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message 1: by Anita (last edited Jan 19, 2016 03:09PM) (new)

Anita Pomerantz | 8730 comments Want to chat about something that doesn't fit in one of the monthly tag threads? This is the place to do it.

General book chatter, recommendations, fun new book websites, movies based on books, articles, award winners. We want all of it!

Please don't reply to this post with your news. Use a new topic to kick off your conversation!

message 2: by Karin (new)

Karin | 8610 comments Hooray, we made it. This site looks organized and great right from the start.

message 3: by Nicole R (new)

Nicole R (drnicoler) | 8014 comments Karin wrote: "Hooray, we made it. This site looks organized and great right from the start."

Thank you, Karin!

message 4: by Ladyslott (new)

Ladyslott | 1880 comments Nicole wrote: "Karin wrote: "Hooray, we made it. This site looks organized and great right from the start."

Thank you, Karin!"

Thanks Karin, we did a lot of work and I think we are pleased with the way it turned out

message 5: by Booknblues (new)

Booknblues | 10577 comments Glad to be here. Like Karin says it looks great and so well organized.

message 6: by punxsygal (new)

punxsygal | 299 comments Thank you for all the work you put into setting the group up. It's beautifully organized.

message 7: by Sushicat (new)

Sushicat | 805 comments Congrats for setting up this groups so well. It looks perfect! And I sheepishly have to admit that GRRR is growing on me. I've discovered a lot of features this last couple of days that make me like it better than I expected.

message 8: by Anita (new)

Anita Pomerantz | 8730 comments Everyone is so nice! Thank you so much for your kind words, Bnb, Punxsygal, and Sushicat. It means a lot as I know you weren't all too excited to come to GRRRRR.

Thanks for giving it a chance!!! That's really all we can ask, and I'm gratified to see you all here doing just that!

message 9: by JoLene (new)

JoLene (trvl2mtns) | 1532 comments I agree -- you guys have done a most excellent job of setting everything up. Taking some of what we loved about Shelfari and making it work here.

I look forward to more participation since the only reason I went to Shelfari was for this group --- vs at least checking GR every day.

message 10: by Nicole R (new)

Nicole R (drnicoler) | 8014 comments JoLene wrote: "I look forward to more participation since the onl..."

JoLene, I look forward to being more involved in some other GR groups including your Historical Fictionistas group! I just added the February read to my shelf and hope to get to it soon!

I also may go back and read your January read as well, since The Lake House has been on my TBR since it came out!

message 11: by JoLene (new)

JoLene (trvl2mtns) | 1532 comments Nicole wrote: "JoLene wrote: "I look forward to more participation since the onl..."

JoLene, I look forward to being more involved in some other GR groups including your Historical Fictionistas group! I just add..."

I also want to read The Lake House, but it was on the long side, and I'm doing the winter scavenger hunt !!

I just posted our yearly Historical Fictionista University Challenge. Basically, you can "earn" a BA, Masters and PhD by doing different reading tasks.

message 12: by Nicole R (new)

Nicole R (drnicoler) | 8014 comments JoLene wrote: "I just posted our yearly Historical Fictionista University Challenge. Basically, you can "earn" a BA, Masters and PhD by doing different reading tasks. "

That seems like more than I can realistically commit to, but I will take a look for sure!

I am just excited to expand my historical fiction reading. I realized after this year that about half of my top 10 were historical fiction! I read some really great ones.

I looked at listening to The Lake House on audio but when I downloaded a sample I was not very excited about the narrator :(

message 13: by JoLene (new)

JoLene (trvl2mtns) | 1532 comments That seems like more than I can realistically commit to, but I will take a look for sure"

Yep --- you have a lot on your plate.
If it makes you feel any better ---- we have many members that don't finish in a year. You can pick and chose what you want to do.

I definitely enjoy my historical fiction -- and that groups have members that like all the sub-genres, so if you are looking for a particular subject like Roman or Revolutionary War, you can find recommendations.

message 14: by Jenni Elyse (new)

Jenni Elyse (jenni_elyse) You all have done a great job with the group! :) Thank you so much for your time and efforts!

message 15: by Olivermagnus (new)

 Olivermagnus (lynda11282) | 3871 comments Kudos to the admins for all the effort they put into transferring the group here. I think it's going to be much easier to navigate than I originally thought.

message 16: by Linda C (new)

Linda C (libladynylindac) | 1526 comments What a magnificent site you have created. I have been on GR for a while and am still finding all kinds of cool stuff.

message 17: by Anita (new)

Anita Pomerantz | 8730 comments Thank you so much for your extremely kind words! We wanted to give it our best shot we could, but it's obviously the members who make it what it is! So glad so many of you came here to be with us!!!

message 18: by Joi (new)

Joi (missjoious) | 3921 comments Holy cow, I wasn't expecting this group to be so complete yet! First log in and there's already a ton of info, messages, how-tos, great for getting started. Kudos to both the admins for putting in all the work, and for the group for being so active already!

message 19: by JudithAnn (new)

JudithAnn | 44 comments Very well done, getting it set up so nicely! Yes, it's me, JudithAnn - old-time member, AWOL for so long! I'm not keen to switch over to Goodreads but I feel immediately at home here with PBT and the same moderators and a lot of the same members! Wonderful.

I'll try and join in when I can! I'm currently reading books of which the title starts with an S - from my to-read shelves. Will search for a WWII book!

message 20: by Barbara M (new)

Barbara M (barbara-m) | 2520 comments I am so happy that we are able to continue PBT without Shelfari. I'm certainly still on the learning curve but feel certain that it will get comfortable again. I'll be able to breathe easier as soon as I get all my books moved from Shelfari. In the meantime, I'm learning the ropes and completely impressed with the HUGE effort our admins have made in getting this done so quickly!

message 21: by Barbara M (new)

Barbara M (barbara-m) | 2520 comments Joi wrote: "Holy cow, I wasn't expecting this group to be so complete yet! First log in and there's already a ton of info, messages, how-tos, great for getting started. Kudos to both the admins for putting in ..."

I wish there was a Like button! Well said Joi.

message 22: by Anita (new)

Anita Pomerantz | 8730 comments JudithAnn, your comments warm my heart!

Joi and Barbara, thank you for your kudos - - they mean a lot! I do really, really wish there were like buttons here for posts.

message 23: by LibraryCin (new)

LibraryCin | 10894 comments JudithAnn wrote: "Very well done, getting it set up so nicely! Yes, it's me, JudithAnn - old-time member, AWOL for so long! I'm not keen to switch over to Goodreads but I feel immediately at home here with PBT and t..."

Hello!!!! Often when I see JudithG, I wonder whatever happened to JudithAnn! Nice to see you back!

message 24: by JudithAnn (new)

JudithAnn | 44 comments LibraryCin wrote: "JudithAnn wrote: "Very well done, getting it set up so nicely! Yes, it's me, JudithAnn - old-time member, AWOL for so long! I'm not keen to switch over to Goodreads but I feel immediately at home h..."

Thanks Cin! I see you're still around too! It feels a bit like a high school reunion. :-)

message 25: by Rachel N. (new)

Rachel N. | 2050 comments It is great to see some faces from longer ago popping up over here. The admins have done a phenomenal job setting this group up. I'm not the biggest fan of GR as a whole but this group is great. I just finished moving all my books from shelfari to GR so I have more time to explore over here now.

message 26: by Anita (new)

Anita Pomerantz | 8730 comments Rachel wrote: "I just finished moving all my books from shelfari to GR so I have more time to explore over here now."

Thank you so much, Rachel, for your kind and supportive comments. It really is very awesome to see some of our long lost members rejoining us to say hello as well as our current, active members who constitute the heart of our group.

I'm just now trying to move all my reviews to GR. Yikes. I'm up to the letter "D". This project could take awhile.

message 27: by LibraryCin (new)

LibraryCin | 10894 comments JudithAnn wrote: "Thanks Cin! I see you're still around too! It feels a bit like a high school reunion. :-) ..."

haha! Yes, I suppose! :-)

message 28: by Paige (new)

Paige P (paigepradko) | 22 comments Just want to thank Anita and Nicole and Linda for helping me learn how to link and post using some of the html hints. I am linking all over the place now and feel so proud (hahaha). I hope to be more active in your group in the future.

message 29: by Anita (new)

Anita Pomerantz | 8730 comments Paige wrote: "Just want to thank Anita and Nicole and Linda for helping me learn how to link and post using some of the html hints. I am linking all over the place now and feel so proud (hahaha). I hope to be mo..."

That's awesome, Paige! Happy you are part of PBT . . .and that we were able to help you get more out of Goodreads.

message 30: by Nicole R (new)

Nicole R (drnicoler) | 8014 comments Victorian Reader wrote: "Do the admins also want us to post reviews of books that we did not finish and the reason why in the appropriate tag?

I don't normally abandoned books however, I just abandoned one and I'm wonderi..."

As long as you make a substantial effort then we welcome the reviews of abandoned books! I know that I find them some of the most entertaining reviews :)

If you just start a book, read a couple chapters, then decide it is not for you right now, then those reviews are probably less appropriate to post.

message 31: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Mae (patriciaflair) | 367 comments Hello, I really loved this group!... You have Footnotes, Beach reads, Activities and Challenges, Short stories, Gothic books, family drama, historical fiction, and many many more...I really thank you so much for moderators and I really loved this group...Thank you😊😊😊😊

message 32: by Robin P (new)

Robin P | 4633 comments Not sure where to put this but for all the Historical Mystery fans, here is a link about upcoming releases:

message 33: by Booknblues (new)

Booknblues | 10577 comments Robin P wrote: "Not sure where to put this but for all the Historical Mystery fans, here is a link about upcoming releases:"

Robin, I found it so it will work. I want to come back and look at that list more closely.

Perfect for this month, but it looks like they will be released throughout the year.

message 34: by Karin (last edited Jan 16, 2024 01:25PM) (new)

Karin | 8610 comments We had snow today when I'm home alone with my mending ankle. I'm well enough to be left alone and my poor sister-in-law was alone and sick through Christmas so my husband and eldest daughter are finally able to help her celebrare. The person at church who ploughs in the winter couldn't get his truck started and the only neighbour whose cell number I have is at work and hasn't answered (I asked if I could hire her son) so after a while I was feeling trapped (it's one thing to choose to stay home, it's another to have no choice!)

Finally I saw the people across the street re-clearing the area where the plough re-added stuff and asked them (calling from my front door since it was too snowy to use my crutches which I still need outside) if they could please clear from the nose of my van to the street (they are happy to help and we've helped each other over the years but we aren't friends and don't have each others' numbers) but they went above and beyond and even cleared both vehicles in the driveway (my son now has my daughter's former car but he can't take it to school where it would cost him an arm and a leg and his school ID gives him access to all public transportation--one of the fees each semester.)

I am planning to get them a gift card but have no idea if and where they might like to go out to eat. Husband, wife and their son were all in my driveway working on things. It was too late to get to the bank when they were done, but for sure I'll go tomorrow to take care of some important business I can't do online.

message 35: by Book Concierge (new)

Book Concierge (tessabookconcierge) | 7819 comments Karin wrote: "I am planning to get them a gift card but have no idea if and where they might like to go out to eat. ...."

That would be a wonderful thank you. An American Express or Visa giftcard can be used anywhere.

message 36: by Theresa (new)

Theresa | 13459 comments You can also give an Open Table gift card which can be used at any restaurant using that reservation system.

A gift card is an excellent idea and always appreciated. I have been given Visa, MC, and Amex giftcards from clients and colleagues and they have been easy to use.

message 37: by Karin (new)

Karin | 8610 comments Book Concierge wrote: "Karin wrote: "I am planning to get them a gift card but have no idea if and where they might like to go out to eat. ...."

That would be a wonderful thank you. An American Express or Visa giftcard ..."

Yes, but I don't think they would respond as well to that, knowing this family. I'd love to see one of their adult kids outside and ask them, but am not going to wait too long. If I can find a gift card good for more than one restaurant I'll get that one if I don't see anyone in time.

When I used to take them produce from our garden we couldn't use, they always gave us fresh salmon, so I stopped since I was giving them stuff we'd otherwise have to put in the compost pile, so you can see the lovely, generous sort of people they are and I don't want it to seem like I'm paying them.

message 38: by Karin (new)

Karin | 8610 comments Theresa wrote: "You can also give an Open Table gift card which can be used at any restaurant using that reservation system.

A gift card is an excellent idea and always appreciated. I have been given Visa, MC, an..."

Yes, this could work if I can find one. I don't even know if they eat in restaurants or not.

message 39: by Amy (last edited Jul 10, 2024 12:57PM) (new)

Amy | 12001 comments Whoops - Now Empty Entry.....

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