Weird Fiction discussion

Publishers of Weird Fiction > Weirdpunk Books

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message 1: by Dan (last edited Dec 06, 2019 10:35AM) (new)

Dan | 1330 comments

Weirdpunk Books is another publisher you may wish to bookmark and check for new entries from time to time. Keeping tabs on the publishers mentioned in this topic area of our group's Weird Fiction discussion section is an excellent way to keep abreast of what is current in modern Weird.

Their recently released anthology The New Flesh: A Literary Tribute to David Cronenberg has a lot of Modern Weird Fiction authors' contributions. The discussion group Literary Horror ( here at GoodReads is planning to discuss that book this month if you're interested.

This leads me to say that many, perhaps even half, of the members of this group are also members of that group. What we both read has a lot of overlap. I estimate about 40% of what they read could be classified as Weird Fiction as well as Literary Horror. By the same token, about the same percentage of Weird Fiction could also be classified as Literary Horror.

There are significant differences between us, however. Besides Horror, Weird Fiction draws much of its material from the Fantasy and Science Fiction fields. The Classic Weird book I have proposed for next month (January), for example, is by R.A. Lafferty. You will search in vain for a single mention of this author anywhere in the Literary Horror group's extensive discussion pages. This is because this particular Weird Fiction author comes to our field exclusively through Fantasy and Science Fiction modes. He has no interest whatsoever in Horror per se.

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