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The Kitchen House
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Historical Fiction > HF March 2016 Read - The Kitchen House

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Srividya Vijapure (theinkedmermaid) Blurb

When a white servant girl violates the order of plantation society, she unleashes a tragedy that exposes the worst and best in the people she has come to call her family. Orphaned while onboard ship from Ireland, seven-year-old Lavinia arrives on the steps of a tobacco plantation where she is to live and work with the slaves of the kitchen house. Under the care of Belle, the master's illegitimate daughter, Lavinia becomes deeply bonded to her adopted family, though she is set apart from them by her white skin.

Eventually, Lavinia is accepted into the world of the big house, where the master is absent and the mistress battles opium addiction. Lavinia finds herself perilously straddling two very different worlds. When she is forced to make a choice, loyalties are brought into question, dangerous truths are laid bare, and lives are put at risk.

Join us this month as we read and discuss this book. Please use spoiler tags where necessary

message 2: by Ahtims (new) - added it

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments Signing in. Just searched out the book, looked at the blurbs etc. Serious reading will start tomorrow (along with Final Empire).

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) I will start tomorrow.:)

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) Am in chapter six and its been a good experience so far. I haven't read only one book om slavery and that was invention of wings. There is striking difference between both book, at least till now.

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Srividya Vijapure (theinkedmermaid) Started this but have paused it for now. Will resume later today. From what I have read, it seems to be a fast read.

message 6: by Em Lost In Books (last edited Mar 04, 2016 08:10AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) After 19 chapters, am quite liking this tale. I am terrified by Rankin.

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Srividya Vijapure (theinkedmermaid) Just can't get into this book. I am in a reading slump of sorts, so won't be reading this one! :(

message 8: by Ahtims (new) - added it

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 2936 comments Srividya wrote: "Just can't get into this book. I am in a reading slump of sorts, so won't be reading this one! :("

Me too. Sorry Manju.

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) its okay.:)

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