Goodreads Choice Awards Book Club discussion

The Paper Palace
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Archive - Buddy Reads 2022 > The Paper Palace - March 18th

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message 1: by Savanes, Moderator (last edited Feb 06, 2022 06:12AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Savanes | 2107 comments Mod
Some of us are planning to read The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller in March.

The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller

We will start reading on March 18, though this date is subject to change.

It is a perfect July morning, and Elle, a fifty-year-old happily married mother of three, awakens at "The Paper Palace" -- the family summer place which she has visited every summer of her life. But this morning is different: last night Elle and her oldest friend Jonas crept out the back door into the darkness and had sex with each other for the first time, all while their spouses chatted away inside.

Now, over the next twenty-four hours, Elle will have to decide between the life she has made with her genuinely beloved husband, Peter, and the life she always imagined she would have had with her childhood love, Jonas, if a tragic event hadn't forever changed the course of their lives.

As Heller colors in the experiences that have led Elle to this day, we arrive at her ultimate decision with all its complexity. Tender yet devastating, The Paper Palace considers the tensions between desire and dignity, the legacies of abuse, and the crimes and misdemeanors of families.

Everyone is welcome to join, just leave a comment below to let us know you'll be reading with us. Please remember to use spoiler tags when discussing.

message 2: by Heather (new) - added it

Heather | 118 comments I will join in for this read in March! Looking forward to it!

message 3: by Savanes, Moderator (new) - rated it 3 stars

Savanes | 2107 comments Mod
Glad to have you with us Heather!

Vicki Willis | 997 comments Can't wait for this one!

Kathy Huynh (cordiallykathy) | 17 comments Joining!

Vicki Willis | 997 comments My hold came in from the library. I will be doing this one on audible.
I am ready for a March 18 start.
Everyone else still good to go?

message 7: by Heather (new) - added it

Heather | 118 comments I’m still waiting on this one from the library but should have it next week! I will catch up!

message 8: by Savanes, Moderator (new) - rated it 3 stars

Savanes | 2107 comments Mod
Yes march 18th it is!

Vicki Willis | 997 comments I started this one on audible, but only got about 4 chapters in.

Spoilers End of Chap 4
So far it isn't what I expected (view spoiler)

message 10: by Savanes, Moderator (last edited Mar 21, 2022 07:36AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Savanes | 2107 comments Mod
I'm at chapter 4 too... You must be further along now. I was so shocked about (view spoiler)

Vicki Willis | 997 comments Yep Savanes - that def woke me up too.

I am at the End of Chapter 13.
(view spoiler)

message 12: by Savanes, Moderator (new) - rated it 3 stars

Savanes | 2107 comments Mod
Vicki Willis wrote: "Yep Savanes - that def woke me up too.

I am at the End of Chapter 13.

The beach scene - Another wake you up moment!

I don't pity her either. The characters are all very interesting though.

I can't read your spoiler but do you like the book so far?

Vicki Willis | 997 comments I wasn't too sure about it at first, but it has gotten dark and twisted and I can't imagine where this is going.
How far have you gotten and what do you think?

message 14: by Vicki Willis (last edited Mar 27, 2022 12:09AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Vicki Willis | 997 comments End of 14

The build up is killing me as to what (view spoiler)

message 15: by Savanes, Moderator (new) - rated it 3 stars

Savanes | 2107 comments Mod
Vicki Willis wrote: "I wasn't too sure about it at first, but it has gotten dark and twisted and I can't imagine where this is going.
How far have you gotten and what do you think?"

Not very far, chapter 6... I think I'm going to switch to audio. I'm too tired at night for this book so I read 3 pages and fall asleep. :(

message 16: by Savanes, Moderator (new) - rated it 3 stars

Savanes | 2107 comments Mod
Vicki Willis wrote: "The build up is killing me as to what
When can I read this spoiler?

Vicki Willis | 997 comments Savanes wrote: "Vicki Willis wrote: "The build up is killing me as to what
When can I read this spoiler?"

Edited post for spoiler point

Vicki Willis | 997 comments Savanes wrote: "Vicki Willis wrote: "I wasn't too sure about it at first, but it has gotten dark and twisted and I can't imagine where this is going.
How far have you gotten and what do you think?"

Not very far, ..."

I like the audio version.

End of part 2
This whole book is uncomfortable.
Very different than expected.

message 19: by Vicki Willis (last edited Mar 29, 2022 01:00PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Vicki Willis | 997 comments I am at the end of Chap 24

I am listening to it on audible from the library and it is expiring today! I can't keep it because others are waiting for it. so I put myself back on the hold list. I am 43rd.
BUT where I live we have the city and county library systems, so I put another hold with the county and it says 2 days.

How are you guys finding this one?

Spoiler for the end of Chap. 24
I am at the part where: (view spoiler)

Vicki Willis | 997 comments Ok
I got it back from the library and finished it.

Let me know when you finish - I want to discuss the ending.
(view spoiler)

message 21: by Savanes, Moderator (new) - rated it 3 stars

Savanes | 2107 comments Mod
I'm at chapter 23... waiting to read your previous spoiler...

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