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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jul 30, 2016 08:54PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32678 comments Mod
Snow Leopards

Mentor: Kelly

Alison ~ Captain
Marie ~ Co-Captain
Kirsten ~ Co-Captain
Kate S ~ Co-Captain
Ines Faria


message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jul 04, 2016 02:23PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32678 comments Mod
Battleship Board

(view spoiler)

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32678 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32678 comments Mod

message 5: by Alison (last edited Aug 06, 2016 01:40AM) (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments IMPORTANT STUFF



Points and Rankings

✴ Alison - wobble2016
✴ Marie - wobble
✴ Kirsten - wobble-challenge
✴ Dragana - wobble
✴ Ebony - team-snow-leopard
✴ Elena - wobble
✴ Claire - wobble
✴ Heather - wobble-read
✴ Ines Faria - wobble
✴ Kate S - snow-leopard
✴ Silje - wobble
✴ Sophie - wobble-2016
✴ Talia - wobble-snow-leopards
✴ Vikki - wobble

message 6: by Alison (last edited Aug 06, 2016 01:39AM) (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Wheel a thon

About this Challenge
◈ Wheelathon is the third of five challenges within our W.O.B.B.L.E
◈ To begin, the mods will "spin the wheel" and assign each team a W.O.B.B.L.E themed word
◈ The team's task is to read books to spell out the word for 10 points per letter
◈ The team will get an extra 15 bonus points if all the letters in the word are part of their spell-it-out (i.e. the word is completed)
◈ For each word there will also be a colour task that the team can complete for a colour bonus of 15 points. The colour task will be randomised from the colours and tasks shown under the spoiler
(view spoiler)

◈ Once teams have read their word they can "re-read" the word to gain more points (10 points per letter, and relevant bonus points) or if they don't like their word, they can re spin the wheel to get a new word and the chance at more bonus points when completed. (Note: wheel can only be re spun if both bonuses have been achieved. That is, the spell-it-out of the word AND the colour task has been completed).

◈ If the team finishes their word, and the two bonuses, and elects to get a new word, the number of colour tasks required for bonus points will increase by one with each new word.

◈ Each week the number of colour tasks required for the bonus will decrease by one (to a minimum of one)

◈ If teams spin a word that is a team name from their group of teams (i.e. land, extinct, myth, sea, air, endangered) and they complete the spell-it-out AND the two bonuses for that word, they will receive an additional 100 points!
This 100 point bonus can only be gained once per spin.

◈ Books used for the colour task MUST also be books used for the spell-it-out of that word

◈ All W.O.B.B.L.E rules apply (e.g. page number requirements)

How a "spell it out" works
Spell out the word(s) using the first letter in the book's title, the first letter in the author's, translator's or audiobook narrators first or last name,the first letter in the series name, or the first letter of a character's first, last, or nick-name.

As always, if the first letter of a title or series name starts with an indefinite or definite article ('A', 'An', 'The', etc.), you may use the first letter of the second word in the title to spell out your chosen word.

If your book starts with a number (e.g. 24 Bones) use the number to determine the first letter (in this example, it would be T).

If reading a non-English version, then that edition should be shelved and it is that edition that would be used for the spell-it-out. (e.g. Il nome della rosa could count for a I or a N for the title (as the article is optional to be used).

If reading a non-English version, and a colour in the text is the task, the word can be translated and found in the edition. For example, if reading a book in French and the colour word required to be found in the text is white, "blanc" would be acceptable.

message 7: by Alison (last edited Aug 26, 2016 03:14PM) (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Reserved

message 8: by Alison (last edited Aug 26, 2016 03:14PM) (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Reserved

message 9: by Alison (last edited Aug 26, 2016 03:19PM) (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Bingo Bonus

1 - Change one square to a "free" square where you can read any book
2 - Use a book from the Travel Agent Account
3 - Replace one of your squares with another square on the board. (Request via Mod)
4 - Request a new card (Request via Mod)
5 - Add an additional power square to your board, Must be a new board (Request via Mod)
6 - Increase all undiscovered x2 powersquares to x3 power squares (Request via Mod)
7 - Pre-Feed the Bingoshark on your current board (Request via Mod)
8 - 100 Bonus Points

message 10: by Alison (last edited Aug 18, 2016 02:44PM) (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Current Bingo Tasks

B1 Title Starts With B
B2 Cover has Tree
B3 Three Word Title
B4 Book Published 2001
B5 Title contains Strange
I1 Raccoon
I2 Crown
I3 Wand
I4 French Fries
I5 Train
N1 Strawberry
N2 Scarf
N3 Title contains Born
N4 Mittens
N5 Genre is Science Fiction
G1 Book Published 2012
G2 1st in Series
G3 Book Published 2000
G4 Doctor's Glove
G5 Cover is Orange
O1 Title Starts With K
O2 Book made into TV
O3 Cover is Purple
O4 Book made into movie
O5 Genre is Travel

message 11: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Reserved

message 12: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Reserved

message 13: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Hello everyone and welcome to Wobble. I'm so excited to get started and am thrilled to be on Snow Leopard (I am most definitely a cat person).

This is my first time captaining so please be patient with me. I'll send out friend requests to everyone soon so I can see your shelves and what not but please say hello and let's get chatting :)

message 14: by Kate S (new)

Kate S | 1998 comments Hello, Alison! Hello, Snow Leopards!! I am excited to start another team challenge. I have participated in most of the team challenges with this group (I even won one!) and recognize a few teammates from previous challenges.

I am currently trying to finish up a few books which need to be read in order for another challenge, so I can be more flexible next week when we officially start.

It's a beautiful day here in Northern Virginia, USA, so I am likely to be outside playing most of the day, but will be around this evening (my time).

I am looking forward to getting to know more about everyone!

message 15: by Elena (last edited Jun 08, 2016 08:11AM) (new)

Elena (elenaselge) | 40 comments Hi, Alison, Kate and everyone else!!! In case the exclamation points didn't give it away, I'm super pumped to participate in this year's Wobble, which will not only be my first Wobble, but also my first team challenge ever - EEK!

As everyone's new to me (and I new to you, obviously), I figured introductions might be in order, which is always awkward, but oh well. So, here goes.. I'm Elena, 21, from a tiny Eastern European country called Estonia. Right now I'm on the verge of finishing my first year in pre-med and am currently studying for exams I really don't know how I'm gonna pass. My last exam's gonna be on the 18th and by then I've hopefully also managed to finish A Dance With Dragons, the 5th book in the Song of Ice and Fire series, so I can concentrate all of my energy on the challenge. OH, and in case we're keeping count - I'm a cat person too! Or well, an animal person in general (I have a ferret named Bella), but cats have always been my secret faves.

Anyway, nice to meet you all and I can't wait to get to know all of you better!

message 16: by Inês (new)

Inês Faria (inesrfaria) | 209 comments Hello everyone!

I'm really looking forward to this challenge! It's my first WOBBLE so I don't really know how this works yet, but I can't wait!

My name is Inês, and I'm from Portugal. Right now I'm studying for exams, and my last one is on the 22nd, but hopefully I can still squeeze in lots of reading, and after that I can concentrate fully on the challenge.

I do like animals but I prefer admiring them from a distance :)
I really hope to get to know you all better!

message 17: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Hi Ines, good to see you again and it's good to meet you Kate and Elena.

I think I only know a couple of people on the team so I should probably introduce myself too.

I'm Alison. I'm in my late thirties (which has come as a bit of a shock to me) and I live in Scotland in the UK. I work as an accountant for a charity that provides affordable housing but this is usually a quiet time of year so hopefully I can fit in a lot of reading.

I've become a bit of a challenge addict and this is my sixth or seventh team challenge since I joined in 2014.

I love animals and at the moment I have a black cat called Harley and a chestnut horse called Charlie. Now that I'm on this team I kind of want a Snow Leopard too :)

message 18: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Elena wrote: "Hi, Alison, Kate and everyone else!!! In case the exclamation points didn't give it away, I'm super pumped to participate in this year's Wobble, which will not only be my first Wobble, but also my ..."

Just curious, what's it like having a ferret as a pet? They always look kind of cute but I've always thought they might be a bit bitey.

message 19: by Elena (new)

Elena (elenaselge) | 40 comments Aw, that's true actually. Ferrets can be bitey, but they can be taught out of seeing fingers-toes as play-and-chew-things. That, of course, takes time, cause while smart, ferrets are also as stubborn as they're cute. But life's never boring with one of those living-breathing slinkys around, so they're definitely worth the effort. Even if you don't manage to train them out of biting entirely - Bella's still a playful biter, mostly due to my own fault as an inexperienced owner who didn't know not to use fingers when playing with their ferret pup - you kind of learn to foresee their moves and by now, biting seems such a minor thing for me personally.

So, I'm very much biased, but 10 out of 10, do recommend, haha!

message 20: by Inês (new)

Inês Faria (inesrfaria) | 209 comments Alison wrote: "Hi Ines, good to see you again and it's good to meet you Kate and Elena.

I think I only know a couple of people on the team so I should probably introduce myself too.

I'm Alison. I'm in my late t..."

Hello again!

We're on the same boat then! This challenge is my third since joining last year :)

message 21: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Team challenges are totally addictive. I seem to just go straight from one to the next.

I think it's battleship that's up first. That will be totally new to me. There was a battleship challenge in this group before but it was before I joined and I've heard it will be different this time around.

message 22: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Elena, my cat's very bitey too so I know what you mean about learning to spot the signs. I got him from a rescue centre when he was 3 so I'm blaming his upbringing for his bad behaviour :)

message 23: by Heather (new)

Heather Carrasco | 336 comments Hi everyone.

I'm Heather, I'm in my late 30s, have two kids and two dogs. I live in Los Angeles, and work in marketing research for a movie studio. This is my first challenge, and I'm excited, but nervous at the same time.

Not really a cat person, but I'm excited to be a Snow Leopard!

message 24: by Elena (last edited Jun 08, 2016 12:01PM) (new)

Elena (elenaselge) | 40 comments Hi, Heather! So nice to meet you!

Well, Alison, you can't be a big softball when you're named Harley, haha. I love that name, though. And we (by 'we', I mean my family) have a rescue cat too, actually. His name is Jack and he's a huge marshmallow.

Also, I'm super excited about the first challenge. Do you know whether we get the game board or whatever on the 17th or a bit before that for strategizing and making plans?

message 25: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Hi Heather. Welcome to the team and don't be nervous. It usually all makes sense once things get going :)

message 26: by Alison (last edited Jun 08, 2016 12:09PM) (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Love the name Marshmallow Elena. Harley was actually called Charlie when I got him but I decided I couldn't have two Charlie's and dropped the C. Generally he just goes by devil cat though.

Not sure when we'll get the board. As far as I know the mods are still tinkering with them at the moment. Information on the challenge should come out a couple of days before it starts though.

message 27: by Brittany (new)

Brittany McCann (brittanylmccann) | 1131 comments Yay, I finally found the team! I am excited, the first couple days will be crazy so I will do my best from my kindle. I'm on vacation from the 18th through the 23rd, but don't have anything else planned for the rest of the challenge, just in case I am not as chatty in the beginning. I can't wait to read/play with you all

message 28: by Brittany (new)

Brittany McCann (brittanylmccann) | 1131 comments I think we were supposed to let our Captains know our shelves: Here is mine: Wobble Snow Leopard

message 29: by RachelvlehcaR (new)

RachelvlehcaR (charminggirl) | 4364 comments Hey Brittany! Stopping by from Burning Firebirds to say hello and give a shout out of good luck with the challenge to you and the rest of Snow Leopards. It's going to be so much fun! You are welcome to stop by our group any time!

message 30: by Kelly (new)

Kelly (ladykatala) | 5020 comments Hey guys :) I'll be your mentor for this new set of craziness. I'll try to keep up to date but feel free to PM me if you need something sooner.

message 31: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Hello Snow Leopards! It's so great to have people from all over Europe and America on one team! I just hope that time zones won't be the death of us.

So, I'm Marie and I'll be one of your co-captains. I'm from Serbia and I'm a physical anthropologist, but I currently work as a youth worker. I'm also a big cat lover and they love me, always approaching me for a scratch, exept for my boyfriends black tomcat, who hates me something fierce. Then again, he hates everyone so much so that we gave him a new nickname - Satan's little helper. Should have named him Greebo.
It's so great to meet you Kate, Elena, Ines, Heather and Brittany! I just can't wait for the 17th!
And for our busy bee students - don't worry about your exams, girls. Back in my day (like, 3 years ago) I used to read the most before and during my exam week, and I always did well. A chapter or two of a good novel will always make the schoolwork go down better. :D

message 32: by Silje (new)

Silje (sikna) | 1371 comments Hi everyone=) Nice to see a few familiar faces. I'm excited to get this challenge started!

I'm Silje, from Norway, in my mid-twenties and working as a dentist. No animals in my house yet, but we have to cats back home at my dad's house and a bird at my mom's.=)

I will do as much reading as I can, but I have two weddings to go to (I'm maid of honour in one of them), the second and third weekend into this challenge. Other than that I also have a vacation trip to Italy planned mid-July=) But I love to read when travelling so I won't be completely off the radar;)

message 33: by Brittany (new)

Brittany McCann (brittanylmccann) | 1131 comments RachelvlehcaR wrote: "Hey Brittany! Stopping by from Burning Firebirds to say hello and give a shout out of good luck with the challenge to you and the rest of Snow Leopards. It's going to be so much fun! You are welcom..."

Thanks Rachel! Next time we will have to band all the mods and try to at least get a few of us on the same team, hilarious that we all signed up individually.

message 34: by Brittany (new)

Brittany McCann (brittanylmccann) | 1131 comments I think everyone in here is new to me. new friends. This is my first NBRC challenge :)

message 35: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Hi Brittany it's great to meet you and thanks for the link to your shelf.

Could everyone else please post a link to your shelf too? I'll use one of the reserved posts to list them all.

I have to confess I only set my shelf up today and probably called it something completely different from what I listed on the sign up form :)

message 36: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Hey Silje. It's great to be on the same team again. Last time I found loads of new books and authors by pretty much copying you.

I do however hold you partly responsible for my fairytale re telling obsession which is still going strong :)

message 37: by Silje (new)

Silje (sikna) | 1371 comments Alison wrote: "Hey Silje. It's great to be on the same team again. Last time I found loads of new books and authors by pretty much copying you.

I do however hold you partly responsible for my fairytale re tellin..."

Glad I could help;) I must confess, I'm still a bit addicted to fairytale retellings, so watch out!=)

message 38: by Silje (new)

Silje (sikna) | 1371 comments Silje's Wobble

Here's the link to my shelf=)

message 39: by Kate S (new)

Kate S | 1998 comments snow-leopard

A link to my shelf (clearly not the same name I signed up with, but it will do for now).

message 40: by Ebb (new)

Ebb (ebbsbooks) | 292 comments Hi everyone! I can't post much at the moment because I'm on my phone but I'll be able to link my shelf when I get home after work tonight.

message 41: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Ebony *LilKoalaBooks* wrote: "Hi everyone! I can't post much at the moment because I'm on my phone but I'll be able to link my shelf when I get home after work tonight."

Hi Ebony and welcome to the team. No rush on the shelf, it was more a reminder to everyone to set one up if they haven't already. It's late o'clock here so I won't be doing anything else tonight :)

message 42: by Kate S (new)

Kate S | 1998 comments When we played Battleship last time, it was very genre oriented. Figuring out what genre to read and what books qualified for which was quite a little dance! So, in preparation for a similar game, what genres are you most likely to pick up as a *normal* read? What genres do you avoid like the plague?

I know I like most things, but my *free* books, the ones I read between challenges or as impulse checkouts at the library tend to be Mystery, Horror, Biography, and Literary Fiction.

I tend to avoid all young adult books, traditional romance novels, and erotica.

message 43: by Brittany (last edited Jun 09, 2016 06:43PM) (new)

Brittany McCann (brittanylmccann) | 1131 comments I read from almost anything, probably the least likely for me to pick up would Westerns and immature oriented young adult novels.

My favorite would be fantasy, nonfiction, horror, and epic sweeping stories.

message 44: by Kate S (new)

Kate S | 1998 comments Brittany wrote: "and epic sweeping stories. "

Oh, I love these, too! And I am super stoked that I am not the only non-fiction lover!

message 45: by Brittany (new)

Brittany McCann (brittanylmccann) | 1131 comments I love a good non-fiction book, but it needs to be written well and not research paper type haha

message 46: by Kate S (new)

Kate S | 1998 comments Brittany wrote: "I love a good non-fiction book, but it needs to be written well and not research paper type haha"

I completely agree. I actually like to pick journalistic non-fiction. I like the action tempo of journalistic writing. In the next two weeks I have two political non-fiction books in my queue. Hoping they are not too bland.

What is your favorite sweeping epic?

message 47: by Heather (new)

Heather Carrasco | 336 comments I'm most likely to read chick lit, mysteries, suspense/thrillers, some of the ya stuff. I like some fantasy stuff too.

I will read most stuff, but I tend to avoid biographies some non-fiction, traditional romance novels, and the historical fiction that is based around ships or wars (there are exceptions to that of course).

message 48: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments I read pretty much any fiction but tend to avoid non fiction. I'm most definitely a mood reader so what genre I pick up depends on how I'm feeling. There does tend to be a lot of YA, fantasy, chick lit and thrillers. I do read horror but find it difficult to find good stories. I'm probably less likely to pick up historical or literary fiction.

message 49: by [deleted user] (last edited Jun 09, 2016 11:24PM) (new)

Hi Snow Leopards! My name is Talia and I live in Arizona. I am single and I work in litigation support. I usually have lots of time to read, but work has been keeping me swamped lately. But things are slowing down now, so I should have plenty of reading time again by the time Wobble starts! I am currently really into fantasy and YA books, but I also enjoy mysteries, thrillers, science fiction, and occasionally historical fiction. I rarely read romance or westerns. Looking forward to starting the game!

Here is my shelf: Wobble Snow Leopards

message 50: by Dragana (new)

Dragana (diaryofthebookdragon) Hi everyone.
Sorry for the late check-in and thanks (again) to Alison for letting me know the teams are up.
My name is Dragana and I'm from Serbia, like Marie. I'm 35 (how the hell that happened), married, one kid, no pets (sadly). I do love all animals and cats are my favorite. :)
This is not my first team challenge, I participated in a lot of them, but never in a Wobble before. Or Battleship.
As for the favorite genres, I read uf, contemporaries, fantasy, sf, historicals... I tend to pick books based on mood. Since it's summer it means romance binge reading for me.
My shelf is wobble.
OK, I think I got everything covered.
I'm glad to meet you all and can't wait to get started!

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