Author: Duncan M. Hamilton discussion

Giveaways are here!

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message 1: by Duncan (new)

Duncan Hamilton (duncanmhamilton) | 21 comments Mod
Hey everyone,

The first giveaway for Dragonslayer is now live, here on Goodreads. There are 100 copies up for grabs, and you can enter here:

Goodreads Dragonslayer Giveaway


message 2: by Christian (new)

Christian (chrisch3n) | 1 comments Thanks for the giveaway.
Sadly it is just for the US and Canada.

It would be great if you could create an ebook giveaway for non north American's instead (if this is even possible) :)

Greetings from Germany

message 3: by David (new)

David Nouls | 1 comments only for US and Canada 😱

message 4: by Duncan (new)

Duncan Hamilton (duncanmhamilton) | 21 comments Mod
Yes, sorry, I've just seen that. Unfortunately I'm not the one running this giveaway so don't have control over that. I'll do my best to get some organised with a broader reach!

message 5: by Damien (new)

Damien Maguire | 7 comments I've just received my arc copy of dragonslayer and cannot wait to get started

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