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Sharing info n ideas > Rambling Ramesh: A New Book Review and Promotion Website

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message 1: by S.U. (new)

S.U. Ramesh | 174 comments Hi all,

I've launched a new book review and promotion website Rambling Ramesh with a special focus on Indian books.

For Readers:

Check out the website for book reviews and recommendations, literary crosswords and trivia, and more.

For Authors:

For book reviews, please fill out the Book Review Request Form

For book promotion, please submit a Book Promotion Request

Both reviews and promotions are free.

I hope you'll check out my website. Thank you for your time.

message 2: by Sid (new)

Sid (msudarsanak) | 184 comments Seems great, but how do we get the complete details that are required to be filled for any specific book to request for a review of the book

message 3: by S.U. (new)

S.U. Ramesh | 174 comments Sid wrote: "Seems great, but how do we get the complete details that are required to be filled for any specific book to request for a review of the book"

If you are not the author but a prospective reader, then please mention the same in the message box of the request form. The relevant details should be available on the book's Amazon page.

Or, you can drop me an email @ In this case, the title of the book you wish reviewed and its author's name will be sufficient. A link to, say the book's Amazon page, will be appreciated.

Please bear in mind I do not charge for reviews, so I depend on review copies from the author. The service is mainly geared towards authors as such.

If you are a reader who wants a book reviewed, you can still send in a request; I'll try to accommodate it, if possible.

Thanks for your interest.

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