotes > Democarcy Awakening - coming soon

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message 1: by Theresa (new) - added it

Theresa | 13459 comments The esteemed historian on Amercian Politics Heather Cox Richardson has a book coming out in September. There's a giveaway currently as well. I have found Richardson's regular commentary about US politics since 2016 in an historical context to be extremely helpfull and just plain interesting.

Here's her letter post on FB today about the book - a brief and fascinating writer's process when that writer is an historian writing about contemporary history.

I like her last sentence. Some of us need a bit of context optimism right now.

message 2: by Booknblues (new)

Booknblues | 10579 comments I really enjoy her daily essays and have one of her books on my

I've put this on my wishlist but also plan on entering the giveaway.

message 3: by Doughgirl5562 (new)

Doughgirl5562 | 926 comments Oooh - I may have to get this! She helps keep my world sane.

message 4: by Amy (new)

Amy | 12001 comments This will go on my list as well

message 5: by Theresa (new) - added it

Theresa | 13459 comments It is also reasonably short - 235 pages I think.

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