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Sometimes Dead Threads Come Back > April Nominations

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message 1: by Angie, Constant Reader (new)

Angie | 2661 comments Mod
Time to nominate for January's book. This book is a book King has recommended to us readers. Please provide the source or blurb where King pushes your nominations...

One nomination per person.
Link to the title using the add book/author option.
Check here to see if we have read the book as a group before:

message 2: by Evan (last edited Mar 05, 2018 06:35PM) (new)

Evan | 10 comments

The Godfather

Is that too much of a stretch? I’ve been wanting to read this and this is my lame excuse to lol

message 3: by Angie, Constant Reader (new)

Angie | 2661 comments Mod
Evan wrote: "

The Godfather

Is that too much of a stretch? I’ve been wanting to read this and this is my lame excuse to lol"

I've wanted to read this too!!

message 4: by Sabine (new)

Sabine | 13 comments Evan wrote: "

The Godfather

Is that too much of a stretch? I’ve been wanting to read this and this is my lame excuse to lol"

Great timing! I bought this a couple of weeks ago and it's sitting on my book shelf begging to be read!

message 5: by Will (new)

Will Labbé | 1 comments I've read the Godfather and I did not enjoy it very much. The movie is better in nearly every way.

message 6: by Kandice (new)

Kandice | 4372 comments Will wrote: "I've read the Godfather and I did not enjoy it very much. The movie is better in nearly every way."

I'm sorry to hear that! I actually love every single book Puzo wrote and was thrilled when Godfather 2 was made and it went more along the lines of the book(s). For gangster book, only Nicholas Pileggi comes close.

If a second is needed, and I think it isn't, I second The Godfather by Mario Puzo.

message 7: by Dustin (new)

Dustin The Godfather is excellent, I thought.:)

message 8: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (paper_addict) | 935 comments The Deep

“If you want to cool off this summer with a fine horror novel, hunt up THE DEEP, by Nick Cutter. Scary as hell, and well written, to boot.”

message 10: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (paper_addict) | 935 comments Ian wrote: "Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

King's tweet -"

Did he read the book and is recommending it? Or just re-tweeting the author opening her very first book she wrote?

message 11: by Latasha (new)

Latasha (latasha513) | 432 comments Ian wrote: "Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

King's tweet -"

this sounds good if it applies.

message 12: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (paper_addict) | 935 comments He was just re-tweeting her tweet. She was surprised he re-tweeted her tweet about opening her very own book she wrote.

That’s really cool that he did that. He must remember that feeling of getting your very first book published and getting a copy of it.

message 13: by Jerri (last edited Mar 08, 2018 04:57AM) (new)

Jerri (jeanne25) | 60 comments I just bought Children of Blood and Bone and would set it aside and wait til next month if it is chosen.

message 14: by Shari (new)

Shari (dragonfairy45) | 6 comments I second The Deep by Nick Cutter. I’ve been wanting to read this.

message 15: by Angie, Constant Reader (new)

Angie | 2661 comments Mod
Nominations are closed. About to put up the poll.

message 16: by Angie, Constant Reader (new)

Angie | 2661 comments Mod
Nancy wrote: "Ian wrote: "Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

King's tweet -"

Did he read the book and is..."

OY! This one is hard. I'm going to go ahead an add this to the poll since there were only two other books nominated. I don't know if it technically counts but I hope everyone doesn't mind that I add it.

message 17: by Latasha (new)

Latasha (latasha513) | 432 comments I don’t mind.

message 18: by Ian (last edited Mar 12, 2018 07:05AM) (new)

Ian Crump | 29 comments I know it was a bit cheeky to put that one forward - but the book sounds great - I couldn't resist.

I hope nobody minds that it's included in the poll.

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