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Company of Liars
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Historical Fiction > HF June 2016 - Company of Liars

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Srividya Vijapure (theinkedmermaid) Blurb
The year is 1348. The Black Plague grips the country. In a world ruled by faith and fear, nine desperate strangers, brought together by chance, attempt to outrun the certain death that is running inexorably toward them.
Each member of this motley company has a story to tell. From Camelot, the relic-seller who will become the group's leader, to Cygnus, the one-armed storyteller . . . from the strange, silent child called Narigorm to a painter and his pregnant wife, each has a secret. None is what they seem. And one among them conceals the darkest secret of all--propelling these liars to a destiny they never saw coming.

Come join us as we read and discuss this book. As always, please mark any spoilers within spoiler tags. Enjoy reading and discussing!

Jaya Present! *Raises hand to indicate her presence*

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments Read the introduction.

Was vaguely reminded of Burial Rites

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) Prologue was intriguing and am wondering who the dead woman is.

@Syl, its nothing like Burial Rites, I find it better than that book. :)

message 5: by Jaya (last edited Jun 01, 2016 10:31PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jaya Just read two chapters, why do I feel that I already know who is the dead woman, about who are talking about in the prologue

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) Jaya wrote: "Just read two chapters, why do I feel that I already know who is the dead woman, they are talking about in the prologue"

who is it? my guess is (view spoiler)

Jaya the latter is mine too ;)

Karolina Kat (lindetiel) | 766 comments I'm going to start today :)

@Syl, Manju: ooooh you've read Burial Rites? It's on my TBR list :)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments Karolina, I loved it. Was one of the best boo!s that I read in 2015.

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) Karolina, it was an avg read for me.

message 11: by Karolina Kat (new) - added it

Karolina Kat (lindetiel) | 766 comments Haha! I love the mixed answers :) Thanks, both of you!

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) Am 53% done and it is turning out tk be very mesmerizing tale. Every person in the 'Company' has a story to tell, a secret to hide and they all need each other to survive.

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments 53%?
You are surging ahead. I will try to read more tonight.

message 14: by Ahtims (last edited Jun 02, 2016 04:55AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments At 5% am finding it good going. The olden day epidemics, their spread and beliefs associated therewith had always interested me. Tried readingFever 1793about yellow fever, but found it a bit drab and gave it up halfway through.

message 15: by Jaya (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jaya I have only read about this period in terms of economic and political history and thus the mention of the plagues...this approach is quite interesting.

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) Have you two met Rodrigo and Jofre? I liked how the company is formed.

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments Yes. At present, Jofre is vomiting on the roadside.

Anirudh I started reading today. The prologue was interesting

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments Only at 12%, but it is so engrossing. No wonder Manju is on a roll.:-)
Loving those fantasy weaved into reality stories of mermaids, werewolves etc.
Camelot seems to be advanced for the century he is living in. His thoughts are almost fitting into this era.

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) told you so.;)

each character is so mysterious. so how many stories have you read so far?

message 21: by Jaya (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jaya Met Camelot, Jofre, Rodrigo and now enters Zophiel

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments I met all the above , plus the newlyweds, the lady is pregnant.

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) first thoughts about these characters?

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments I like Camelot and hate the magician. I also like the elder musician. Others seem namby pamby.
sorry, I never seem to remember names unless the book is with me for ready referral.

message 25: by Karolina Kat (new) - added it

Karolina Kat (lindetiel) | 766 comments Zophiel is the typical scientist/crook of the middle ages, I really liked the trick with egg

message 26: by Ahtims (last edited Jun 03, 2016 04:46AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments (view spoiler)

Srividya Vijapure (theinkedmermaid) Seeing my buddy racing through this book, I couldn't help but start reading and now I am hooked! Thanks Manu for making me deviate once again from my planned reads! :P

Loved the prologue and yes I agree with Syl on the Burial Rites tinge to it. Am about roughly 10% into the story, had to put it down to sleep last night, which my brain thought was an unwanted thing. Anyway, hope to read more and experience all the characters that you are talking about. :)

Lin - Do read Burial Rites. I think you will like it. :)

message 28: by Karolina Kat (new) - added it

Karolina Kat (lindetiel) | 766 comments I'm starting chapter five. I must admit that the story is very interesting so far, but I have one problem with the book so far. Don't you feel like it lacks a bit in setting? Maybe I have too high expectations - after all the last Historical fiction set in the MidleAges I read were The Pillars of the Earth - but, I feel that this story is mostly adventure/mystery and less historical fiction (at least at this moment).

I enjoy it nonetheless :)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments Karolina wrote: "I'm starting chapter five. I must admit that the story is very interesting so far, but I have one problem with the book so far. Don't you feel like it lacks a bit in setting? Maybe I have too high ..."

Yes, it seems more like adventure/mystery.
But somehow I am enjoying it despite the lack of the setting, and to be frank I noticed the fact only after you pointed it out. :)

Pillars of the Earth was an epic.

message 30: by Karolina Kat (new) - added it

Karolina Kat (lindetiel) | 766 comments @Syl - I wouldn't call it an epic in the literary genre sense, as it didn't focus on a theme of grandeur and heroism, it was a great and wonderful book though anyway, and has a special place in my heart :)

But I'm not a fan of generalizing by genre anyway. It's just that when I read a book, that is set in historical period, I love reading more abou the setting, so that I can sink in the universe.

And as I said - I'm still enjoying it too :)

Anirudh Spoiler tags please

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) I too felt the lack of setting in initial chapters but after that(view spoiler)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments Manju wrote: "Jaya wrote: "Just read two chapters, why do I feel that I already know who is the dead woman, they are talking about in the prologue"

who is it? my guess is [spoilers removed]"

I guess it is

(view spoiler)

message 34: by Em Lost In Books (last edited Jun 03, 2016 04:49AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) Finished and it was an entertaining read. :)

So what is happening in the story now? Are you liking the stories that characters making up?

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments Manju o.O

I am at 16%

(view spoiler)

So eager to read ahead.

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) Syl: Oh it was cruel and nasty but they used to do that kind of rituals all over the Europe in that period. (Read that in historical notes in the end of the book.)

Anirudh I won't be able to read this very fast.. will catch up when I can

message 38: by Jaya (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jaya Neither can i... reading a chapter or two per day.

message 39: by Srividya (last edited Jun 03, 2016 11:01AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Srividya Vijapure (theinkedmermaid) Finished it! Astonished at myself for doing that though! ;)

Waiting for more of you to finish for discussions.

Manu - For once our ratings match! :P

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments I too am going slow. Unable to read much these days.

Anirudh I am in chapter 2. Not sure what you all found so funny. Maybe it will lighten up in the next chapters

Srividya Vijapure (theinkedmermaid) I didn't find it funny. It was entertaining, definitely, in the way all of them meet and then there is a certain suspense angle till about 70%. That's about it, I guess, at least for me.

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments Agree with Srividya, but am only at 20%.

message 44: by Jaya (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jaya Am just going with the flow, finding it intersting enough, still not sure what to expect...

Srividya Vijapure (theinkedmermaid) Jaya - that's the best way to go in. I went in with zero expectations other than it being a fast read. It was a fast read, so I was happy. Other stuff will discuss once you all finish. :)

message 46: by Akshay (new)

Akshay (akshay_sauron) | 651 comments I was interested after the early reactions, but 3 star in the end? Dampner.

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) It was fun for me in first 25%, how they met and different stories were good. It was the 'end' that made me give it three stars.

message 48: by Srividya (last edited Jun 04, 2016 07:30AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Srividya Vijapure (theinkedmermaid) Manju wrote: "It was fun for me in first 25%, how they met and different stories were good. It was the 'end' that made me give it three stars."

Same pinch.

Spoiler only for those who have finished

In fact, I felt (view spoiler)

message 49: by Karolina Kat (new) - added it

Karolina Kat (lindetiel) | 766 comments @Akshay - I consider 3 stars rating a positive one. It says "I liked it", so I wouldn't be put off by someone's rating of 3 :)

To be honest though after around 30% I don't find this book as appealing as the rest of people here. It's fine but nothing extraordinary...

Anirudh Karolina wrote: "@Akshay - I consider 3 stars rating a positive one. It says "I liked it", so I wouldn't be put off by someone's rating of 3 :)

To be honest though after around 30% I don't find this book as appea..."

Same here. but I have plenty more to read

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