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Dark Harvest
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Buddy Reads > Dark Harvest

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Addy | 5108 comments Terry and I will be starting this on Monday. Feel free to join! I thought I saw some other ppl who wanted to read this so here's ur chance!

Terry | 5308 comments Such a fun cover for this one!

Addy | 5108 comments Do u think it will be good? I’ve seen some comments of ppl not enjoying it. I guess we’ll see!

Terry | 5308 comments Addy wrote: "Do u think it will be good? I’ve seen some comments of ppl not enjoying it. I guess we’ll see!"

Good question. I've seen those mixed reviews, too. Hoping for a fun read even if it's not the greatest. Tis the season for it!

Badseedgirl | 1023 comments I'd like to join the discussion. I've also seen the mixed reviews, but this is a short book (200 pages). How bad can it be? [with an uncomfortable chuckle]

Terry | 5308 comments Badseedgirl wrote: "I'd like to join the discussion. I've also seen the mixed reviews, but this is a short book (200 pages). How bad can it be? [with an uncomfortable chuckle]"

Exactly...we just need the right attitude going in

Latasha (latasha513) | 11851 comments Mod
I love that cover. I hope you all love it.

Terry | 5308 comments Latasha wrote: "I love that cover. I hope you all love it."

Did you like the book, Latasha?

Latasha (latasha513) | 11851 comments Mod
Terry wrote: "Latasha wrote: "I love that cover. I hope you all love it."

Did you like the book, Latasha?"

no, sorry, I did not.

Terry | 5308 comments Latasha wrote: "Terry wrote: "Latasha wrote: "I love that cover. I hope you all love it."

Did you like the book, Latasha?"

no, sorry, I did not."

That's what I thought. Mixed reviews for this one for sure.

message 11: by Addy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Addy | 5108 comments Bummer:(

Rachel Bea (gekrepten) | 1761 comments Oh wait i didnt know you guys were buddy reading this lol. Or did i...??? i just read it!

Latasha (latasha513) | 11851 comments Mod
Yeah but I hope you all like it and have fun with it.

Rachel Bea (gekrepten) | 1761 comments Terry wrote: "Such a fun cover for this one!"

Yeah the cover is great. I had to buy it online because there were no copies at my library (at least not for circulation) and i'm glad i did. it's definitely going to be part of future Halloween/fall decor in my house :)

Terry | 5308 comments Rachel wrote: "Terry wrote: "Such a fun cover for this one!"

Yeah the cover is great. I had to buy it online because there were no copies at my library (at least not for circulation) and i'm glad i did. it's def..."

I'm glad you liked it, Rachel. Hoping we're in that camp with you!

Rachel Bea (gekrepten) | 1761 comments Terry wrote: "Rachel wrote: "Terry wrote: "Such a fun cover for this one!"

Yeah the cover is great. I had to buy it online because there were no copies at my library (at least not for circulation) and i'm glad ..."

Hope so too! I'm gonna pop back in the thread when you guys are talking about it :)

Badseedgirl | 1023 comments My copy comes from my digital library, so even if it is not good, I'm not out anything. The cover is Lovely and sinister.

Badseedgirl | 1023 comments I started reading at 12:01 am central time, so I technically did start it on Monday. I'm 56% done. I can see why there are mixed reviews. I am enjoying the story but the narration is incredibly clunky. Almost to the point of distraction.

Badseedgirl | 1023 comments I'm done. It really was a fast read.

Ginger | 3800 comments Shit, you guys! I'm going to join you for this one. It's super short and I've been meaning to read it for awhile.

Ginger | 3800 comments Badseedgirl wrote: "I'm done. It really was a fast read."

Did you like it?

Terry | 5308 comments I've read up to about the 1/3rd point (about 60pgs), and it's not bad so far. Different. (view spoiler)

message 23: by Addy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Addy | 5108 comments Great to have you Ginger! I feel like I’m slower than molasses...lol. I was planning on tackling this tonight.

Badseedgirl | 1023 comments Ginger wrote: "Badseedgirl wrote: "I'm done. It really was a fast read."

Did you like it?"

I'm feeling ambivalent about the whole thing. The narration was clunky, the characters were one-note, and I did not love the ending............ And yet, I was strangely attracted to the story.

Badseedgirl | 1023 comments Terry wrote: "I've read up to about the 1/3rd point (about 60pgs), and it's not bad so far. Different. [spoilers removed]"

You were thinking of of The Long Walk, right. Because that story was also in my mind while reading this one.

I guess it was the tone of the story more than the plot.

Why are these types of stories always set in some sort of small rural town? Really, how awesome would this story have been set in an urban environment?

Terry | 5308 comments Badseedgirl wrote: "Terry wrote: "I've read up to about the 1/3rd point (about 60pgs), and it's not bad so far. Different. [spoilers removed]"

You were thinking of of The Long Walk, right. Because that st..."

That was it. Like you said, it's a similar feel with a totally different story. Good question about the small town setting. It is always that way it seems.

Rachel Bea (gekrepten) | 1761 comments because small towns are creepy :D

Ginger | 3800 comments Interesting start! It feels like a very ritual "why the hell does this happen" type of book.

Yep, small towns are creepy. I should know, I escaped one! hahaha

message 29: by Addy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Addy | 5108 comments Pg33(view spoiler)

message 30: by Ginger (last edited Oct 09, 2017 08:10PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ginger | 3800 comments Addy wrote: "Pg33[spoilers removed]"

I got to 12% in the book and my thoughts are on the starving part... (view spoiler)

message 31: by Addy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Addy | 5108 comments That makes sense. I forgot about the candy.

Badseedgirl | 1023 comments Rachel wrote: "because small towns are creepy :D"
Well now you're forcing me to invoke my inner John Cougar! I was born and raised in a town of less than 1500 people. And then I went to school in the city (325,00). I met way more "weirdos" in school!
You'll be happy to know I brought all that weirdoness back to the small town and have raised my own children in an comprehensive blend of "city weirdo" and "small town" values. I still live in a small town (7700), just not the same one.

message 33: by Addy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Addy | 5108 comments I’m in the middle of part 2 and I’m still enjoying it:). My kids love the story too, of course, I’m censoring the bad parts but my oldest keeps begging me to read it to him...lol.

Rachel Bea (gekrepten) | 1761 comments Aw LOL. I was mostly kidding with the small town thing :D I grew up in Providence, which is a small city, but Rhode Island had lots of smaller towns so it was a good mix that I experienced growing up. As an adult, I love going to small towns. Especially after living in NYC for the past 8 years, i crave getting out of the city and going to ~the country or the mountains. I definitely see myself getting out of NYC sometime in the next five years or so, I'd love to move to Woodstock .

Rachel Bea (gekrepten) | 1761 comments Addy wrote: "I’m in the middle of part 2 and I’m still enjoying it:). My kids love the story too, of course, I’m censoring the bad parts but my oldest keeps begging me to read it to him...lol."

That's so cool that your kids are enjoying it too!!!!

Terry | 5308 comments Addy wrote: "I’m in the middle of part 2 and I’m still enjoying it:). My kids love the story too, of course, I’m censoring the bad parts but my oldest keeps begging me to read it to him...lol."

Ha, very cool! It does have a fantastical feel to the story. Really haven't been too many bad parts up to that point so far either. I'm just a little bit into part 3 where I'm stopping today.

Terry | 5308 comments Rachel wrote: "Aw LOL. I was mostly kidding with the small town thing :D I grew up in Providence, which is a small city, but Rhode Island had lots of smaller towns so it was a good mix that I experienced growing ..."

What, not Alaska?! :)

Rachel Bea (gekrepten) | 1761 comments Terry wrote: "Rachel wrote: "Aw LOL. I was mostly kidding with the small town thing :D I grew up in Providence, which is a small city, but Rhode Island had lots of smaller towns so it was a good mix that I exper..."

One day I'll go there! but I'll be sure to avoid Dread's Hand ;) (even tho I know it's a made up place lol)

message 39: by Ginger (last edited Oct 11, 2017 09:21AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ginger | 3800 comments Addy wrote: "I’m in the middle of part 2 and I’m still enjoying it:). My kids love the story too, of course, I’m censoring the bad parts but my oldest keeps begging me to read it to him...lol."

I just got to the beginning of part 2. I'm liking this book and I'm surprised. I went into this with low expectations.
I feel like I'm in a B-rated horror movie while reading this. This book is perfect for Halloween. hahaha

Rachel Bea (gekrepten) | 1761 comments Ginger wrote: "Addy wrote: "I’m in the middle of part 2 and I’m still enjoying it:). My kids love the story too, of course, I’m censoring the bad parts but my oldest keeps begging me to read it to him...lol."

I ..."

Yeah! It's kinda funny you write that about it being like a movie, because as I was reading it, some of the descriptions reminded me of screenplay writing.

Terry | 5308 comments Rachel wrote: "Terry wrote: "Rachel wrote: "Aw LOL. I was mostly kidding with the small town thing :D I grew up in Providence, which is a small city, but Rhode Island had lots of smaller towns so it was a good mi..."

For sure - I figure Dread's Hand is indicative of most of the small mining towns up there, where if you get off of the beaten path, no telling what you might find! For those wondering what we're talking about, Rachel and I are reading Bone White right now, which takes place in Alaska. Its been very good through about 2/3rds so far.

Ginger | 3800 comments Terry wrote: "Rachel wrote: "Terry wrote: "Rachel wrote: "Aw LOL. I was mostly kidding with the small town thing :D I grew up in Providence, which is a small city, but Rhode Island had lots of smaller towns so i..."

The plot looks good and I love books set up in Alaska! It's a bunch of natives and outsiders living in a barren landscape. To me, it always makes for a good setting.

Terry | 5308 comments Ginger wrote: "Terry wrote: "Rachel wrote: "Terry wrote: "Rachel wrote: "Aw LOL. I was mostly kidding with the small town thing :D I grew up in Providence, which is a small city, but Rhode Island had lots of smal..."

It's definitely creepy this go around!

Latasha (latasha513) | 11851 comments Mod
I'd love love love to move to Alaska even after reading Bone White.

Badseedgirl | 1023 comments I grew up in Western NY, and if that taught me anything it was I hate snow❄. That eliminates Alaska for me!

I really did not like the narrative style of the book. I was just annoyed everytime I read it. The rest of what I did not like will have to wait until more people have finished.

Terry | 5308 comments Badseedgirl wrote: "I grew up in Western NY, and if that taught me anything it was I hate snow❄. That eliminates Alaska for me!

I really did not like the narrative style of the book. I was just annoyed everytime I r..."

This style is a little different. The omnipotent narrator removed from the story.

Latasha (latasha513) | 11851 comments Mod
Send me your Snow and I'll send you these awful summers! I hate summer

Rachel Bea (gekrepten) | 1761 comments Terry wrote: "Badseedgirl wrote: "I grew up in Western NY, and if that taught me anything it was I hate snow❄. That eliminates Alaska for me!

I really did not like the narrative style of the book. I was just a..."

I actually liked the way it was written, for me, it made the story move fast and made everything more exciting. but i get that the style isn't everyones cup of tea.

Badseedgirl | 1023 comments Rachel wrote: "Terry wrote: "Badseedgirl wrote: "I grew up in Western NY, and if that taught me anything it was I hate snow❄. That eliminates Alaska for me!

I really did not like the narrative style of the book..."

It was the repeated use of the "you remember this right" and "you remember that right". It just made me want to punch that narrator right in the kisser!

Sorry Latasha, I live in TN now. Even the chance of snow throws the residents into a panic. Just try to find milk or bread after a forecast that includes the words snow!

Rachel Bea (gekrepten) | 1761 comments LOL. I honestly don't remember that in the book, but normally when i see that sort of thing (repeated phrases) it annoys me to hell!

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