Genre Specific Review Groups discussion

Genre Review Groups > Science Fiction Review Group 4

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message 1: by Scott (new)

Scott Spotson (scottspotson) | 272 comments My new sci-fi Book, Bridge Through Time, will be published by July 1 on Goodreads. Sign me up, I'll send a .mobi copy in the meantime.

No link available yet, sorry.

message 2: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Haddock If novellas are allowed, I'd like to sign up with my space opera novella The Crown of Eldrete. The Crown of Eldrete – Kavaliro Cousins, Book 1

message 3: by Greg (new)

Greg Dragon (gregdragon) Please add me for Lady Hellgate.

message 4: by R. (new)

R. Leib | 765 comments Mod
Please add The Negative's Tale by R. Leib.

Thank you.

message 5: by Ed (new)

Ed Morawski | 30 comments Would you be so kind as to add ALoner

message 6: by T.D. (new)

message 7: by R. (new)

R. Leib | 765 comments Mod
Received a copy of ALoner for review.

message 9: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Haddock Received a copy of Lady Hellgate

message 10: by Greg (new)

Greg Dragon (gregdragon) I have T.D. Wilson's Crucible primed and ready to read.

message 11: by T.D. (new)

T.D. Wilson (tdwilson) | 12 comments I have acquired R. Leib's The Negative's Tale

message 13: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Haddock Received a copy of Crucible

message 16: by Scott (new)

Scott Spotson (scottspotson) | 272 comments Here is my Round One review of The Crown of Eldrete.

message 17: by Scott (new)

Scott Spotson (scottspotson) | 272 comments Sorry my book isn't ready yet.... my editor for my yet-unpublished version is taking a while, but hopefully by the weekend! Bridge Through Time.

message 18: by Scott (new)

Scott Spotson (scottspotson) | 272 comments Here's my review of Lady Hellgate... an interesting book, even if a little downcast...

I am finished with this Group, thanks so much for letting me know.

message 19: by R. (last edited Jul 19, 2014 02:38PM) (new)

R. Leib | 765 comments Mod
Here is my review of ALoner:

Review also posted to Amazon, but could not find listing for ALoner on Amazon UK.

message 21: by T.D. (new)

T.D. Wilson (tdwilson) | 12 comments I have received a copy of ALoner and will start it shortly.

message 23: by Ed (new)

Ed Morawski | 30 comments Scott wrote: "Here's my review of Lady Hellgate... an interesting book, even if a little downcast...

I am finished with this Group, thanks so much for letting me know."

Your review caused me to put this on my To-Read list.

message 24: by R. (new)

R. Leib | 765 comments Mod
The review of the "Bridge Through Time" has been withheld at the request of the author.


message 25: by Bill (new)

Bill Castengera FREE EBOOK this weekend only!!! Looking for honest reviews...

Shift! Slighted by humanity, God must put down the bottle in order to save the world.... Cerebral comedy, science fiction, dystopian OR

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