Murder and Mayhem Horror and Ghost Group discussion

Apology to Everyone

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message 1: by Ssofmind (new)

Ssofmind Dear Friends, I am so ashamed that I started this group Murder and Mayhem horror and Ghosts Group and being the Moderator have not been around to make it grow or keep it active.... I have accumilated a large amount of horror and Haunting based books but have not shared them with you.

I feel really bad that I started this group and then just disapeared. I apologize for that and promise to be more active in the group for now own.

Also, I will be posting videos from my You Tube "Murder and Mayhem Mysteries Channel as well.

I plan to be very active on Goodreads from now on. I am reading a short book now and will be posting it and giving a review soon.

In the meantime, Please excuse my absence. I truly have no excuse for it. But I promise to do better as soon as I finish the book I am currently reading.

If you have any questions or comments please post them below and I will answer as soon as I can. Again I do apologize for my absence.

message 2: by Beth (new)

Beth M. Honeycutt (bethmhoneycutt) | 15 comments No worries, people get busy. I'm sure everyone understands. :) Have a merry Christmas!

message 3: by Ssofmind (new)

Ssofmind Beth wrote: "No worries, people get busy. I'm sure everyone understands. :) Have a merry Christmas!"

Your so sweet, thank you very much.

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