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A coffee with Archangels: Light coaching for a better life
This topic is about A coffee with Archangels
Nonfiction > Book review wanted

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message 1: by Isa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Isa Millot | 8 comments Hello to all,
My book A coffee with Archangelswas released on 13 September.
I would like to share it with members who are interested in doing a review. I can send it to you in PDF format.

“If it sounds incredible, believe it! If it seems insurmountable, work around it! If you think you can't do it, look how far you've come! If it seems impossible, do it!”
Archangel Gabriel - 2021

A Coffee with Archangels is a heartfelt dialogue by the author for its readers.
Psychic since her childhood, she has long been lost, subjected to the duality between her beliefs and a spirituality whose codes are imposed by men. After successive hardships, God gives her the ultimate sign to renew her faith by sending four of His most important emissaries: Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.
For one year, they stay by her side to transmit a teaching that will totally transform her life: the Light Coaching.
Everyone makes mistakes, but change, love, fulfilment, a rich and abundant life are rights that belong to all of us. The Archangels Light Coaching is a self-help tool to increase your success, aimed at developing your highest potential. With Michael, free yourself from the toxic bonds that block upward movement. Let Gabriel open you to the inner guidance that will reveal life's mission that will push you to the right place. Raphael teaches how to effectively use the Law of Attraction to restore your personal magnetism, unlock abundance, create great manifestations and achieve fulfilling relationships. Beam up with Uriel to succeed in harmony with your own plan.
Let divine wisdom guide you to turn your dreams into reality and create miracles in your life!

If you are interested, do not hesitate to write to me at

If you are an author, I can also read and publish a review of your book in exchange. Let's be solidary and benevolent, let's discover our work :-)

Isa Millot

message 2: by Tomisin (new)

Tomisin John | 6 comments Hello guys,

I would like you guys to check out a book on Amazon titled 'The Loneliness Cure'. Here's the link:

The book is a self help book that helps people to overcome and conquer loneliness and it also teaches you ways in which you can make more friends and so on. Kindly check out the book and leave a review. Thank you. If you a need a free copy of the book feel free to inbox me.

message 3: by Tomisin (new)

Tomisin John | 6 comments Hello guys,

I would like you guys to check out a book on Amazon titled 'The Loneliness Cure'. Here's the link:

The book is a self help book that helps people to overcome and conquer loneliness and it also teaches you ways in which you can make more friends and so on. Kindly check out the book and leave a review. Thank you. If you a need a free copy of the book feel free to inbox me.

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