SOS: Serious Overload of Series discussion

Archive: Past Team Challenges > R23: Team #12 ~ Tsundoku Devourers

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message 1: by Steph, Serious series addict (last edited Apr 30, 2023 12:22PM) (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31254 comments Team #12
Captain: PrinzessBookDragon

Angie ☯

message 2: by Steph, Serious series addict (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31254 comments Just a Hop, Skip & Click Away
Happy Reading!

Shelf Announcements ~ Check for the latest shelf announcement & review the requirements for each shelf
Captain's Log ~ Share team shelf stats prior to requesting a stamp
Stamp Me! ~ Request a stamp for your bingo card
Discussions ~ Throughout the game, head here to chat with other players & shelf chant til your heart's content
Bingo Rules ~ Rules of the game
Free Space Rules ~ Where to look when pickin' your free space book
Bingo FAQ ~ Don't hesitate! If you have a question, let us know.

message 3: by Steph, Serious series addict (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31254 comments Hiya, Team Caps! Thanks for volunteering to guide your team through a round of BookShelf Bingo!

Your job, should you choose to accept it, will require a few things:
1 ~ Be our go-to person should we have any questions about your team
2 ~ Organize your teammate's weekly reads for each shelf/category so that the BSB Ninjas can quickly and easily verify and approve your stamp request(s)
2a ~ Create a master list in a post (preferably on the first page of your team's thread) and update it weekly or as often as necessary
2b ~ Post your team's stats on the Captain's Log prior to requesting a stamp
3 ~ Encourage and motivate your team (you may also ask to borrow Judithe's whip whenever necessary)
4 ~ Post regularly to ensure your team is communicating and on track each week
4a ~ Send them a PM and friendly poke if they haven't posted at least once a week, noted their book choice, and/or appear to have dropped out of webspace
5 ~ Send us a PM (Steph, Sandra or Judithe) should you need us for any reason throughout the game

message 4: by Steph, Serious series addict (last edited May 08, 2023 01:40PM) (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31254 comments Link to print a copy of your bingo card:

SOS book shelf bingo card

message 5: by Steph, Serious series addict (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31254 comments ...

message 6: by Angie ☯ (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments Hello fellow bingo players!!

Hi Prinzess! Nice to see you here and to play with you!

Hello Judithe! I don't think I've had the pleasure of teaming up with you before or for other challenges. Looking forward to "meeting" you!

message 7: by 🐉 PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ (last edited Apr 26, 2023 11:02PM) (new)

🐉  PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ | 45 comments Hheeyyy! Nice to play with you over here too Jenny! Nice to meet you Judithe ❤️📚i sent you a friend request-

message 8: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments Nice to meet you all! Apologies on the delay! (Thursday is one of my longer work days!)

I'm excited about Bingo, and looking forward to all the new2me books.

Prinzess~thanks for the request and accepted.

BTW, I think I'm in a bit of a different timezone from you both (Japan) so may be out of sync in posting times.

I've lost my name-creativity, so hoping you'll have some ideas! Who wants to be captain?

message 9: by 🐉 PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ (last edited Apr 27, 2023 08:15AM) (new)

🐉  PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ | 45 comments so, what time is it over there in Japan right now. i am on the West coast of the US- it's 8 am--

i can captain, i'd rather not.... 🤣😂🤣😂SO EITHER of you- feel free. i will be captain tho if need be
which shelves are y'all excited about??
i think for me- vampires, fae and urban fantasy. i am least excited about the cozy mystery square because i don't read cozy mystery.

message 10: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments Not sure if Judithes' still up Prinzess, its just after midnight where she is.

🐉  PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ | 45 comments Sandra wrote: "Not sure if Judithes' still up Prinzess, its just after midnight where she is."

oh ok

message 13: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments Hooray! I found one on the list, and will post details here later...

Was up after midnight...but reading!!! LOl...and read too late to finish the current book so I could start today's first shelf read. Rushing off to work now!

message 14: by Angie ☯ (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments I prefer not to be captain this round because I will be traveling 12 days in June and will not have computer access. I can do it, if no one else wants to....if the game runs past June 10, we may be at a disadvantage though.

message 15: by Angie ☯ (last edited Apr 27, 2023 07:29PM) (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments Shelf #1 ~27 April: Detective
DIRECT LINK(s) ~ a character who is a detective or police officer; series or title contains “Detective” -or- Paranormal Detective / Detectives

message 16: by Angie ☯ (last edited Apr 27, 2023 07:19PM) (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments Selection Post ... Shelf #1 ... Detective

Devils and Details (Ordinary Magic, #2) by Devon Monk
Book: Devils and Details by Devon Monk
Series: Ordinary Magic #2 | Media: Audio / Kindle
How it Fits: MC (Delaney) is Police Chief
Read: xx/xx/xx | Pages: 308 | Rating:

🐉  PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ | 45 comments I can do it, I know you are doing TT also. Ok??

message 18: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments Angie, there are 2 links, not 1. Detective & Detectives. There are some different books on them.

message 19: by Angie ☯ (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments PrinzessBookDragon wrote: "I can do it, I know you are doing TT also. Ok??"

Yes!! Thank you :-)

message 20: by Angie ☯ (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments Sandra wrote: "Angie, there are 2 links, not 1. Detective & Detectives. There are some different books on them."

Oops! I thought it should have been two but wasn't seeing the break inbetween them!

Thanks, Sandra!!

message 21: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments You're welcome :)

message 22: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments Selection Post

Shelf #1 ~ 28 April: Detective
Midnight Magic by Jo-Ann Carson

Midnight Magic (A Ghost & Abby Mystery, #1) by Jo-Ann Carson
Shelved 1 time (Paranormal Detective)
# page: 200

message 23: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments PrinzessBookDragon wrote: "I can do it, I know you are doing TT also. Ok??"

Thank you! I can help, too, if something comes up.

message 24: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments Prinzess, I've added you to the Captain list for Steph to edit, when she can get to it :)

🐉  PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ | 45 comments Sandra wrote: "Prinzess, I've added you to the Captain list for Steph to edit, when she can get to it :)"

ok, thanks and ok about help <3
what are we going to call ourselves?? 🤷🏽‍♀️

message 26: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments Sorry! I'm switching my book...I read Midnight Magic, and it was an OK book, but the Kindle version is 200 p. print 198 p, and I feel like I'm cheating with this book. I checked the print version AFTERWARDS, cause I thought "Wow...that seems a little short."

Anyway, new selection post below. Will also pick out my Free space today. Can't complain to "need" to read another book on this rainy holiday!

message 27: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments REVISED SELECTION POST

Shelf #1 ~ 28 April: Detective
Betrayals by Lili St. Crow

Betrayals (Strange Angels, #2) by Lili St. Crow
Shelved 1 time (Paranormal Detectives)
# page: 296

message 28: by &#x1f409; PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ (last edited Apr 29, 2023 07:30AM) (new)

&#x1f409;  PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ | 45 comments Judithe wrote: "Sorry! I'm switching my book...I read Midnight Magic, and it was an OK book, but the Kindle version is 200 p. print 198 p, and I feel like I'm cheating with this book. I checked the print version A..."

no problem, no sorry needed 🧡

message 29: by Angie ☯ (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments I'm not great with Team names either, but we need one! What do you guys think?

I was trying to use "80 for Brady" as inspiration and the only thing I could come up with was Twelve for Shelves Or Twelve to Shelf. Lol, pretty lame, I know!

Here are my contributions
Twelve for Shelves / Twelve to Shelf
Bookish Daubers
Twelve for the Win
Books ... my precious
Book by Book
Daub This
(Shall We) Stay or Bin-go?

message 30: by &#x1f409; PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ (last edited Apr 29, 2023 11:36PM) (new)

&#x1f409;  PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ | 45 comments Angie ☯ wrote: "I'm not great with Team names either, but we need one! What do you guys think?

I was trying to use "80 for Brady" as inspiration and the only thing I could come up with was Twelve for Shelves Or T..."

80 for Bingo?? maybe

message 31: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments Hmm...don't actually get the "80 for Brady" reference...please enlighten me! (ugh...many "everyday" US things that I no longer "get" thanks to many, many years as an ex-pat)

I'm fine with 80 for Bingo, too.

Bookin' it or
Twelfth Shelf or
Tsundoku Devourers

&#x1f409;  PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ | 45 comments i don't get the 80 for Brady reference either. i saw it when it was floating around but never paid attention to what the meaning was

message 33: by Angie ☯ (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments Lol! It was a movie. These 4 girlfriends that liked football and were for the Patriots and loved the QB Tom Brady. They went to a Superbowl that the Patriots played in and 3 of them were either 80 years old or in their 80s. So the movie was called Eighty for Brady.

I don't know why I was using that for inspiration! Lol!

Oh!! I like Tsundoku Devourers!!

message 34: by &#x1f409; PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ (last edited Apr 30, 2023 07:15PM) (new)

&#x1f409;  PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ | 45 comments Tsundoku Devourers, i'm good with that too. tho i can't play that game to save my life.... 🤣😂

message 35: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments Team name added.

message 36: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments Completion Post

Shelf #1 ~ 28 April: Detective
Betrayals by Lili St. Crow

Betrayals (Strange Angels, #2) by Lili St. Crow
Shelved 1 time (Paranormal Detectives)
# page: 296
Date finished: 05/01/23 (M-D-Y)
Rating: ★★★★☆

I read the first in this series in December 2019. I didn't pick it up again and have no idea why...I also couldn't remember the story well. So, I was a bit worried about whether I would enjoy this read or not.

In the first pages, the incredible descriptions really hit me. That alone drew me in. I did recall more of the story as it continued, and eagerly read to see what would come next.

Dru Anderson has found out that what she thought she knew about herself was not quite accurate. She's got one, maybe two friends, stashed in a supposedly-safer location (a secret New England Schola or school for the wulfen and djampirs), but a series of betrayals, possibly from before her birth, make it quite likely she won't survive school.

There are attacks, discoveries, angst, complicated relationships, a possible love triangle, and incredibly gritty descriptions of the "Real World" (which is what Dru calls the paranormal world). I don't like all the things on that list, but I did really enjoy this story. The main characters survive the schola attacks, but the leader of the betrayal is still a mystery, as is whether they and those who joined them after the schola-attacks will actually continue to survive.

I'm wishlisting the next will either fit another shelf or be a post-Bingo read!

message 37: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments PrinzessBookDragon wrote: "Tsundoku Devourers, i'm good with that too. tho i can't play that game to save my life.... 🤣😂"

Ahh..not Sudoku, but Tsundoku. Tsundoku is a Japanese word...that aptly describes a habit many of us (me!) have:

Tsundoku (積ん読) refers to the phenomenon of acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them. It is also used to refer to books ready for reading later when they are on a bookshelf.Tsundoku (積ん読) refers to the phenomenon of acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them. It is also used to refer to books ready for reading later when they are on a bookshelf.

message 38: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments I still can't decide a Free Space book....argh.........

Tomorrow's quest.... (I'm on holiday until Saturday~very happy to now be on Golden Week holidays!)

&#x1f409;  PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ | 45 comments you know what?? i saw the word Tsundoku and was thinking of that game sudoku which is why i made the comment i made. 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 I'm glad no one replied to my comment.

message 40: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments Prinzess, to request a stamp you need to post the request in the Stamp Request folder with a link to the Captain's Log. The Captain's Log is the info in the above post except with the actual links to the reviews in your team thread.

Have a look at the other 2 teams that have requested a stamp already, for inspiration.

&#x1f409;  PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ | 45 comments Sandra wrote: "Prinzess, to request a stamp you need to post the request in the Stamp Request folder with a link to the Captain's Log. The Captain's Log is the info in the above post except with the actual links ..."


&#x1f409;  PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ | 45 comments Judithe wrote: "I still can't decide a Free Space book....argh.........

Tomorrow's quest.... (I'm on holiday until Saturday~very happy to now be on Golden Week holidays!)"

whooo hoooo, aren't vacations the best!!??

message 43: by Angie ☯ (last edited May 03, 2023 04:03PM) (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments Selection Post ... Free Space

Celebrity in Death (In Death, #34) by J.D. Robb
Book: Celebrity in Death by J.D. Robb
Series: In Death #34 | Media: Audio / Kindle
How it Fits: on SOS Best of list ~ SOS' Best of: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Series
Read: xx/xx/xx | Pages: 389 | Rating:

message 44: by Angie ☯ (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments Completion Post ... Shelf #1 ... Detective

Devils and Details (Ordinary Magic, #2) by Devon Monk
Book: Devils and Details by Devon Monk
Series: Ordinary Magic #2 | Media: Audio / Kindle
How it Fits: MC (Delaney) is Police Chief
Read: 04/28/23 | Pages: 308 | Rating: ★★★★☆
I've had this series on my to read list for quite a while and finally picked up the first book in November. I was sad that I waited so long to start the series. But, life and challenges seem to dictate what I read and here is it 5 months later before I got to the 2nd book. And....I liked it even better than the first!

Delaney Reed is the Police Chief in Ordinary, where she and her sisters protect the residents of the town and the gods who vacation there. They certainly have lots to keep them busy! In just a few days time the god powers are stolen, vampires are being killed and an ancient enemy is pushing for a war!

The author uses humor and great one liners to keep the book light and enjoyable. The series has been great fun so far and I'm looking forward to more!

message 45: by Angie ☯ (new)

Angie ☯ | 549 comments Completion Post ... Free Space

Celebrity In Death (In Death, #34) by J.D. Robb
Book: Celebrity in Death by J.D. Robb
Series: In Death #34 | Media: Audio / Kindle
How it Fits: on SOS Best of list ~ SOS' Best of: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Series
Read: 05/02/23 | Pages: 395 | Rating: ★★★★★
Doesn't matter how many books in this series that I read, I still love them! Eve, Roarke, Peabody have become like old friends. I look forward to hearing about their latest adventures.

Eve is my hero. She is snarky, anti-social and doesn't get the obsesison with stuff and dressing up that everyone else enjoys. A woman after my own heart! Lol!

This installment finds our characters in the midst of a dinner party with the cast of an upcoming move/vid about one of Eve's cases. And, wouldn't you know it....the party ends with a murder, giving Eve a house full of suspects. It was an interesting twist to have the main characters also portrayed by actors in the book. Eve and Peabody are determined to get to the bottom of the mystery but it takes some double tracking this time around!

message 46: by &#x1f409; PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ (last edited May 04, 2023 04:56PM) (new)

&#x1f409;  PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ | 45 comments Week 2 shelf:
4 May: May Day
DIRECT LINK(s) ~ book released in May of any year; character, title or series name contains "May"; author first or last name begins with M or D

message 47: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments Hmmm...still thinking on this one!

message 48: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments OK...I'd started a re-read of the Argeaneau series by Lynsay Sands, and I'll jump out of order to ones I haven't read for this shelf (The Reluctant Vampire in May 2011) and Free Space (from the SOS BEST OF: Paranormal Romance Series list).

I'll put up a "proper" selection post tomorrow, just letting you know now so you don't think I fell off the face of the earth....

message 49: by Judithe, Soap Operas never end.... (new)

Judithe | 6566 comments PrinzessBookDragon wrote: "Judithe wrote: "I still can't decide a Free Space book....argh.........

Tomorrow's quest.... (I'm on holiday until Saturday~very happy to now be on Golden Week holidays!)"

whooo hoooo, aren't vac..." went a little off and ended up not being very vacation-y...deep sigh. But I did get to enjoy sleeping in and reading very, very, very late at night.

&#x1f409;  PrinzessBookDragon &#x1f451;&#x1f336;️ | 45 comments Judithe wrote: "OK...I'd started a re-read of the Argeaneau series by Lynsay Sands, and I'll jump out of order to ones I haven't read for this shelf (The Reluctant Vampire in May 2011) and Free Space (from the SOS..."

🤭we know you are here and thanks for letting us know. sorry the vaca wasn't a true vaca but i'm happy you got to read! 📚🧚🏽‍♀️🔖

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