Aussie Readers discussion

Archives > Melbourne Get Together - Saturday, 29th April 2017

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message 1: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments To Melburnians booklovers, and to anyone visiting our lovely city.

Sending you all an invitation to our first ever Melbourne get together of 2017!
To be held on Saturday, 29th April in the CBD over lunch. And since everyone like the idea of Mystery book swap we’ll do it again.

So if anyone is interested in joining us, please post your comments below, and I will provide you with more details closer to the RSVP date.

Date - Saturday, 29th April
Time – 12.00pm
Location - City
RSVP – Friday, 21st April

Mystery Book Swap

1. Bring along one book to the venue to give away – a new book or a book in excellent condition, preferably a stand-alone or 1st book in the series.

2. Wrap the book in whatever paper you have at home.

3. Place a tag on the wrapping with the description of the genre.

4. Each participants name will be placed in a hat, and when your name is drawn, you can select a mystery book from the pile.

Hope to see you all there :)

message 2: by Mish (last edited Apr 05, 2017 03:52PM) (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Attendees

Mystery Guest Author


message 3: by Priyanka (new)

Priyanka Sriram (pyk12) Count me in. see you all soon :)

message 4: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Priyanka wrote: "Count me in. see you all soon :)"

That's great Priyanka. Glad you can make it!

message 5: by Sharon (new)

Sharon | 5228 comments Please put me down as a maybe, Mish. I'd love to be there, but it all depends if I can get into the city :)

message 6: by Tracey Allen (new)

Tracey Allen at Carpe Librum (carpelibrum) | 847 comments Woohoo, looking forward to it Mish :-)

message 7: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments Sounds great Mish. I'm pretty sure I can make it. Thanks for organising. :)

message 8: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Wonderful! looking forward to catching up with you all again :)

message 9: by Heather (new)

Heather | 383 comments Hi Mish,
at the moment it's a maybe I may not be in the country at the end of April

message 10: by Rosie (new)

Rosie | 292 comments Count me in. I am looking forward to it.

message 11: by Natty (new)

Natty (booknerdnatty) | 333 comments I'm totally in!!! always a fantastic time with everyone. :)

message 12: by MaryG2E (new)

MaryG2E (goodreadscommaryg2e) | 934 comments Love the idea, so count me in please Mish.

message 13: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Great! I've counted you in Ladies :)

Fingers crossed Heather. Hope you can make it

message 14: by Jo (new)

Jo Rushby | 238 comments just seen your message Mish. I have returned from a cruise to Vanuatu. count me in too.

message 15: by Alleesia (new)

Alleesia Anderson | 34 comments A great idea. Maybe until possibly 26th April? I will know definitely then. I really want to come along, but that day is a Uni deadline for an assessment. Will update if ok Wednesday B4?

message 16: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77576 comments Mod
RSVP is 21st Alleesia, so Mish can let the venue know totals :)

message 17: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Jo wrote: "just seen your message Mish. I have returned from a cruise to Vanuatu. count me in too."

Nice Jo! Welcome back. We'll have a lot to talk about when I see you next :)

message 18: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Alleesia wrote: "A great idea. Maybe until possibly 26th April? I will know definitely then. I really want to come along, but that day is a Uni deadline for an assessment. Will update if ok Wednesday B4?"

Hi Alleesia,
That's fine. We'll touch base when we get closer to the date :)

message 19: by Heather (new)

Heather | 383 comments Hi Mish,

I can attend!

message 20: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Heather wrote: "Hi Mish,

I can attend!"

Yay! Glad you can make it Heather :)

message 21: by Denise (new)

Denise | 25 comments Oh yes please! How exciting

message 22: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Denise wrote: "Oh yes please! How exciting"

You'll have a great time Denise :)

message 23: by Tracey Allen (new)

Tracey Allen at Carpe Librum (carpelibrum) | 847 comments So, 11 people attending so far Mish?

message 24: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Tracey Allen wrote: "So, 11 people attending so far Mish?"

Ah!! there could possibly be 12 people attending Tracey.

We may be lucky enough to have a mystery guest author coming to our luncheon- thanks to Elaine for organising it. She’s a writer of crime novels and her new book launch is the next day but she is pretty sure she can make it.

How exciting!! Elaine or I will keep you all posted :)

message 25: by Andrea (new)

Andrea | 2058 comments Ooh! You're just rubbing it in, aren't you Mish!?

message 26: by Priyanka (new)

Priyanka Sriram (pyk12) Mish wrote: "Tracey Allen wrote: "So, 11 people attending so far Mish?"

Ah!! there could possibly be 12 people attending Tracey.

We may be lucky enough to have a mystery guest author coming to our luncheon- ..."

Oh wow that's wonderful... yay!!! Exiciting information Mish! Thanks for this wonderful arrangements...

message 27: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Andrea wrote: "Ooh! You're just rubbing it in, aren't you Mish!?"

Oh no Andrea. I thought I might tease the others and keep them guessing as to who's coming ;)

I really wish you were able to make it. You're going to be missed :(

message 28: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Priyanka wrote: "Mish wrote: "Tracey Allen wrote: "So, 11 people attending so far Mish?"

Ah!! there could possibly be 12 people attending Tracey.

We may be lucky enough to have a mystery guest author coming to o..."

I know! It's great news Priyanka! :)

message 29: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Michael wrote: "Mish wrote: "Tracey Allen wrote: "So, 11 people attending so far Mish?"

Ah!! there could possibly be 12 people attending Tracey.

We may be lucky enough to have a mystery guest author coming to o..."

Yeah thanks Michael. It will be a nice surprise for everyone to keep her identity a mystery :)

message 30: by Tracey Allen (new)

Tracey Allen at Carpe Librum (carpelibrum) | 847 comments Wow, that's brilliant Mish! A surprise author is so exciting, but I wish I knew who it was so I could look up their books in GoodReads first. Otherwise if I've never heard of them, that'll be embarrassing.

Andrea, are you not coming?

message 31: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77576 comments Mod
Mish wrote: "Tracey Allen wrote: "So, 11 people attending so far Mish?"

Ah!! there could possibly be 12 people attending Tracey.

We may be lucky enough to have a mystery guest author coming to our luncheon- ..."

Ooh I know who that is!!!!

message 32: by Andrea (new)

Andrea | 2058 comments Mish wrote: "I really wish you were able to make it. You're going to be missed :(..."

Thanks Mish, I wish I could come too. But maybe next time.

Tracey wrote: "Andrea, are you not coming?..."

No, I'm returning to Nepal next week. Taking the kids trekking - they're so excited. Surprisingly, it's something they never have the opportunity to do.

message 33: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Brenda wrote: "Mish wrote: "Tracey Allen wrote: "So, 11 people attending so far Mish?"

Ah!! there could possibly be 12 people attending Tracey.

We may be lucky enough to have a mystery guest author coming to o..."

Haha! How did you guess Brenda? Did I give something away in my post! ;)

message 34: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77576 comments Mod
A little bit Mish :) But I happen to have insider information about certain parts though...

message 35: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Brenda wrote: "A little bit Mish :) But I happen to have insider information about certain parts though..."

Oh okay :)

It should be a good day. I'm looking forward to meeting her and everyone else!

message 36: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77576 comments Mod
It'll be wonderful :) I'd love to meet her as well - haven't yet! But she'll be a very special guest :)

message 37: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3564 comments Hi, I have sent everyone a PM on the weekend about the venue - except you Michael, I told you earlier - so please check your PM messages :)

I need to confirm numbers with the venue this Wednesday so if something has come up and you're unable to make it please let me know. Otherwise I will see you all on Saturday! Yay!

I'm off to the shops this afternoon to find my Mystery book. :)

message 38: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments Thanks so much Mish for once again organising our get together. It will be great seeing everyone again and hopefully meeting some new people. Mish and I would also like to let you know that our mystery author will be bringing along copies of her new book which she will be happy to personally sign for you. The cost is $20 ( cash only please ) for those of you that may be interested. Can I just say though she is an amazingly talented writer and her books are fantastic and she's a lovely and down to earth person as well. So exciting!!!

message 39: by Suz (new)

Suz | 4284 comments It looks like this has the makings of a great day!

message 40: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn | 9441 comments Sounds great Mish and Elaine! Wish I was coming :)

message 41: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77576 comments Mod
Me too Carolyn!! Makes you realise how vast our wonderful country is doesn't it!

message 42: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments We'll need to try and attempt a crossover states get together one day. Michael can help us plan it. He's become a bit of an expert now. Although coordinating 2 or more states might be a bit of a logistical nightmare!!! :)

message 43: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77576 comments Mod
Logistical nightmare is right! I'm staying out of this one! lol

message 44: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments Brenda wrote: "Logistical nightmare is right! I'm staying out of this one! lol"

I thought you'd love the challenge Brenda!!! I do recall having a similar conversation with you a few years back and I think that was before we were even having the state get togethers so you never know what these AR are capable of and you moderators are superstars at keeping it all together.

message 45: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments Michael wrote: "When I get back I will look into it. Logistically challenging. Maybe if we have the Melbourne/Sydney and Brisbane on the same day and we all Skype to see each other that might work."

Sounds like you've had a good day today Michael. Did you manage to stay warm while you were bookshop hopping? Yes I think it's a bit of a pipe dream actually but they do say "never say never". :)

message 46: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77576 comments Mod
Elaine wrote: "Brenda wrote: "Logistical nightmare is right! I'm staying out of this one! lol"

I thought you'd love the challenge Brenda!!! I do recall having a similar conversation with you a few years back and..."


message 47: by Priyanka (new)

Priyanka Sriram (pyk12) Wohoo!!! I'm exicted to meet you all today, finally the day has come😀 Books books books!!!
See you all soon...
Have a lovely day everyone!

message 48: by Phrynne, Series Queen! (new)

Phrynne | 14653 comments Mod
Have a great time everyone!!!!!

message 49: by Andrea (new)

Andrea | 2058 comments Thinking of you all - have a wonderful time.

message 50: by Natty (new)

Natty (booknerdnatty) | 333 comments Hey everyone
just letting you all know Elaine and myself are already here at The Duke..we are currently downstairs in the bar waiting for upstairs to be opened..

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