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Monthly "Reads" > Kari's Auspicious August

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message 1: by Kari (last edited Sep 01, 2020 09:32AM) (new)

Kari | 149 comments I think I read too much in August! Mostly to cope with a pretty crazy month. I suppose it's not the most unhealthy of coping mechanisms, and I had some really good reads.

Widow's Point by Richard Chizmar
Horror novella 3/5 stars
An author of the supernatural locks himself in a haunted lighthouse

The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James
Mystery/thriller/horror 5/5 stars
A college-aged girl searches for a missing aunt she never met in a small town where missing girls are a bit too common

Still Life by Louise Penny
Cozy-ish mystery 4/5 stars
A close-knit community in a small French-Canadian village is turned upside down when one of their own is killed

The Girl in the Tower by Katherine Arden
Fantasy/historical fiction 3/5 stars
The second in a trilogy following Vasya, a girl rebelling against her lot in life as she contends with ancient but fading magical forces in medieval Russia

Bind, Torture, Kill: The Inside Story of the Serial Killer Next Door by Roy Wenzl
True crime 2/5 stars
Documents BTK's killings by the reporters who covered his crimes over the decades he was active

Servant of the Underworld by Aliette de Bodard
Fantasy 3/5 stars
A High Priest of the Dead investigates a priestess' murder in an Aztec world where the gods' magic are part of everyday life

An American Princess: The Many Lives of Allene Tew by Annejet van der Zijl
Historical biography 3/5 stars
The story of Allene Tew, American socialite turned European aristocrat

The Hole by Hye-Young Pyun
Psychological horror 2/5 stars
A man finds himself paralyzed after an accident which kills his wife, and is left with only his mother-in-law to take care of him

The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia by Candace Fleming
Non-fiction/history 4/5 stars
A history covering the social and political issues in Russia that led to the Russian revolution and the royal family's demise

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
Memoir 5/5 stars
Anne Frank's diary, with more original/unedited content

The Immortality Virus by Christine Amsden
Science-fiction 3/5 stars
A virus that causes humanity to stop aging leads to widespread poverty and violence, and a former cop is asked to find the man responsible

The Stranger Diaries by Elly Griffiths
Mystery 4/5 stars
Gothic murder mystery involving English teachers, diaries, and lots of literary references

What the Cat Dragged In by Molly Milligan
Cozy paranormal mystery 3/5 stars
A Welsh hedge witch digs up a body in her garden, the ghost of which inconveniently begins haunting her

Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Science-fiction/fantasy 5/5 stars
"Lesbian necromancers in space" really says it all

message 2: by Merrilee in AZ (new)

Merrilee in AZ | 1120 comments Good month. I enjoyed The Sundown Motel

message 3: by Melodie (new)

Melodie (melodieco) | 3679 comments You DID read a lot! Good month!

message 4: by Ann (new)

Ann (annrumsey) | 16232 comments Kari: what a nice variety, in addition to quantity! I do know what you mean, especially if the extra reading was for coping with a crazy month, but can we really ever read too much? I always want more no matter how much i read. Lol
I am intrigued by The Immortality Virus... but do I really want more time spent thinking about another virus? Why not!?! The latest Louise Penny book released today, so much good in that series if you are just starting it!
Ahhh, Anne Frank. Such an important book. It breaks my heart each time I read it.
I suppose your 2/5 stars for the BTK Killer book says enough, I was intrigued at first glance but it sounds like the style of the writing is difficult. Several others look so tempting.
Month end lists are terrific for finding new books to add to the piles. :)

Kari wrote: "I think I read too much in August! Mostly to cope with a pretty crazy month.

message 5: by Sherry (new)

Sherry  | 4286 comments i don't think you can ever read too much in one month!

message 6: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie I have read and enjoyed many of these (am now looking to read the newest Penny as I've read the whole series.) I am adding The Sun Down Motel to my tbr shelf now and hoping I've found another author to follow.

message 7: by Kari (new)

Kari | 149 comments Ann wrote: "Month end lists are terrific for finding new books to add to the piles. :)"

Yes, my TBR list always grows quite a bit after reading these lists! Someone rec'd Penny to me in this group and I'm very indebted. (Maybe you?)

Bonnie wrote: "I have read and enjoyed many of these (am now looking to read the newest Penny as I've read the whole series.)"

I'm so behind on a lot of these series people have been reading since I only recently got back into the mystery genre, but I did love Still Life so much and will definitely pick up the others!

Sherry wrote: "i don't think you can ever read too much in one month!"

I think my boss begs to differ, haha! But no, definitely an enjoyable month despite the lack of anything else I got done. :)

message 8: by Susie (new)

Susie Fevella (susieinks) | 1736 comments You made up for my very short list this month Kari! I remember when we retired to Wichita from California it was just about the time they caught the BTK killer. Good thing I didn't know about him before we moved here!

message 9: by Dawn (new)

Dawn | 1371 comments Very impressive month! I'm anxiously waiting the new Louise Penny that series. Wasn't crazy about the first book and almost didn't go would have been a mistake!

Adding The Sun Down Motel to my TBR list as well!!

message 10: by Sherry (new)

Sherry  | 4286 comments Dawn wrote: "Very impressive month! I'm anxiously waiting the new Louise Penny that series. Wasn't crazy about the first book and almost didn't go would have been a mistake!


thanks for that. i was underwhelmed by the first one which i read quite a few years ago and never went back. everyone here says to keep reading so this was the push i needed to get back to it.

message 11: by Karly (new)

Karly | 342 comments Great month!!! Can’t ever read too much. I also use reading to cope.
Glad you enjoyed Still Life! Love the Gamache series!

message 12: by Kari (last edited Sep 07, 2020 05:33PM) (new)

Kari | 149 comments Dawn wrote: "Very impressive month! I'm anxiously waiting the new Louise Penny that series. Wasn't crazy about the first book and almost didn't go would have been a mistake!

I liked the first book quite a bit despite some obvious flaws so I'm really glad to hear it gets even better!

Adding T..."

Susie wrote: "You made up for my very short list this month Kari! I remember when we retired to Wichita from California it was just about the time they caught the BTK killer. Good thing I didn't know about him b..."

Yikes! I imagine that was a crazy time to be living there.

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