The Perks Of Being A Book Addict discussion

Team Inspector Morse

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message 1: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (last edited Mar 15, 2019 07:46PM) (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments
Team Inspector Morse

Team Members:

Paula Reyes- Captain
Mel- Co-captain
Beth Fox
Marie Riley

Nicole Hamilton

Team Spreadsheet

message 2: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments

message 3: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments

message 5: by Paula (last edited Mar 01, 2019 09:49AM) (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments
March Cards

Card How Many
O 4
1 9
2 6
3 6
4 6
5 10
6 4
7 9
8 8
9 5
Reverse 11
Skip 5
Wild 4
W/Draw4 4 **this means we need to read 3 of our coloured cards twice**

2 Red
4 Green
8 Yellow
4 Red
0 Green
0 Yellow
6 Red
5 Blue

Tracking Spreadsheet

message 6: by Paula (last edited Jan 13, 2019 08:34AM) (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments Important info:

*Only books STARTED after the challenge begins can count. The challenge starts on Friday February 1, 2019 at 7pm AEDST. To see when this is in your time zone, use this countdown

*Books must be more than 100 pages in length and Children's books, Graphic Novels, Manga, Cook Books, Plays and Poetry books can not be used unless by word count they can be verified as more than 25,000 words using or more than 3 hours of audio using a reputable website (e.g. audible, overdrive).

*Your finished books need to be on your Uno shelf AND marked as "read" for them to count.

* Please make notes of how your book may count. The more options we have the better! (Letters used in UNO are Z,O,T,H,F,I,V,E,S,N,K,P and of course if another team member has read the book before. Please friend our team members!). The tracking spreadsheet can be used for this.

*For coloured cards, the cover needs to be 50% or more of the colour by using this colour tool. If in doubt, ask me or Mel as we can check it and/or take to the captains group for another opinion.

* Remember we're here to have fun and read lots of books because we love them, if you have any questions o problems, let us know, so we can help you, this is a team game =)

message 7: by Paula (last edited Jan 14, 2019 04:36AM) (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments Completion Post Format:

Date read:
Card It Can Be Used For: List as many options as possible and how it fits (character, setting, author, title, etc)
For Reverse - Read by: **

message 8: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments r

message 9: by Denise (new)

Denise Lauron (dlauron) | 245 comments Checking in!

message 10: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments Hello everyone,

My name is Paula, I'm 28 years old, I live in Santiago, Chile with my parents and siblings, I'm a Chemical Engineer working in mining and environmental consultancy, so reading is like a big escape from normal life haha.

I loove reading challenges, this is my 4th UNO and I'm happy t be here. I read 3 to 5 books per month, and I read almost any genre, but mainly fantasy. Harry Potter is what got me into reading when I was 11 back in 2001.

My native language is spanish, so mainly I read in spanish, but that's ok, I read some books in english too. My grammar isn't always great, but I practice my english as much as I can =P

I hope we'll have a great time playing UNO this year, also, if you have any problem or question, let us know ^^

I sent friend request to all of you =)

message 11: by Denise (new)

Denise Lauron (dlauron) | 245 comments I am Denise. I live in California with my family. I have two daughters. One loves to read and share books occasionally, and will do museum and library trips with me. The other daughter does just about all the rest of my activities with me.

I recently started blogging, and I'm finding it therapeutic. I usually am a big gym rat, but I had foot surgery and I'm not quite healed. I am taking classes at the community college, just for the heck of it, to keep me busy. I also have two vacations coming up quickly.

As far as books go, I am not big on horror, but I will read it if necessary. I am just learning to love historical fiction. I read just about anything, if the book isn't too expensive. If it is, I wait on the library list for a long time.

This is my second time playing Uno. I loved it last time, and I'm excited to be a part of this group. Here's the link to my Uno shelf, I think. If it doesn't work, let me know.

message 12: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments Thank you Denise, the link is working =).

UNO is pretty fun, I wait for it every year hahaha. Is anyone playing for the first time?

message 13: by Marie (UK) (new)

Marie (UK) (mazza1) | 1028 comments Hi everyone
My name is Marie and I am positively ancient at 61 (or at least i feel like it sometimes) I am retired, Used to be a Sister on an Intensive care unit and I am very glad to be away from all the madness. I have 3 sons and we have just had the 7th Grandchild to be welcomed to the family last weekend. My Hubby retires next Friday and this will mean a bit less time for reading as we make the most of our free time but I do read fast.

I read anything -literally. I have Kindle unlimited and Scribd so can sometimes find something to fit tasks from there. I also use the library but I don't buy many books - having said that i have just splurged on three enormous books
Les Misérables,
War and Peace and
One Rainy Day in May.

This is maybe my 3rd time playing UNO - Paula I think I may have been on a team with you before if not for Uno something else
Sarah we are Dholes of course

My shelf link is

message 14: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments I should let you know that I'm going on vacation twice durng the challenge.
I'm going to Florianopolis, Brazil from feb 7 to feb 14.
And I'm going to Costa Rica fron april 6 to april 16.
But don't worry, I'm sure Mel can help me out in those times, also, I like to have the spreadsheets updated, so I believe that everytime I'll have wifi I'll be checking goodreads haha

Mary, I think we have been teammates before too, but I couldn't tell which challenge it was, I participate in so many of them, reading challenges are the reason why I read so much (even if it's not as much as you do haha)
Congratulations on your 7th grandchild =)!

message 15: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments Hello everyone! Nice to meet lots of new people, and of course it's lovely to be on a team again with Marie, my fellow dhole. (She really does read fast).

Anyway, I'm Sarah, and I live in the UK. I read almost everything. My usual disclaimers of no horror or romance are almost true. Mild (non-scary) horror may occasionally sneak in or if I have to, clean romance. I do love fantasy and historical fiction, so hopefully we'll have a nice overlap of tastes on the team to make those reverses easy.

This is my 5th Uno - the first one was my very first team challenge and it got me completely hooked on team challenges.

Looking forward to this time around. :)

message 16: by alittlelifeofmel (last edited Jan 13, 2019 03:33PM) (new)

alittlelifeofmel (thatgirlbookworm) Hi guys!
My name is Mel and I live in eastern Canada. I work in the video game industry, which sounds more glamorous than it is!

I don’t have a lot of hobbies or much of a social life because I’m a bit of a hermit, so reading is my favourite pastime! I read generally 7-10 books a month but I’ve been having a pretty big slump this year so I’m only 1 book into my year. I’m hoping this motivates me to get back to my normal routine! (The holidays messed it up a bit haha)

It’s actually my first time playing Uno! It seems I’m the only new user on here so far. I signed up to be a co-captain because I’m neurotic about organization and figured I could be a lending hand. I’m still learning the ropes, but may need some help understanding how the cards/challenges work but I’m a quick learner!

I made a shelf and all that in order to keep organized, but I’m going to get myself settled with the way the challenges work before I get to using it!

Quick side note: I’ve had an unexpected family emergency come up this weekend, my mom broke her foot and will need me around to care for her quite a bit for the first little while. I may be a little less active in the next couple weeks but by Feb 1st when it starts Im sure I’ll be back to normal!

Speaking of normal, the second side note is that I work an evening job. Meaning I work 3:30pm to midnight. I’m not going to be available when you are all awake and active. I’m only going to be able to be consistently reachable between 1-5am. I have mentioned this to the organizers but they didn’t seem to think this would be an issue. I’m a little sad I won’t be able to communicate with everyone as much but I’ll make do.

message 17: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments Hi Sarah and Mel :)
Mel as you, I like to keep things organized, so probably we'll be a good team hahaha.
I like to use the team tracking spreadsheet to know all the posible uses for each book we read, so we can move things around when needed.
We can all fill it as we read our books, if any of you prefer not to use the spreadsheet, with the completion post it'll be ok, in that case, I'll load your books to that ss, so I can have all the information in one place.

Also, I'll post a completion format tomorrow when I'm at the computer.

message 18: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments Popping in from Team Morgan Freeman Alex Cross to say Hi! to Marie & Sarah. *big waves*

Inspector Morse-land, here, eh? Oxford is such a bookish city! I love the Blackwells in Oxford - miles and miles and miles of shelves. and then taking a book to the Bird & Baby (site of the Inklings meetings).....

message 19: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments I posted here a completion post format.
Also, I wanted to know if you prefer to post read books on a separate thread (Read Books Thread) or just in here. I have no preference in that matter ;)

message 20: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments Cat wrote: "Popping in from Team Morgan Freeman Alex Cross to say Hi! to Marie & Sarah. *big waves*

Inspector Morse-land, here, eh? Oxford is such a bookish city! I love the Blackwells in Oxford - miles and m..."

Hi Cat! I've never been to Oxford, but of course I think I know what it looks like from watching Lewis and Endeavour! I haven't ever really watched (or read) the original Inspector Morse though.

message 21: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments Paula wrote: "I posted here a completion post format.
Also, I wanted to know if you prefer to post read books on a separate thread (Read Books Thread) or just in here. I have no preference in that matter ;)"

I think we'll be ok just posting here, unless you think otherwise. I don't mind if everyone would rather have a separate thread, but Uno is pretty laidback and it's nice to see what everyone is reading.

Happy to go with the consensus though. :)

message 22: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments Mel wrote: "Hi guys!
My name is Mel and I live in eastern Canada. I work in the video game industry, which sounds more glamorous than it is!

I don’t have a lot of hobbies or much of a social life because I’..."

Hi Mel! Hope your mom heals well and isn't in too much pain.

I shouldn't worry about what time you'll be on GR - your 5am is my 10am so me and Marie may well be around at the same time to chat.

message 23: by Sarah (last edited Jan 14, 2019 10:40AM) (new)

Sarah | 979 comments Is it too early to be thinking about the colour cards? I'll be listening to An American Marriage by Tayari Jones An American Marriage at some point in February as I need it for the SRC, so it could work for the 0 Blue (it's a standalone). I don't mind at all if it goes somewhere else, just throwing it out there early.

message 24: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments It's ok, I'm thinking in my books too, I know for sure that I'll be reading Lily y el pulpo by Steven Rowley Lily y el pulpo which will work for reverse, I'm not sure about the yellow card though, as it is a 3.

message 25: by alittlelifeofmel (new)

alittlelifeofmel (thatgirlbookworm) I’m going to go through my planned reading and make a list of where each book goes challenge wise. I’ll do this for a massive number since I’m unable to plan my reading since I’m a mood reader!

I also think posting on here will make it easier to keep track of and funner to discuss.

message 26: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments I already started using the tracking spreadsheet haha if someone else wants to put her books on there, you'll be welcome 😊

message 27: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1 comments Hi everyone! This is my first UNO and j have to say I’m a bit overwhelmed. I honestly have no idea what I’m doing. 😬 I’m in the US, Colorado. Would anyone have some time to chat with me and help me understand better? I want to kick ass! 😂

message 28: by alittlelifeofmel (new)

alittlelifeofmel (thatgirlbookworm) Do you guys know why some teams have more members than others? is it to balance out the books read per month?

I also want to pre-apologize: my average is 9 books per month generally but with helping my mom recover, It's possible I will read like 3-4 in February. By March and April she should be better so I can pick up the pace.

message 29: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments @Mel - the teams are based on the number of books everyone said they would read when they signed up. Teams with lots of members probably all read a low number of books individually per month, and we have some big readers on our team, so we have less members. It should all work out. :)

message 30: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments @Nicole - I'm sure we're all here to help! It will make more sense when we get going and our captains will keep us on track. All you need to do is read and have fun! :)

message 31: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments Welcome Nicole, don't worry, UNO is pretty easy once you start pleying it.
Just be sure to note all cards that your read book fit into and how it fits and we'll be ok.

message 32: by Foxy Grandma (last edited Jan 21, 2019 09:44AM) (new)

Foxy Grandma (foxygrandma) | 102 comments Hi I am Beth from North Carolina. I am a court mediator so have free time between cases to squeeze in some reading. I do not have as much time on weekends because I have 16 grandchildren to play with.
I like most all fiction books and read a wide variety of genres.

My shelf link is Uno Shelf

message 33: by alittlelifeofmel (new)

alittlelifeofmel (thatgirlbookworm) Welcome Beth!

message 34: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments Welcome Beth!
Now the team is complete and the start of the challenge is really near =)!!
Are you all prepared?

message 35: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments Paula wrote: "Welcome Beth!
Now the team is complete and the start of the challenge is really near =)!!
Are you all prepared?"

Prepared? Not so much. Trying to balance starting new books with finishing off those that have been on my currently reading for far too long, knowing they'll all get abandoned for three months once we start.

It still seems a long wait. And then there'll be the wait for the first mini challenge. I am wondering if it will involve reading all the detectives that are the team names, although that would not be so fun for those who don't like mysteries.

message 36: by alittlelifeofmel (new)

alittlelifeofmel (thatgirlbookworm) I forgot about mini challenges! Oh boy.

Because of my insanely busy month of hospital visits and caring for my mom I have no hope of finishing the books I’m reading since they’re both over 700 pages. I’ll have to continue them while only counting the books I start feb 1st.

message 37: by Foxy Grandma (new)

Foxy Grandma (foxygrandma) | 102 comments Paula wrote: "Important info:

*Only books STARTED after the challenge begins can count. The challenge starts on Friday February 1, 2019 at 7pm AEDST. To see when this is in your time zone, use this countdown


On the color cards, do we exclude the background colors or include them?

message 38: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments Foxy Grandma wrote: "Paula wrote: "Important info:

*Only books STARTED after the challenge begins can count. The challenge starts on Friday February 1, 2019 at 7pm AEDST. To see when this is in your time zone, use thi..."

We include them =)

message 39: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments hahaha Sarah you're so right, I hope I won't have books waiting for me to return for three months haha

I'm starting a new one today infact, but it shouldn't take much to read it since it's pretyy short.

message 40: by alittlelifeofmel (new)

alittlelifeofmel (thatgirlbookworm) Mapping out my reading, I think I’m going to start one of my currently reading books over in February so I can count it, since it’s 800+ pages and I have no hopes of finishing before then. The other 2 are super doable.

message 41: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments I think I didn't understand what you said. But remember that only books started after february 1st count for the challenge. So make sure to mark it as currently reading on february 1st, that way we can use it.

message 42: by alittlelifeofmel (new)

alittlelifeofmel (thatgirlbookworm) Yeah I know :) I’m gonna put it as currently reading on Feb 1st and then get back into it.

message 43: by Marie (UK) (last edited Jan 31, 2019 12:17PM) (new)

Marie (UK) (mazza1) | 1028 comments I can cover at least one reverse
I have The Bear and the Nightingale which Paula is currently reading

One for the Money which Denise has read

and I could at a pinch get Midnight's Children which Foxy grandma has read

this is just a note for me the challenge begins 0800 UK time Friday

message 44: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments Hey Marie - I thought it was 8am UK time?

message 45: by Paula (new)

Paula Reyes Wagner (paurw) | 764 comments I think I won't read The Bear and the Nightingale and I'll push it to the winter.
It's a super wintery setting and in Santiago there are 38+ °C, and I can't read a wintery book in this weather hahaha

message 46: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments Paula wrote: "I think I won't read The Bear and the Nightingale and I'll push it to the winter.
It's a super wintery setting and in Santiago there are 38+ °C, and I can't read a wintery book in this weather hahaha"

My goodness I would melt at 38°C! We don't get it that hot in the UK - it is in fact snowing at the moment. Just a sprinkle.

Impatiently waiting for the start time tomorrow.

message 47: by Marie (UK) (new)

Marie (UK) (mazza1) | 1028 comments Sarah wrote: "Hey Marie - I thought it was 8am UK time?"

you could be right

message 48: by Marie (UK) (new)

Marie (UK) (mazza1) | 1028 comments has anyone else read the bear and the nightingale it has to be my next read as I have it and the second in the series from the library. The second arrived before the first and I have now had it so long they will be sending out search parties

message 49: by Marie (UK) (last edited Jan 31, 2019 12:30PM) (new)

Marie (UK) (mazza1) | 1028 comments So
The Bear and the Nightingale will be my first book it works for

1 - first in series
2 - title begins with T
7- character Vasilia
SKIP - Author begins with K
maybe more characters

and as I cannot start for another 11 and a half hours I might have a night off reading

message 50: by alittlelifeofmel (new)

alittlelifeofmel (thatgirlbookworm) I’m actually reading the bear and the nightingale in Feb it’s on my TBR! So I’ll be able to use that for any challenges as well.

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