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message 1: by NBRC Book Ninja (last edited Aug 11, 2014 03:26AM) (new)

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments

Anagram for These churn air


Name Books p.a. Timezone
Nancy 100 Europe
Nichole 175 USA (CST)
Margaret 120 USA
Maritza 200 USA
Megan 200 USA (CDT)
Suzanne 220 USA (CDT)
Iva TBC Europe
Cait 80 USA (East Coast)
Poongothai 100 India

Captain Nancy & Co-captain TBC

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments reserved

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments reserved

message 4: by Nancy (last edited Jul 11, 2014 01:39AM) (new)

Nancy (nancyhelen) | 1469 comments Hi Team! It's Nancy here - I am the only one in Europe so I will usually be around a little earlier that the rest of you guys but will often have to go to bed well before you've all finished for the day. But I know we'll work that out!

You may have seen on the main thread that I am expecting a baby sometime in the next four weeks. It won't stop me reading, (second baby, so lot more relaxed about it all) but I promise you I will keep you all informed of what is going on with her and her birth.

Looking forward to meeting you all!

message 5: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15973 comments Mod
Hi Nancy!
I figured you'd be up at all hours so wouldn't mind what team you were on in terms of time zones ;) And Nichole is the perfect co-captain for you to be a back up ;)

message 6: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (nancyhelen) | 1469 comments Very happy. In fact, even at the moment I am up 5 times a night so I am just getting back in to practice :-)

message 7: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15973 comments Mod
Oh yes... those last stages of pregnancy *shudder*... teehee
I guess it is "nature's way" of making you prepare for a newborn

I am super excited for you and can't wait :D

message 8: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments Hi Team! I just have a minute before work *Boooo*. I think I know or have seen most of you guys around GR. If not, you'll know me soon, muwhahahaha!

Thanks Karen. What she really means is I have Listitis and will soon infect everyone with my list making :)

Congrats on the baby, Nancy! I bow down to you for being able to do any challenges with a new baby so close at hand. I'll be sure to share lots of coffee with you, in the form of pictures of course :)

Toodles, for now :)

message 9: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15973 comments Mod
Nichole wrote: "Thanks Karen. What she really means is I have Listitis and will soon infect everyone with my list making :)..."

teehee... well.. yes.. that is true ;)

message 10: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15973 comments Mod

message 11: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) How exciting it is to be in a new team and challenge. Nancy a 2nd baby? I remember how much fun it was with my second, Amanda who happens to be Co-captain with the Centenarians and she was a perfect angel as a baby. Well, as an adult as well.... lol. In short, you'll love it. :)

message 12: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (daughterofoak) | 3473 comments Margaret wrote: "Well, as an adult as well.... lol."

Wait, wait...what did that mean? O.o

message 13: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) lol! you started to read that wrong! I've got you sweating. Yes, little angel, you are still an angel. :)

message 14: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (daughterofoak) | 3473 comments LOL! I didn't read the 'as well' part.

message 15: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15973 comments Mod

message 16: by Megan (new)

Megan (celtic_girl) | 714 comments Hi team! Excited for this to start and am happy to be teamed up with you :)

message 17: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) Hi Megan! :)

message 18: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments Hello!! Okay, so we're still waiting on Maritza and Suzanne to check in. I just sent friend requests out (it's easier to browse your books) and I'll try to find their sign-up post.

Are you guys ready for this? I am!

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message 19: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments I found it much easier to go to the Team spreadsheet and add them! Duh moment.

message 20: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15973 comments Mod

message 21: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) Nichole wrote: "Hello!! Okay, so we're still waiting on Maritza and Suzanne to check in. I just sent friend requests out (it's easier to browse your books) and I'll try to find their sign-up post.

Are you guys r..."

Nichole....this will be fun. I accepted your friend request. I love that very ambitious and excited gator or is it a Crock? lol

message 22: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments Oh you guys have Nichole?? She's amazing! She's like this master list maker extraordinaire and super funny at the same time. Big asset!!

message 23: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments Margaret wrote: " I love that very ambitious and excited gator or is it a Crock? lol"

I'm not sure so we'll call it a Croter or maybe a Gack?

Stacie wrote: "Oh you guys have Nichole?? She's amazing! She's like this master list maker extraordinaire and super funny at the same time. Big asset!!"

Oh stop!
oh stop photo: 24fhbeu.gif

message 24: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) Lol! I think that I am going to like you Nichole :)

message 25: by Megan (new)

Megan (celtic_girl) | 714 comments Came across this picture today:

Hope we make the other teams think this. LOL

message 26: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments That's perfect, Megan! I'm big on pictures and stuff :)

I was hoping we would get our genre before I went to bed but I don't think it's gonna happen. I'm an early to bed, early to rise person and it's late for me. Almost 11pm, lol.

NancyHelen, are you planning on setting up a spreadsheet? I'm good with lists and mediocre with spreadsheets. I do the books for a store but everything is by hand. Very outdated technology, lol.

Well I'm off for the night.

message 27: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) hehe....I love that picture, maybe we should post it everywhere lol! A little harassment wouldn't hurt. :)

message 28: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments I like this idea, Margaret!

message 29: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (nancyhelen) | 1469 comments Morning everyone! Yes, Nichole, I'll get a spreadsheet set up and put the link here. But lists are always fantastic (I am quite partial to lists and outdated technology myself...) so don't hold back!

Just been having a read over the discussions and hopefully there will be a few questions answered before our first word is posted because I would like to know the answers to a couple of them, in particular when the book needs to have been started by.

I can't wait to get started though...I'm itching to dive to my shelves and get the first book out.

message 30: by NBRC Book Ninja (new)

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments week one
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message 31: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (nancyhelen) | 1469 comments OK, I have set up a really simple spreadsheet here:

If anyone can't see it for any reason, could you let me know?

I've added my first book in which I need to read this week for another challenge. I'm sure I'll get through several though. We're lucky in that we have a relatively short word to start with.

Let me know what you want to read this week and we'll add it in. Only one of us needs to read a mystery, so if you have one on your shelf grab it now!

message 32: by Megan (new)

Megan (celtic_girl) | 714 comments I plan on reading Wake by Lisa McMann next week and it's shelved as mystery 136 times :)

I'm currently reading Shenandoah Dreams by Lisa Belcastro (MC-Melissa Smith) and Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.

message 33: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (nancyhelen) | 1469 comments Fabulous, Megan. I'll add those in.

Now that I have confirmation of the fact that it is only finish date that counts, I am also about to finish The Shadow of the Wind so I will add that in too.

message 34: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments I have a couple of books going that I can finish up, plus a new one for Bingo being announced this evening.

Tangled Threads- T (title), E (author last name, series name) Mystery (20 people)

Tarnished Knight- T (title), M (Author last name), E & R (character names)

I usually read 3-5 books a week so I can fill in on any letters needed. But I also have 2 other team challenges going and a new one starting in August.

message 35: by Nichole (last edited Jul 12, 2014 06:08AM) (new)

Nichole | 980 comments I'll send a PM to Suzanne and Maritza letting them know we have started. I put a link to thread in the friend request I sent them but only Maritza has accepted so far.

message 36: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments Last post for a little while :) I have a couple of Y books that I can read, if needed, but I need to see how the Bingo shelf goes before committing to them.

message 37: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) I have a book that can take care of the Y.... Picture Bride by Yoshiko Uchida

message 38: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (nancyhelen) | 1469 comments Thanks for PM'ing Suzanne and Maritza - hopefully they'll check in soon. We will need another 'Y', Nichole so if you have one, it will finish off the word first time around and we can start working on doing it a second.

message 39: by Margaret (last edited Jul 12, 2014 11:26AM) (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) I am able to do a Y....look at the post above your post :) Let me know and I'll get started.

message 40: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (nancyhelen) | 1469 comments No problems, Margaret. I have already added that in to the spreadsheet. It is just that we need two Y's for MYSTERY so a second one from Nichole would be great.

message 41: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) I understand, I guess I was waiting for acknowledgement. I will always check the spreadsheet as we go along, it will cut down on all the posts and more to the point (clarity). :)

message 42: by Nancy (new)

Nancy (nancyhelen) | 1469 comments Not at all - I should have acknowledged so it was my fault. I will do my best to keep the spreadsheet up to date, but please don't ever hesitate to nudge me in case it isn't done or I have forgotten something or got something wrong!

Incidentally, the book looks really interesting - you'll have to let me know what it is like>

message 43: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) no worries, I like shortcuts and I don't mind having to go to the spreadsheet to investigate. I am learning as I go how the "team flow" works :) I hope that book is good because there were mixed reviews.

message 44: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments Hi! I've been gone most of the day but I'll get started on my books! Well, I've already started Tarnished Knight. Hopefully I can knock that out tonight and start/finish Tangled Threads tomorrow. As for the Y book, I'm not sure which one I will pick just yet. It all depends on my mood :) But I should be starting that by Monday morning/evening. And then, and then...we'll see!

I haven't heard anything from our 2 missing players yet. Hopefully they check in soon!

P.S. I'm a bit of a chatter bug...but I'll try to keep it to a minimum if it bothers anyone.

message 45: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) lol....Nichole, chatterbugging along in this challenge will keep it fun and lighthearted and maybe in the process we can learn about each other :) So....where are our two members? I am hoping that they'll show up so we can "whirl" away with absolute and devastating destruction! hehe :P

message 46: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments Oh, I like that. And if I were at my computer I would try to find a pic/gif but I'm too lazy lol.


message 47: by Maritza (new)

Maritza (spanishwhispers) | 2144 comments Sorry guys was out the whole day and just got back. I need to browse my mystery books and see what i have available will check back in the morning.

message 48: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) so....I am reading Les Misérables and will be finishing it by this coming Tuesday. I think it will knock out the M for our second round, using the character's name: Marius

message 49: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments Maritza wrote: "Sorry guys was out the whole day and just got back. I need to browse my mystery books and see what i have available will check back in the morning."

Hi Maritza, good to see you! You don't actually have to read from the mystery genre this week. We only need 1 person to read the genre and it's covered. At this point we are just spelling the genre out. We have the first round of Mystery claimed and looks like the M for the second round. So there is still YSTERY to spell out. There is a spreadsheet link you can look at for our progress in post 31.

If you have any questions just ask away! We'll be glad to help.

message 50: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (everlastinggrace) I think the S on the second round will be taken care of, if not I have a book that will do it and I am 50% done with it.

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