Science Fiction Aficionados discussion

Chindi (The Academy, #3)
This topic is about Chindi
Series Read-The Academy > Academy #3-Chindi

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message 1: by Maggie, space cruisin' for a bruisin' (new) - rated it 4 stars

Maggie K | 1287 comments Mod
Welcome to February and our next entry into The Academy Series-Chindi

Ive been looking forward to starting on this!

Scott This was the first book of the series that I read, because the paperback I picked up at a secondhand store didn't have any indication it was part of a series, or even a list of the author's other titles. (The same thing happened to me with the Benedict series.)
Fortunately the earlier books pretty much stand alone.

message 3: by Maggie, space cruisin' for a bruisin' (new) - rated it 4 stars

Maggie K | 1287 comments Mod
thats good, because I really want to start it, but have not finished #2, because I misplaced it. :(

message 4: by Allan (new) - added it

Allan Phillips Looking forward to this one. I've really enjoyed the first two. I got a hardback copy of this one and the next for $2 each at the annual HPB sale.

MadProfessah (madprofesssah) | 75 comments Chindi is one of the better entries in the Academy series!

Phil | 58 comments I liked Chindi a lot as well.

Scott MadProfessah wrote: "Chindi is one of the better entries in the Academy series!"

Agreed, I think it is my favorite up through where I have read so far (Omega).

message 8: by Suki (new) - added it

Suki St Charles (goodreadscomsuki_stcharles) | 9 comments I got bogged down in some other reads this month-- I will still be joining you for Chindi, Omega and the rest!

message 9: by Maggie, space cruisin' for a bruisin' (new) - rated it 4 stars

Maggie K | 1287 comments Mod
It's all good Suki-I am behind myself! But I definitely plan to read all these!

message 10: by Maggie, space cruisin' for a bruisin' (new) - rated it 4 stars

Maggie K | 1287 comments Mod
So I finally started reading this, and then promptly went to visit my mother and left it at her house! She sent it back to me but I am still behind. Finding it awesome, though!

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