The Procrastinators Book Club discussion

Ace of Spades
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★Buddy/Group Read Retirement★ > Ace of Spades (November 2022) Buddy Read Discussion - Cat & Allyson

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message 1: by mina, Group/Buddy Reads Procrastinator (new)

mina | 2778 comments Mod
Welcome to the Ace of Spades Buddy Read Discussion thread! This thread officially opens on November 18th and anyone can join at any time. Please keep in mind that spoilers are allowed in this thread but only up to the group's current reading place. Do not spoil the book if you've read further than the group. Any extra days can be used to catch up!

Each day we will be reading by chapters or page numbers. Page numbers are an approximation based on the hardcover or paperback that is the default on Goodreads. The suggested Buddy Read discussion schedule is as follows:

Week of 11/18
November 18: Chapter 1-6
November 19: Chapter 7-12
November 20: Chapter 13-24

Week of 11/21
November 21: Chapter 25-30
November 22: Chapter 31-36
November 23: Chapter 37-42
November 24: Chapter 43-Epilogue

~ Cat
~ Allyson

Allyson (positivelybooked) | 106 comments I've been putting this book off for so long! I can't wait to finally get to it!

aikaterine (missaikaterine) | 320 comments Ah!!! I *finally* got around to starting it only yesterday! I don't know if I'll have enough time to finish it in time for the challenge, but I'm happy to be discussing it with you nonetheless. xD

Have you started it yet?

Allyson (positivelybooked) | 106 comments I just started it a few days ago! I’m still trying to gauge how I feel but the car accident that’s mentioned put me off a little bit but that’s just because of some personal trauma lol

aikaterine (missaikaterine) | 320 comments I actually read this chapter this morning and it coincides with a similar incident I read about in the news only yesterday, which made me momentarily put it down to get a break, so I can only imagine how it must feel if you are involved personally.
Don't worry about it at all if you want to put it down!

Allyson (positivelybooked) | 106 comments I’ve gotten past the hard part where it was first mentioned. I just might need to take a few breaks from it but I’ll definitely keep going!

aikaterine (missaikaterine) | 320 comments Allyson wrote: "I’ve gotten past the hard part where it was first mentioned. I just might need to take a few breaks from it but I’ll definitely keep going!"

That's great then! Can't wait to discuss it with you! :)

Allyson (positivelybooked) | 106 comments I'm currently on Chapter 14 and I'm trying so hard to figure out who Aces is. Do you have any predictions????

Allyson (positivelybooked) | 106 comments Update: on chapter 27. Cannot believe what I just read

Allyson (positivelybooked) | 106 comments I finished it and HOLY CRAP

aikaterine (missaikaterine) | 320 comments Hey Allyson, sorry for going MIA, it's been busy!

I finally finished Part I yesterday, and I've got to say I'm more and more intrigued the more I read into it.

Since you finished it, I can go into in depth/spoiler-y stuff, though, hihi!

Terrell seems suspicious to me, how he inserted himself into Devon's life and claims that Von doesn't remember him, hmmmm...

Also, is it Jamie? He's such a horrible character so far x_x

Allyson (positivelybooked) | 106 comments As much as I want to just flat out tell you who it is, I have to keep it a secret! I definitely had the same thoughts as you, though. It’ll blow your mind once it’s revealed!

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