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Crime Scene
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2018 Western/Historical Showcase > Ed Ireland- Historical Author

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message 1: by A.F. (last edited Mar 09, 2018 11:09AM) (new)

A.F. (scribe77) | 369 comments Mod

Ed Ireland

Ed Ireland

Crime Scene

In Philadelphia during 1962 the crime family was at its peak. They had their own premiere hit man, Salvatore DeSantos and it seemed as if the world was their oyster.
Behind the scenes there were power struggles beginning to take effect and pressure from the New York and Florida families. Don Angelo Bruno worked to control everything as best he could. Then came the call from New York...they were sending a younger member in to be trained by Sal. There was also a massive plan being implemented that called for Sal's unique talents.
With young Vinnie Collasimo in tow Sal lands in Los Angeles and a meeting with the three most powerful Dons in America. Also at the meeting are members of the CIA and FBI. Something is in the wind and when his next target is placed in his lap Sal knows his world will never be the same. Not just his world but the entire world!
This stylized fictional account of one man’s part in that dark day in November in 1963 will have you wondering just how much of an involvement there was on the part of the American Mafia, the CIA and other groups. Was Sal the triggerman that day? Would he follow orders even if he didn’t agree with them? Would the Dons be willing to put up with the well-practiced deceit of the government?
Follow Sal as his story unfolds in this tale of double-crosses and lies. Told in the authentic vernacular of the streets of Philadelphia as well as being peppered with euphemisms from the Italian background they came from. Crime Scene is as authentic as a warm soft pretzel or a hot cheesesteak. It will bring a taste of South Philly into your world and an insight into life in the city, the mob and the early sixties.

message 2: by Ed (new) - added it

Ed Ireland (edireland) | 122 comments A slight word of caution here. Crime Scene is a story about some very unsavory people. As such, the language is abrupt, adult, and very unforgiving.
It's the story of a man, rough and uncouth, but not uncivilized. His work is gruesome, but it was the life he was born into. He does have redeeming qualities like honesty, loyalty, and honor. They just happen to be aligned to a crime family.

message 3: by Ed (last edited Mar 21, 2018 02:04PM) (new) - added it

Ed Ireland (edireland) | 122 comments Well, this is a strange place for me. You see, I write epic fantasy tales. I suppose, in a way, this is just as much a fantasy as they are but it has very solid roots in an actual event.
I'm one of those people that remember that day as if it happened yesterday. I was 9 years old, already a victim of that era. I learned to "duck and cover" in case the Russians attacked us. I remember John Kennedy telling us that the missiles that prompted the fear that led to teaching the youth of America such a thing were gone from our backyard.
I also remember thinking that John Kennedy was a great man for saving us. So when Sister Anthony ran into the classroom and told us all to lower our heads and pray for him, naturally I cried. Most of my class cried that day. They wheeled a television into the room so we could all watch what happened. When Walter Cronkite told us all that Kennedy was dead, we were released to equally mournful parents waiting outside.
It took years before we were left with so many unanswered questions. Years of carefully crafted statements, years of an extremely unpopular war, and years of the nagging suspicions that something wasn't quite right about the whole thing.
Here we are, 55 years later and not 1 minute closer to the truth.
Is it any wonder writers find so much fodder here? There is a ton of factual material to work with and just enough intangibles to make these "what if" books work. I chose to capitalize on the theory that the Mafia was involved. I chose to use my hometown as the place where the Mafia assassin came from.
Now before you say, what does a guy named Ireland know about the Mafia, let me explain this. My family name is Rizzo. My step-father adopted me and my name was changed to his.
Many of the characters in the book are either fully or compositely made of people I know. My Grandfather Giuseppe came from Sicily in the twenties and went to work for Al Capone, running whiskey in from Canada. That was where I got the idea for Sal's grandfather. He used to have a small place above a restaurant where he held his weekend card games. Another idea I stole. Sofia is a composite of all of my aunts while Sal is modeled after all the connected guys I knew growing up.
I think the most fun I had in writing this book was in the research. I've been to some of the places in the book, most notably the Latin Casino nightclub. The challenge was to have landmarks that were there in that time period in every state the story takes place in. By doing my homework, people of my age can find things they remember while they read the story. The rest is pure fantasy threaded by facts and woven into a tapestry designed to have you look and wonder...what if?

message 4: by Ed (new) - added it

Ed Ireland (edireland) | 122 comments I'm proud to announce that Sal's daughter Marie has flown in from Naples, Italy to speak to and answer questions from those of you interested in her father's story.
She'll be here at 11 AM EST on Saturday, April 7th. Her time here is limited as she has a meeting scheduled in New York later in the day leaving her here for just 1 hour. She has graciously consented to answer questions from those not able to attend electronically as her time permits.

message 5: by Ed (new) - added it

Ed Ireland (edireland) | 122 comments Good morning and welcome to the 2018 B2BCyCon!!!!
I'm currently at work, but it's Friday, the workload isn't bad, and that gives me lots of time to pop in and out. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I'll get you answers.
Thank you for stopping by.

message 6: by Ed (new) - added it

Ed Ireland (edireland) | 122 comments I'm home. Stop by and set a spell. Open a beer and start up the conversation :-)

message 7: by Ed (new) - added it

Ed Ireland (edireland) | 122 comments Good morning to all. I have espresso, canollis, and lots to talk about.

message 8: by Nix (new)

Nix (rockie16) | 112 comments Ed wrote: "Well, this is a strange place for me. You see, I write epic fantasy tales. I suppose, in a way, this is just as much a fantasy as they are but it has very solid roots in an actual event.
I'm one of..."

So many what ifs. It’s fascinating exploring the different theories.

message 9: by Ed (new) - added it

Ed Ireland (edireland) | 122 comments Yes it is Nix. Until the absolute truth is known, the what ifs are all we have.

message 10: by Nix (new)

Nix (rockie16) | 112 comments Ed wrote: "Yes it is Nix. Until the absolute truth is known, the what ifs are all we have."

Very true. But will the powers that be ever let the truth come out?

message 11: by Ed (new) - added it

Ed Ireland (edireland) | 122 comments Nix wrote: "Ed wrote: "Yes it is Nix. Until the absolute truth is known, the what ifs are all we have."

Very true. But will the powers that be ever let the truth come out?"

Pretty sure the answer is no. Despite all the perps being dead, the government itself would never be trusted again...not like we trust them now anyway.

message 12: by Nix (new)

Nix (rockie16) | 112 comments Ed wrote: "Nix wrote: "Ed wrote: "Yes it is Nix. Until the absolute truth is known, the what ifs are all we have."

Very true. But will the powers that be ever let the truth come out?"
Pretty sure the answer ..."

Again, very true.

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