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A Tree Born Crooked
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Reader Review

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message 1: by Elgon, Moderator (new) - rated it 5 stars

Elgon Williams (elgone) | 34 comments Mod
Steph Post's A Tree Born Crooked just received a phenomenal review, Check it out an excerpt:
"A Tree Born Crooked, and Post (stylistically), constantly brought to mind really good TV. Not only Justified, though thematically and atmospherically it is the closest fit. There is a well-documented movement in TV to embrace the anit-hero. And James Hart has all the tortured, flawed, but charismatic touchstones of the best anti-heroes. But there is something else in those shows and here in this wonderful debut novel.
There is an embrace of genre. In TV, we have seen mystery, sci-fi, crime all handled with the care of a literary touch. In the wrong hands, Mad Men is a steamy, sappy soap opera. Similarly, in the wrong hands, A Tree Born Crooked is B-fiction ... a dime store novel of gritty characters playing dangerous games. But Post takes a crime novel and infuses it with her own literary touch. And, though it does contain a break-neck plot on par with Pelecanos and Burke, Post's debut is, at its heart, a gut-wrenching inner struggle between a pitch perfect anti-hero and his demons ... his crooked branches."
Read the full review and get the book for yourself at:

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