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message 1: by Frances (new)

Frances Richardson | 73 comments Wow!

message 2: by Frances (new)

Frances Richardson | 73 comments Thank you, Adrian. I enjoyed your review very much.

message 3: by Carmen (new)

Carmen Hartono | 147 comments Adrian wrote: "Hi all. My most recent read was the book The Political Pope: How Pope Francis Is Delighting the Liberal Left and Abandoning Conservatives by George Neumayr. If any of you have read it or are willin..."

wow ... how does the author address the immorality of Trumpism and conservative Catholics blind following of the former president?

message 4: by Carmen (new)

Carmen Hartono | 147 comments Adrian wrote: "@Carmen – Not really. For that topic, I would suggest the book Unholy: Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump"
I'll look into it.

message 5: by Carmen (last edited Aug 31, 2022 01:07PM) (new)

Carmen Hartono | 147 comments Adrian wrote: "@Carmen – Not really. For that topic, I would suggest the book Unholy: Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump"
I looked into the book criticizing Donald Trump, but it does not seem to address my original question. So let me try to ask it differently.
From my perspective, the book 'The Political Pope' is based on the incorrect premise that the Holy Father is running for a political office in the US. But putting that reality aside, one can do an academic exercise and ask if the Pope is truly abandoning Catholics with a particular political perspective in the US.
But as you rightly suggested, it is White Evangelicals, not Catholics, who "worship at the altar of Donald Trump." So my questions still remains: How does the author connect the leader of the Roman Catholic Church to the politics of Trump and his white evangelical followers?

message 6: by SUSAN (new)

SUSAN | 6 comments I am adding this book to my reading list, thanks to your review!

message 7: by SUSAN (new)

SUSAN | 6 comments I am adding The Political Pope to my reading list. Neuman Dr is an intrepid independent journalist. Great review by Adrian.

message 8: by Carmen (last edited Sep 01, 2022 11:16AM) (new)

Carmen Hartono | 147 comments Adrian wrote: "@Carmen - Contrary to your speculation, the book is not based on the incorrect premise that Pope Francis is running for a political office in the US. Neither does the book suggest that the Pope is ..."

Thank you, Adrian, for the clarification.
I am an immigrant to the US born in El Salvador. I am definitely familiar with the global conflict against liberation theology. The archbishop Saint Oscar Romero was martyred for his faith.

But this leads to another question. Is it correct to call the alt-right who called for Romero's death "traditionalist Catholics?" Hitler, Mussolini and Franco were all Catholic. But is it correct to state that this conservative viewpoint is "Catholic?"

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