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Top Secret
This topic is about Top Secret
Let's Buddy! - Contemporary/Rom > Top Secret by Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy --> Restarting December 10th 2020

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message 1: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
LobsterShorts, 21
Jock. Secretly a science geek. Hot AF.

LobsterShorts: So. Here goes. For her birthday, my girlfriend wants…a threesome.

SinnerThree: Then you’ve come to the right hookup app.

LobsterShorts: Have you done this sort of thing before? With another guy?

SinnerThree: All the time. I'm an equal opportunity player. You?

LobsterShorts: [crickets!]

SinnerThree, 21
Finance major. Secretly a male dancer. Hot AF.

SinnerThree: Well, I’m down if you are. My life is kind of a mess right now. School, work, family stress. Oh, and I live next door to the most annoying dude in the world. I need the distraction. Are you sure you want this?

LobsterShorts: I might want it a little more than I’m willing to admit.

SinnerThree: Hey, nothing wrong with pushing your boundaries...

LobsterShorts: Tell that to my control-freak father. Anyway. What if this threesome is awkward?

SinnerThree: Then it’s awkward. It’s not like we’ll ever have to see each other again. Right? Just promise you won’t fall in love with me.

LobsterShorts: Now wouldn’t that be life-changing...

message 2: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
I started this! So far I'm very interested

Felicia | 15003 comments Aly wrote: "I started this! So far I'm very interested"

I'm not! ),: I'm so sad. Maybe it's because I want MM and all I've gotten in the first 15% is dude talking about his six year relationship with this Annika chick. Lol.

I'm gonna stick it out until the MM comes along though. I know it'll probably get better.

message 4: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
Haha I get that but I like Luke and I'm hoping once they hook up, Keaton will drop Annika like a hot potato!!

Felicia | 15003 comments Aly wrote: "Haha I get that but I like Luke and I'm hoping once they hook up, Keaton will drop Annika like a hot potato!!"

Okay so I'm 26% in. (view spoiler)

message 6: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
25% (view spoiler)

message 7: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
Felicia wrote: "Aly wrote: "Haha I get that but I like Luke and I'm hoping once they hook up, Keaton will drop Annika like a hot potato!!"

Okay so I'm 26% in.(view spoiler)

Wait until you get halfway, then things start happening!!

message 8: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
50% (view spoiler)

Felicia | 15003 comments 39% (view spoiler)

Felicia | 15003 comments POO!

message 11: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
Felicia wrote: "POO!"


Felicia | 15003 comments 64%(view spoiler)

Felicia | 15003 comments 77%(view spoiler)

message 14: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
Ugh I want to be reading this right now! Stupid work, getting in my way of reading on my phone

message 15: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
Hey, for categories where they're looking for a specific word, it needs to be that exact word right?
Example: level 4 is the word 'abduction' and they can't use the word 'abducted' or 'abduct' or anything else

Felicia | 15003 comments Uhh, for Solo? I'd say that's fine. But you can decide what you want. If you don't want to accept it you don't have to. (:

message 17: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
Okay. Actually it's for me since I'm having a really hard time finding a book with the exact word 'Abduction' but I've found other variations lol. I just didn't want to be a cheater 😝

message 18: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
Felicia wrote: "64%Okay, I'm wondering how this is going to play out. It's already super far into the book and nothing has really happened with their relationship.

Also, that sex! UGH! So hot. HOW in the actual h..."

Haha true! First time and all

message 19: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
75% (view spoiler)
finished (view spoiler)

message 20: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
Felicia wrote: "77%[spoilers removed]"

I KNOW!!!!!

Felicia | 15003 comments I finished this a few days ago. And (view spoiler)

message 22: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
I definitely liked Him and Us way more. I want to reread the Fake Boyfriend books lol.

Felicia | 15003 comments Aly wrote: "I definitely liked Him and Us way more. I want to reread the Fake Boyfriend books lol."

I don't think we've even finished the series! LMAO.

message 24: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
We didn't! I think there's 2 more. Need to read them asap!

message 25: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (last edited Dec 09, 2020 02:18PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod



message 26: by D.G. (new) - rated it 4 stars

D.G. Hell yeah!!!

message 27: by D.G. (last edited Dec 10, 2020 03:52PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

D.G. chapter 1: (view spoiler)

chapter 7: (view spoiler)

chapter 9: (view spoiler)

chapter 16: (view spoiler)

message 28: by D.G. (last edited Dec 10, 2020 04:17PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

D.G. chapter 19: (view spoiler)

chapter 30-31: (view spoiler)

chapter 37: (view spoiler)

message 29: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
I'm sorry I'm so late!

ch 10 (view spoiler)

message 30: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
D.G. wrote: "chapter 1: [spoilers removed]

chapter 7: [spoilers removed]

chapter 9: [spoilers removed]

chapter 16: [spoilers removed]"

@ch 1 (view spoiler)

message 31: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
D.G. wrote: "chapter 1: [spoilers removed]

chapter 7: [spoilers removed]

chapter 9: [spoilers removed]

chapter 16: [spoilers removed]"

@ch 9 (view spoiler)

message 32: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77237 comments Mod
Aly wrote: "I'm sorry I'm so late!

ch 10 [spoilers removed]"

Spoiler alert: Aly wasn't sorry (lol)

message 33: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
Alaina wrote: "Aly wrote: "I'm sorry I'm so late!

ch 10 [spoilers removed]"

Spoiler alert: Aly wasn't sorry (lol)"

Haha I'm always sorry but that doesn't stop it from constantly happening

message 34: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77237 comments Mod
Aly wrote: "Alaina wrote: "Aly wrote: "I'm sorry I'm so late!

ch 10 [spoilers removed]"

Spoiler alert: Aly wasn't sorry (lol)"

Haha I'm always sorry but that doesn't stop it from constantly happening"

haha same! I don't even want to know how many BRs I'm behind right now..

message 35: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
D.G. wrote: "chapter 1: [spoilers removed]

chapter 7: [spoilers removed]

chapter 9: [spoilers removed]

chapter 16: [spoilers removed]"

@ch 16 (view spoiler)

message 36: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
ch 16 (view spoiler)

message 37: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
D.G. wrote: "chapter 19: [spoilers removed]

chapter 30-31: [spoilers removed]

chapter 37: [spoilers removed]"

ch 19 Yesss!

message 38: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
ch 20 (view spoiler)

message 39: by D.G. (new) - rated it 4 stars

D.G. On Luke's family (view spoiler)

message 40: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
D.G. wrote: "On Luke's family [spoilers removed]"

Yes, definitely!

message 41: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
ch 30 (view spoiler)
Finished (view spoiler)

message 42: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aly (alyp_01) | 28379 comments Mod
D.G. wrote: "chapter 19: [spoilers removed]

chapter 30-31: [spoilers removed]

chapter 37: [spoilers removed]"

@37 (view spoiler)

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