book club ANS 2022-2023 discussion

The Maze Runner (The Maze Runner, #1)
This topic is about The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner #1

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Finished reading it in the morning. It was a lame game of remembering; way too overhyped. I'm not a fan of the Sci-fi and adventure genres anyways so it's no surprise I'm giving it 3/5.

The author wrote down every single thing to the exact detail. It's annoying because he could just state a sentence or two that'll help the reader imagine the scene. It's like this book was written for kids who still aren't fully aware about how things work in the world; they would've found the details useful, along with the movie producers. I sure didn't. I will admit I did have high hopes for it since about everybody I know has watched the movie, which I think is probably better than the book. That's no coincidence with all the support from those details.

You might be wandering why I'm so conscious of those details. I'll keep this straight: I like my books precise and concise. Details are accepted as long as the reader must know about them. They're also fine if they actually add up to the description and action scenes. This is important for me as a lot of unnecessary details keeps me from continuing the book. I really think the book could've been shrunk if the text was precise and concise. Now, this doesn't mean books with a lot of details are bad and I'll always try to avoid them; no way it's like that. It's just how I like my books. Plus, I read a really good great page-turning mystery thriller before reading this; explains why I procrastinated with this book for two weeks.

The book did have a good plot, which just makes it a better choice to turn it into a movie. To be frank, it just seemed like a movie novelization the whole time I was reading it. The blame goes on me, too; I shouldn't have watched the trailer before reading the book itself.

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