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message 1: by Danielle The Book Huntress , Loves 'Em Lethal (last edited May 30, 2019 08:15AM) (new)

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) | 9830 comments Mod

DHASG May and June Challenge

Duration: May 1-June 30, 2019


1. Any DHASG member can participate.
2. Sign up at any time during the month, but books must be read between May 1st and June 30th, 2019. Post when you sign up and update your progress regularly and when you finish. Since the challenge was posed late, feel free to go back to the 1st of May and use any books you have read that fit the challenge points.
3. Rereads are fine. Reads can overlap with other challenges on the group, but a book can only count once in this challenge.
3. In your stats, write your level, include book name, author, date read, and how it fits the particular challenge point.
4.Have fun!


1. Summer Splash: Read 20-24 books.
2. June Bug: Read 16-19 books.
3. Come What May : Read 10-15 books.


1. May Day: May 1st is a holiday that has ancient roots in celebrating the beginning of spring. You can count any book you read and finished on May, or any book that celebrates spring.
2. Date Your Mate: Since May is Date Your Mate month, read a book that celebrates romance between a married couple, ie, they were married early on (or at least one full half of the book).
3.Age is Wisdom: May is also Older Americans' Month. Read a book that celebrates the older, aged people in our lives.
4.Gifts From the Garden: May is Gifts From the Garden Month. Read a book that relates to plants and flowers you might grow and/or cultivate in one's garden. You could use a book with a cultivated plant in the name or on the cover, or about a character who is a gardener, farmer, florist, horticulturalist, or even a chef who makes food that includes a lot of grown produce.
5.Comic Book Love: The first Saturday in May is Free Comic Day. Let's celebrate the love of comic books and graphic novels by reading a book that is either a comic book or graphic novel, or an adapted novelization of a comic book. Yes, it can be a movie novelization, so long as it's originally from a comic book.
6.Space Day: The first Friday in May is the day to acknowledge space, which, according to Space.com is "outer space is a zone that occurs about 100 kilometers (60 miles) above the planet, where there is no appreciable air to breathe or to scatter light. In that area, blue gives way to black because oxygen molecules are not in enough abundance to make the sky blue." Read a book that relates to space in some way, either in a fictional or non-fictional sense. Here are some additional facts about space: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/...
7.Renewal Day: May 4th is a day to renew things in our lives that have value. Read a book that deals with this concept in some way. The lead character could be going through a process of renewal in their own lives.
8.Cinco de Mayo: May 5th is a day to celebrate Mexican and Hispanic heritage in the United States. Read a book that touches on and honors Mexican/Hispanic culture.
9.Teacher's Day: National Teacher's Day takes place on the Tuesday of the first full week of May. Let's honor teachers through our reading by selecting a book that includes a storyline or characters who are teachers or who are profoundly impacted in some way by their teachers.
10.No Diet Day:May 6th is an international day set aside to create the awareness that we can all be okay in our skin. If we want to lose weight, we should do it for healthy reasons, not out of a fear of being rejected for our size. Read a book that includes a character who has struggled with weight issues or self-esteem problems due to being larger sized.
11.: Twilight Zone Day: May 11th is a day for the bizarre, odd, strange, surreal, even scary. It's related to the classic Twilight Zone show by Rod Serling. Read a book that has any of that subject matter.
12.Mother Love:The second Sunday in May is dedicated to the mothers in our lives, either by birth or by choice. Read a book that relates to the concept of motherhood.
13.I Want Candy! June is Candy Month. Let's read a book to celebrate candy. Here's is some information about candy: https://www.milesanthonysmith.com/blo...
14.Adopt-a-Cat Month: June is the month to honor cat adoption. Read a book that features the relationship between a cat and their person.
15.Career Day: To celebrate several careers featured in May and June, this challenge ask you to read a book with a person in one of the following careers: police officer, nurse or nurse assistant, soldier, seamstress/tailor, beautician, yoga teacher.
16.Father Figure: Father's Day is the third Sunday in June. Read a book that has a prominent father figure to offspring, either by birth or choice, relationship.
17.Sporting Life: Since there are multiple June holidays related to sport/fitness activities, read a book with a character who is an athlete by career, lifestyle, or as a hobby.
18.Repeat Repeat Day: June 3rd is Repeat Day. You could meet this challenge either by rereading book you've already read, or reading a book that incorporates the concept of repeating in some way.
19.Flip a Coin Day: June 1st acknowledges the power of chance. People often flip a coin to choose heads or tails to make a difficult decision. You can flip a coin to choose which book to read for this challenge, or you can read a book that focuses on the concept of chance in some way.
20.Longterm Bachelorette or Bachelor's Day: Instead of Old Maid's Day, we'll use the terms Bachelorette or Bachelor. Read a book with a lead character who has been single for a long time and finally is ready to settle down.
21.The Pen is Mightier: National Ballpoint Pen Day is June 10. Here's a chance to honor the power of the pen. Read a book about a character who uses their writing skills for a living or for a great purpose.
22.Smile Power Day: June 15th is for harnessing the power of the smile. Read a book that makes you smile or with a character who is very positive and makes others around them happy and want to smile.
23.Juneteeth: June 19th is to honor the day on which all the slaves were finally freed in the United States, although Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in September of the previous year. Read a book that touches on the history of slavery in the United States in a literal way, or also symbolizes the concept of freedom from slavery in a more metaphorical way.
24.Summer is Here!: June 21st, 2019 is the first day of Summer. Celebrate summer by reading a book that includes an aspect of summer. It either takes place in the summer, features summer fun, or even has characters who names relate to the season of summer: Sunny, Summer, https://www.google.com/search?q=names....
25.Bunny Bonus!: Read a book for one of the following May or June holidays: Be a Millionaire Day, Lucky Penny Day, Pack Rat Day, Forgiveness Day, Ramadan, Hug Holiday, Take a Road Trip Day, Meteor Day.

Information about May and June holidays taken from Holiday Insights page.

Challenge Participants List


message 2: by Emily (last edited Jul 25, 2019 05:56PM) (new)

Emily | 27 comments Categories:

1. May Day: May 1st is a holiday that has ancient roots in celebrating the beginning of spring. You can count any book you read and finished on May, or any book that celebrates spring. Mad Gold by Mary B. Moore 5.25
2. Date Your Mate: Since May is Date Your Mate month, read a book that celebrates romance between a married couple, ie, they were married early on (or at least one full half of the book). Boomtown by Lani Lynn Vale 5.24
3.Age is Wisdom: May is also Older Americans' Month. Read a book that celebrates the older, aged people in our lives. The Hookup by Kristen Ashley 5.21
4.Gifts From the Garden: May is Gifts From the Garden Month. Read a book that relates to plants and flowers you might grow and/or cultivate in one's garden. You could use a book with a cultivated plant in the name or on the cover, or about a character who is a gardener, farmer, florist, horticulturalist, or even a chef who makes food that includes a lot of grown produce. FARMER-Hail No by Lani Lynn Vale 6.13
5.Comic Book Love: The first Saturday in May is Free Comic Day. Let's celebrate the love of comic books and graphic novels by reading a book that is either a comic book or graphic novel, or an adapted novelization of a comic book. Yes, it can be a movie novelization, so long as it's originally from a comic book.
6.Space Day: The first Friday in May is the day to acknowledge space, which, according to Space.com is "outer space is a zone that occurs about 100 kilometers (60 miles) above the planet, where there is no appreciable air to breathe or to scatter light. In that area, blue gives way to black because oxygen molecules are not in enough abundance to make the sky blue." Read a book that relates to space in some way, either in a fictional or non-fictional sense. Here are some additional facts about space: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/... Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon 7.12
7.Renewal Day: May 4th is a day to renew things in our lives that have value. Read a book that deals with this concept in some way. The lead character could be going through a process of renewal in their own lives. Teased by Fire by Molly O'Hare 5.21
8.Cinco de Mayo: May 5th is a day to celebrate Mexican and Hispanic heritage in the United States. Read a book that touches on and honors Mexican/Hispanic culture. 
9.Teacher's Day: National Teacher's Day takes place on the Tuesday of the first full week of May. Let's honor teachers through our reading by selecting a book that includes a storyline or characters who are teachers or who are profoundly impacted in some way by their teachers. 
10.No Diet Day:May 6th is an international day set aside to create the awareness that we can all be okay in our skin. If we want to lose weight, we should do it for healthy reasons, not out of a fear of being rejected for our size. Read a book that includes a character who has struggled with weight issues or self-esteem problems due to being larger sized.  First Bad Man by Miranda July 5.24
11.<.b>: Twilight Zone Day: May 11th is a day for the bizarre, odd, strange, surreal, even scary. It's related to the classic Twilight Zone show by Rod Serling. Read a book that has any of that subject matter. Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut 6.13
12.Mother Love:The second Sunday in May is dedicated to the mothers in our lives, either by birth or by choice. Read a book that relates to the concept of motherhood.Don't Do Me Wrong by Bijou Hunter 5.23
13.I Want Candy!June is Candy Month. Let's read a book to celebrate candy. Here's is some information about candy: https://www.milesanthonysmith.com/blo...
14.Adopt-a-Cat Month: June is the month to honor cat adoption. Read a book that features the relationship between a cat and their person. False Security by Evan Grace 5.26
15.Career Day: To celebrate several careers featured in May and June, this challenge ask you to read a book with a person in one of the following careers: police officer, nurse or nurse assistant, soldier, seamstress/tailor, beautician, yoga teacher. Police OFficer-Hide Your Crazy by Lani Lynn Vale 6.12
16.Father Figure: Father's Day is the third Sunday in June. Read a book that has a prominent father figure to offspring, either by birth or choice, relationship. Whisper Man by Alex North 6.4
17.Sporting Life: Since there are multiple June holidays related to sport/fitness activities, read a book with a character who is an athlete by career, lifestyle, or as a hobby.
18.Repeat Repeat Day: June 3rd is Repeat Day. You could meet this challenge either by rereading book you've already read, or reading a book that incorporates the concept of repeating in some way. 
19.Flip a Coin Day: June 1st acknowledges the power of chance. People often flip a coin to choose heads or tails to make a difficult decision. You can flip a coin to choose which book to read for this challenge, or you can read a book that focuses on the concept of chance in some way. Online Dating-Next Alpha by Jasmine White 5.11
20.Longterm Bachelorette or Bachelor's Day: Instead of Old Maid's Day, we'll use the terms Bachelorette or Bachelor. Read a book with a lead character who has been single for a long time and finally is ready to settle down. Fire by Sarah Curtis 5.25
21.The Pen is Mightier: National Ballpoint Pen Day is June 10. Here's a chance to honor the power of the pen. Read a book about a character who uses their writing skills for a living or for a great purpose.
22.Smile Power Day: June 15th is for harnessing the power of the smile. Read a book that makes you smile or with a character who is very positive and makes others around them happy and want to smile. Bentley by ML Young 5.27
23.Juneteeth: June 19th is to honor the day on all which the slaves were finally freed in the United States, although Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in September of the previous year. Read a book that touches on the history of slavery in the United States in a literal way, or also symbolizes the concept of freedom from slavery in a more metaphorical way. Claiming the Highlander by Kinley MacGregor 5.18
24.Summer is Here!: June 21st, 2019 is the first day of Summer. Celebrate summer by reading a book that includes an aspect of summer. It either takes place in the summer, features summer fun, or even has characters who names relate to the season of summer: Sunny, Summer, https://www.google.com/search?q=names....
25.Bunny Bonus!: Read a book for one of the following May or June holidays: Be a Millionaire Day, Lucky Penny Day, Pack Rat Day, Forgiveness Day, Ramadan, Hug Holiday, Take a Road Trip Day, Meteor Day. Take a Road Trip-Highway Don’t Care by Lani Lynn Vale 6.1

message 3: by Suzanne (last edited Jul 10, 2019 01:48PM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 132 comments Dangerous Hero Addict Support Group
DHASG May and June Challenge
May 1-June 30, 2019

Progress: 16 out of 24

June Bug: Read 16-19 books.

1. Any DHASG member can participate.
2. Sign up at any time during the month, but books must be read between May 1st and June 30th, 2019. Post when you sign up and update your progress regularly and when you finish. Since the challenge was posed late, feel free to go back to the 1st of May and use any books you have read that fit the challenge points.
3. Rereads are fine. Reads can overlap with other challenges on the group, but a book can only count once in this challenge.
3. In your stats, write your level, include book name, author, date read, and how it fits the particular challenge point.
4.Have fun!


1. May Day:
May 1st is a holiday that has ancient roots in celebrating the beginning of spring. You can count any book you read and finished on May, or any book that celebrates spring.
Attack on Titan, Vol. 1 by Hajime Isayama - *** - 5/29/2019 - 193 Pages

Attack on Titan, Vol. 1 (Attack on Titan, #1) by Hajime Isayama

2. Date Your Mate: Since May is Date Your Mate month, read a book that celebrates romance between a married couple, ie, they were married early on (or at least one full half of the book).
Marrying Winterborne by Lisa Kleypas - ***** - 6/28/2019 - 416 Pages

Marrying Winterborne (The Ravenels, #2) by Lisa Kleypas

3. Age is Wisdom: May is also Older Americans' Month. Read a book that celebrates the older, aged people in our lives.
Displacement: A Travelogue by Lucy Knisley - ***** - 6/30/2019 - 161 Pages

Displacement A Travelogue by Lucy Knisley

4. Gifts From the Garden: May is Gifts From the Garden Month. Read a book that relates to plants and flowers you might grow and/or cultivate in one's garden. You could use a book with a cultivated plant in the name or on the cover, or about a character who is a gardener, farmer, florist, horticulturalist, or even a chef who makes food that includes a lot of grown produce:
The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead - *** - 5/15/2019 - 418 Pages

The Golden Lily (Bloodlines, #2) by Richelle Mead

5. Comic Book Love: The first Saturday in May is Free Comic Day. Let's celebrate the love of comic books and graphic novels by reading a book that is either a comic book or graphic novel, or an adapted novelization of a comic book. Yes, it can be a movie novelization, so long as it's originally from a comic book:
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley - ***** - 5/1/2019 - 173 Pages

Relish My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley

6. Space Day: The first Friday in May is the day to acknowledge space, which, according to Space.com is "outer space is a zone that occurs about 100 kilometers (60 miles) above the planet, where there is no appreciable air to breathe or to scatter light. In that area, blue gives way to black because oxygen molecules are not in enough abundance to make the sky blue." Read a book that relates to space in some way, either in a fictional or non-fictional sense.
Dune by Frank Herbert - **** - 5/28/2019 - 604 Pages

Dune (Dune Chronicles, #1) by Frank Herbert

7. Renewal Day: May 4th is a day to renew things in our lives that have value. Read a book that deals with this concept in some way. The lead character could be going through a process of renewal in their own lives:
After You by Jojo Moyes - ***** - 5/22/2019 - 352 Pages - Renewal of life

After You (Me Before You, #2) by Jojo Moyes

8. Cinco de Mayo: May 5th is a day to celebrate Mexican and Hispanic heritage in the United States. Read a book that touches on and honors Mexican/Hispanic culture.

9. Teacher's Day: National Teacher's Day takes place on the Tuesday of the first full week of May. Let's honor teachers through our reading by selecting a book that includes a storyline or characters who are teachers or who are profoundly impacted in some way by their teachers.
An Easy Death by Charlaine Harris - ***** - 6/5/2019 - 336 Pages

An Easy Death (Gunnie Rose, #1) by Charlaine Harris

10. No Diet Day: May 6th is an international day set aside to create the awareness that we can all be okay in our skin. If we want to lose weight, we should do it for healthy reasons, not out of a fear of being rejected for our size. Read a book that includes a character who has struggled with weight issues or self-esteem problems due to being larger sized.

11. Twilight Zone Day: May 11th is a day for the bizarre, odd, strange, surreal, even scary. It's related to the classic Twilight Zone show by Rod Serling. Read a book that has any of that subject matter:
Supermarket by Bobby Hall - *** - 5/7/2019 - 288 Pages

Supermarket by Bobby Hall

12. Mother Love: The second Sunday in May is dedicated to the mothers in our lives, either by birth or by choice. Read a book that relates to the concept of motherhood:
Kid Gloves: Nine Months of Careful Chaos by Lucy Knisley - ***** - 5/9/2019 - 248 Pages

Kid Gloves Nine Months of Careful Chaos by Lucy Knisley

13. I Want Candy! June is Candy Month. Let's read a book to celebrate candy. Here's is some information about candy: https://www.milesanthonysmith.com/blo...

14. Adopt-a-Cat Month: June is the month to honor cat adoption. Read a book that features the relationship between a cat and their person.

15. Career Day: To celebrate several careers featured in May and June, this challenge ask you to read a book with a person in one of the following careers: police officer, nurse or nurse assistant, soldier, seamstress/tailor, beautician, yoga teacher.

16. Father Figure: Father's Day is the third Sunday in June. Read a book that has a prominent father figure to offspring, either by birth or choice, relationship.
Nuts by Alice Clayton - ***** - 6/28/2019 - 308 Pages

Nuts (Hudson Valley, #1) by Alice Clayton

17. Sporting Life: Since there are multiple June holidays related to sport/fitness activities, read a book with a character who is an athlete by career, lifestyle, or as a hobby.

18. Repeat Repeat Day: June 3rd is Repeat Day. You could meet this challenge either by rereading book you've already read, or reading a book that incorporates the concept of repeating in some way:
Let's Pretend This Never Happened: A Mostly True Memoir by Jenny Lawson - ***** - 5/29/2019 - 318 Pages

Let's Pretend This Never Happened A Mostly True Memoir by Jenny Lawson

19. Flip a Coin Day: June 1st acknowledges the power of chance. People often flip a coin to choose heads or tails to make a difficult decision. You can flip a coin to choose which book to read for this challenge, or you can read a book that focuses on the concept of chance in some way.

20. Longterm Bachelorette or Bachelor's Day: Instead of Old Maid's Day, we'll use the terms Bachelorette or Bachelor. Read a book with a lead character who has been single for a long time and finally is ready to settle down.

21. The Pen is Mightier: National Ballpoint Pen Day is June 10. Here's a chance to honor the power of the pen. Read a book about a character who uses their writing skills for a living or for a great purpose:
Ain't She Sweet? by Susan Elizabeth Phillips - ***** - 5/3/2019 - 464 Pages

Ain't She Sweet? by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

22. Smile Power Day: June 15th is for harnessing the power of the smile. Read a book that makes you smile or with a character who is very positive and makes others around them happy and want to smile.
The Unexpected Millionaire by Susan Mallery - **** - 6/7/2019 - 185 Pages

The Unexpected Millionaire (The Million Dollar Catch #2) by Susan Mallery

23. Juneteeth: June 19th is to honor the day on which all the slaves were finally freed in the United States, although Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in September of the previous year. Read a book that touches on the history of slavery in the United States in a literal way, or also symbolizes the concept of freedom from slavery in a more metaphorical way.

24. Summer is Here!: June 21st, 2019 is the first day of Summer. Celebrate summer by reading a book that includes an aspect of summer. It either takes place in the summer, features summer fun, or even has characters who names relate to the season of summer: Sunny, Summer, https://www.google.com/search?q=names....
I Myself Have Seen It by Susanna Moore - **** - 5/23/2019 - 192 Pages - Going to the beach

I Myself Have Seen It by Susanna Moore

25. Bunny Bonus!: Read a book for one of the following May or June holidays: Be a Millionaire Day, Lucky Penny Day, Pack Rat Day, Forgiveness Day, Ramadan, Hug Holiday, Take a Road Trip Day, Meteor Day:
Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout - *** - 5/21/2019 - 374 Pages

Origin (Lux, #4) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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