Around the World in 80 Books discussion

ATW in 80 Books World Challenge > Det - Tourist 2017

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message 1: by Odette (last edited Dec 30, 2017 10:06PM) (new)

Odette (odman) I would like to join the challenge and read 30 books from different countries this year.

31 countries
7 regions


18. Angola
Band-Aid for a Broken Leg by Damien Brown
17. Nigeria
Welcome to Lagos by Chibundu Onuzo
21. South Africa
A Beautiful Place to Die by Malla Nunn


12. China
The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
29. India
The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar
5. Indonesia
Fearless by Fiona Higgins
14. Japan
The Snow Kimono by Mark Henshaw
6. Vietnam
The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen



23. Belarus
Chernobyl Prayer: A Chronicle of the Future by Svetlana Alexievich
4. England
Dark Place to Hide by A.J. Waines (Hampshire)
30. France
The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
10. Germany
Time Heals No Wounds by Hendrik Falkenberg
27. Greece
The Six by Anni Taylor
20. Iceland
The Flatey Enigma by Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson
7. Ireland
The Wonder by Emma Donoghue
24. Italy
The Florentine Bridge by Vanessa Carnevale
16. Northern Ireland
The Cold Cold Ground by Adrian McKinty
22. Norway
The Caveman by Jørn Lier Horst
25. Poland
The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story by Diane Ackerman
8. Russia
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol
19. Scotland
Against a Dark Sky by Katherine Pathak
3. Spain
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
28. Sweden
The Ice Beneath Her by Camilla Grebe
26. Switzerland
The Swiss Spy by Alex Gerlis
15. Ukraine
Taras Bulba by Nikolai Gogol


1. Brazil
The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley
13. Peru
Chasing the Sun by Natalia Sylvester


31. Saudi Arabia
Daring to Drive: The Young Saudi Woman Who Stood Up to a Kingdom of Men by Manal Al-Sharif
2. Turkey
Last Train to Istanbul by Ayşe Kulin


11. United States
Home by Harlan Coben


9. Australia
Hades by Candice Fox


message 2: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Welcome to the challenge, Odette! Happy travels!

message 3: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Thanks, Diane. I am looking forward to the challenge and reading books set in different countries.

message 4: by Odette (last edited Jan 07, 2017 03:56PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Just finished reading second book:

message 5: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Just finished reading third book

message 6: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Finished fourth book:

message 7: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Finished fifth book:
This book, set in Bali, is written by an Australian author who has lived in Indonesia for three years.
Fearless by Fiona Higgins
Fearless by Fiona Higgins

message 8: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Finished sixth book:
The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen
The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen

message 9: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Finished seventh book:
The Wonder by Emma Donoghue
The Wonder by Emma Donoghue

message 10: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Finished eighth book
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol

message 11: by Odette (last edited Feb 06, 2017 12:06PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Finished book from Australia. As this is where I live, I will change Australia to my first country. Hope this is OK.
Hades by Candice Fox
Hades (Archer & Bennett, #1) by Candice Fox

Sorry, Just re-read the rules, and and realise for Tourist level do not need to start in home country Australia, so will change order back.

I am numbering countries in order rather than books read.

Also, is it OK to record multiple books for one country?

message 12: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Odette wrote: "Finished book from Australia. As this is where I live, I will change Australia to my first country. Hope this is OK.
Hades by Candice Fox

For Tourist, you can read and post multiple books for one country, but can only claim one book per country toward your total.

message 13: by Odette (last edited Feb 08, 2017 12:09PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Thanks, Diane. So will post each time I finish a book from a different country and numbering system relates to countries and not books. I am finally understanding how this all works. Thanks for your help.

message 14: by Odette (last edited Feb 10, 2017 12:45PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Finished my 10th country:
This is a murder mystery with connections to the past set in coastal northern Germany.


Time Heals No Wounds by Hendrik Falkenberg
Time Heals No Wounds by Patrick F. Brown

message 15: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 11th country:

Another murder mystery set in the US with small part taking part in UK. First time I have read this author. Very fast moving, suspenseful plot, and bigger than life characters.

United States

Home by Harlan Coben
Home (Myron Bolitar, #11) by Harlan Coben

message 16: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 12th country:

Science fiction set in China, the beginning of which is at the time of the cultural revolution. The search for life outside of earth, which does yield results with unintended consequences and divided loyalties.


The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
The Three-Body Problem (Remembrance of Earth’s Past, #1) by Liu Cixin

message 17: by Odette (last edited Mar 03, 2017 12:36PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 13th country:


Chasing the Sun is set in Lima, Peru at the time of civil and political unrest, and explores the deteriorating relationship between husband and wife. The kidnapping is very suspenseful and the aftereffects on those involved. This book portrayed the social and political conditions in Lima at that time..

Chasing the Sun by Natalia Sylvester
Chasing the Sun by Natalia Sylvester

message 18: by Odette (last edited Mar 03, 2017 05:26PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 14th country.


The Snow Kimino starts in Paris with the recently retired Jovert becoming involved with the story of Omura, his neighbour. Though Jovert's life is covered, I felt the greater part of the book involves characters, places and culture in Japan.

The Snow Kimono by Mark Henshaw
The Snow Kimono by Mark Henshaw

message 19: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 15th country.


Taras Bulba by Nikolai Gogol
Taras Bulba by Nikolai Gogol

message 20: by Odette (last edited Mar 14, 2017 11:38PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 16th country:

Northern Ireland

This is the first in a series, featuring a police detective based in Carrickfergus near Belfast at the time of the troubles in Northern Ireland.

The Cold Cold Ground by Adrian McKinty
The Cold Cold Ground (Detective Sean Duffy, #1) by Adrian McKinty

message 21: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 17th country:


Welcome to Lagos by Chibundu Onuzo
Welcome to Lagos by Chibundu Onuzo

message 22: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 18th country


Band-Aid for a Broken Leg is an account of the experiences of Damien Brown, an Australian doctor who is posted in Africa working for Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres). Angola, the author's first posting, is the country I found most interesting to read about and takes up over 50% of the book.

Band-Aid for a Broken Leg by Damien Brown
Band-Aid for a Broken Leg by Damien Brown

message 23: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 19th country


Against a Dark Sky is a mystery set in Ardyle, Ben Lomond and surrounding areas. Five walkers who set out to climb Ben Lomond find themselves lost on the mountain. Two of the climbers manage to make it back down and call for help.

Against a Dark Sky by Katherine Pathak
Against a Dark Sky (DCI Dani Bevan #1) by Katherine Pathak

message 24: by Odette (last edited Apr 29, 2017 04:30AM) (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 20th country


The Flatey Enigma by Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson
The Flatey Enigma by Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson

message 25: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 21st country

South Africa

A Beautiful Place to Die by Malla Nunn
A Beautiful Place to Die (Detective Emmanuel Cooper, #1) by Malla Nunn

message 26: by Laurie (new)

Laurie | 648 comments Odette, how did you like A Beautiful Place to Die? I have had it on my TBR for a while.

message 27: by Odette (last edited May 19, 2017 08:02PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Laurie wrote: "Odette, how did you like A Beautiful Place to Die? I have had it on my TBR for a while."

I also had this book, which I enjoyed reading very much, on my TBR for a while before I got to read it. It is a murder mystery set in an area near the border of South Africa and Mozambique. The time is the early 1950s not long after apartheid had been introduced. Perhaps the intolerance and hypocrisy, was for me occasionally hard to read about. Overall, I loved the descriptions of the scenery and places and could see them vividly in my mind. The social conditions and characters, especially Emmanuel Coopers seemed to me to be well portrayed. I would be happy to read more books in this series.

message 28: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 22nd country


The Caveman by Jørn Lier Horst
The Caveman by Jørn Lier Horst

message 29: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 23rd country


Chernobyl Prayer: A Chronicle of the Future by Svetlana Alexievich

Although the catastrophe occurred in the Ukraine, a much larger proportion of land and people were affected in Belarus.

Chernobyl Prayer A Chronicle of the Future by Svetlana Alexievich

message 30: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited by 24th country


The Florentine Bridge by Vanessa Carnevale
The Florentine Bridge by Vanessa Carnevale

message 31: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Odette wrote: "Although the catastrophe occurred in the Ukraine, a much larger proportion of land and people were affected in Belarus...."

Wow, I didn't know that. I have one of her other books, Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster, on my list for this year.

message 32: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Congrats on reaching 24 countries!

message 33: by Odette (last edited Jul 02, 2017 11:47PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Diane wrote: "Odette wrote: "Although the catastrophe occurred in the Ukraine, a much larger proportion of land and people were affected in Belarus...."

Wow, I didn't know that. I have one of her other books, [..."

The two titles [book:Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster|357486] and Chernobyl Prayer: A Chronicle of the Future by Svetlana Alexievich are different editions of the same book.

Her book Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize for Literature. Svetlana Alexievich is a Belorussian investigative journalist. She has also written books about Afghanistan and Russian women in World War 2

As the book is only partially set in Belarus, hope it is OK to count it against that country. Happy to read another if it does not fit criteria.

message 34: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Odette wrote: "Diane wrote: "Odette wrote: "Although the catastrophe occurred in the Ukraine, a much larger proportion of land and people were affected in Belarus...."

Wow, I didn't know that. I have one of her ..."

I didn't realize they were the same book. It counts as long as it is partially set in Belarus. I will also be counting it for Belarus when I read it.

message 35: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 25th country:


The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story by Diane Ackerman

The Zookeeper's Wife A War Story by Diane Ackerman

message 36: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 26th country:


The Swiss Spy by Alex Gerlis

This book is set in Switzerland, Germany and to a lesser extent England. The spies travel into Germany from the Geneva area in Switzerland where they are based and operate from. For this reason as well as the title have decided to count this book for Switzerland.

The Swiss Spy by Alex Gerlis

message 37: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 27th country


The Six by Anni Taylor

Set in a monastery on a Greek Island

The Six by Anni Taylor

message 38: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 28th country


The Ice Beneath Her by Camilla Grebe

The Ice Beneath Her by Camilla Grebe

message 39: by Odette (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 29th country


The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar

The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar

message 40: by Odette (last edited Dec 05, 2017 02:48PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Visited my 30th country.


The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
The Alice Network by Kate Quinn

Diane, Do I continue with this challenge for 2018 until I reach the target of 80 books/countries?

message 41: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Odette wrote: "Visited my 30th country.


The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
The Alice Network by Kate Quinn

Diane, Do I continue with this challenge for 2018 u..."

For 2018 you can roll your countries into a Circumnavigator track to continue on to however many countries you would like to visit or you can start over again as a Tourist. Some people do both at the same time.

message 42: by Odette (last edited Dec 11, 2017 01:20PM) (new)

Odette (odman) Diane wrote: "Odette wrote: "Visited my 30th country.


The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
The Alice Network by Kate Quinn

Diane, Do I continue with this chall..."

Thanks, Diane.
As I am planning to participate in the Random Traveller Challenge 2018, I have now decided to roll my 2017 countries into a Circumnavigator track and will add the 2018 books I read from different countries to this.

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