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General SF&F discussion > What are you reading in November 2015?

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message 1: by Candiss (new)

Candiss (tantara) | 1207 comments Please let us know what you are reading or planning to read in November.

message 2: by Shamesdean (new)

Shamesdean | 7 comments Reading 'The Martian War' - Kevin J. Anderson. Very enjoyable so far, an interesting take on an old HG Wells theme, including a few favs from other classic science fiction thrown into the mix.

message 3: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Hoping to finish Reaper's Gale and start Toll the Hounds.

message 4: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 235 comments Reading Fool's Quest by Robin Hobb out loud to my husband. It's just as good as all the others in the epic series.

Also, reading the The House of Shattered Wings by Aliette de Bodard. Wonderful.

message 5: by Lulu (new)

Lulu (robotwitch) | 65 comments I finished Speak, my review is here. Overall, I enjoyed it, but there were definite highs and lows.

I'm now onto The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett for my Discworld readthrough group, and I'm hoping to start the audio for A Brief History of Seven Killings in the next couple of days.

message 6: by Shamesdean (new)

Shamesdean | 7 comments Light Fantastic is great. I haven't read that in years. Is that read through geoup on goodreads?

message 7: by Lulu (new)

Lulu (robotwitch) | 65 comments Shamesdean wrote: "Light Fantastic is great. I haven't read that in years. Is that read through geoup on goodreads?"

Yeah, my friend and I are organising it (you can find on my profile, it's called "Discworld Publication Order Readthrough") because she's a huge Pratchett fan who wants to put off reading The Shepard's Crown, and I'd never read a Pratchett prior to last month, except a few pages of a some of there "starter" books here and there!

Turns out, I'd been trying to start in the wrong place previously, since I loved The Colour of Magic and can't quite work out why everyone discourages from reading it as your first Discworld.

message 8: by Shel, Moderator (new)

Shel (shel99) | 2868 comments Mod
I'm partway through The Girl with All the Gifts for the group read and so far am enjoying it immensely!

message 9: by Ken (new)

Ken (ogi8745) | 1380 comments Finished Tiassa, and interesting book in the Vlad Taltos series. Very different book from the rest.

Started a Rebus mystery A Question of Blood

message 10: by Lulu (new)

Lulu (robotwitch) | 65 comments I finished The Light Fantastic which was indeed fantastic; just as funny as the first, and I enjoyed Cohen the Barbarian very much.

I also sped through Bird Box by Josh Malerman in one sitting. Scary as hell, chocked full of suspense, and a well paced plot. The ending let it down a little for me, but still.

I'm now dragging myself through Go Tell It on the Mountain for class, interspersed with the more entertaining Portnoy's Complaint, and the audiobook of A Brief History of Seven Killings, which I'm not far enough into to make judgements of.

message 11: by Justine (last edited Nov 07, 2015 01:55PM) (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments Like Lulu I just finished (and loved) Bird Box. I'm now reading the Shades of London trilogy by Maureen Johnson and really enjoying that as well. I'm currently halfway through the last book, The Shadow Cabinet.

Next up I plan to start Toll the Hounds.

message 12: by Justine (new)

Justine | 2 comments Hi I've just read the Prince Of Thorns trilogy By Mark Lawrence. One of the best book I have read all year (and I have read a lot)

message 13: by Christine (new)

Christine | 634 comments I'm almost done with The Keeper which I'm enjoying. I have The Girl with All the Gifts on my tablet to read next

message 14: by Ken (new)

Ken (ogi8745) | 1380 comments Finished A Question of Blood, another great Rebus book.

On to some SF
Reading Beginning Operations: A Sector General Omnibus

message 15: by Shel, Moderator (new)

Shel (shel99) | 2868 comments Mod
I zipped through half of Updraft last night when I couldn't sleep - I'm home sick today and fully expect to finish it before it's time to pick up my kids! Really enjoying it. I got to meet the author a little while ago and she was very entertaining, so I'm glad the book is living up to my impression of her!

message 17: by Shel, Moderator (new)

Shel (shel99) | 2868 comments Mod
As predicted, I finished the rest of Updraft yesterday. It was really fun - highly recommended! Really great worldbuilding, I gave it 4 stars (lost one because the plot was fairly predictable but otherwise a great book).

Not sure what I'm going to start next. I've not been feeling well (darn kids and the germs they bring home!) and am also very busy at work right now, so nothing too mentally taxing...

message 18: by Justine (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments Shel wrote: "As predicted, I finished the rest of Updraft yesterday. It was really fun - highly recommended! Really great worldbuilding, I gave it 4 stars (lost one because the plot was fairly p..."

Oh Shel, you should read Cuckoo Song by Frances Hardinge.

message 19: by Helen (new)

Helen Another month, another Malazan!

I think Justine is on commission.

message 20: by Shel, Moderator (new)

Shel (shel99) | 2868 comments Mod
Justine wrote: "Shel wrote: "As predicted, I finished the rest of Updraft yesterday. It was really fun - highly recommended! Really great worldbuilding, I gave it 4 stars (lost one because the plot..."

Looks interesting! I'll add it to the ever-growing list :)

message 21: by Justine (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments Ha ha:) I just think everyone should read Hardinge.

message 22: by Christine (new)

Christine | 634 comments I just finished First Test which I enjoyed; it is light reading and although the ending is predictable, I enjoyed the journey. I'm now starting The Girl With All the Gifts: Extended Free Preview

message 23: by Chris (last edited Nov 15, 2015 07:34AM) (new)

Chris Dietzel (chrisdietzel) Just started The Stars My Destination and am enjoying it.

message 24: by Bill (new)

Bill (reedye) | 60 comments Agreeing with Justine...every Hardinge is a treat!

message 25: by Lulu (new)

Lulu (robotwitch) | 65 comments This week, so far, I've finished two graphic novels: The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 2: Fandemonium was the first. I'm really enjoying this series, and the cliffhanger at the end of this volume makes me antsy for February, when the next is released. The second was Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass & Sorcery which was a bit of a disappointment since I've heard a lot of hype for it. It was fun and all, but nothing special, and I felt that the pacing was off.

I also finished A Scanner Darkly which was fantastic, as seems to be everything Dick produced. The tone, pace, dialogue, and characterisation all hit the right note for me. The humour, though the novel was very dark, really stuck out for me, and gave the book a slightly raw feeling.

I'm still working on the non-SFF books I mentioned in my last post, but I'm hoping to finish a couple of them over the weekend and start Surfacing by Margaret Atwood, along with The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson.

message 26: by Najaf (new)

Najaf Naqvi (najafnaqvi) | 9 comments i will try to get through the nebula and hugo winners.

currently on Rite of Passage.

message 27: by Ken (new)

Ken (ogi8745) | 1380 comments Lulu wrote: "I also finished A Scanner Darkly which was fantastic, as seems to be everything Dick produced. The tone, pace, dialogue, and characterisation all hit the right note for me. The humour, though the novel was very dark, really stuck out for me, and gave the book a slightly raw feeling."

Now go out and see the movie

message 28: by Justine (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments Now reading The Kingdom of Gods the last book of The Inheritance Trilogy. I'm about halfway through and it is great so far:)

message 29: by Lulu (new)

Lulu (robotwitch) | 65 comments Ken wrote: "Lulu wrote: "I also finished A Scanner Darkly which was fantastic, as seems to be everything Dick produced. The tone, pace, dialogue, and characterisation all hit the right note for me. The humour,..."

My friend and I were chatting about it tonight, and he was saying how well it done (he suggested that because it was semi-indie they were able to stay truer to the book, because what I described was very accurate to how the film plays out). I'm going to watch it tomorrow night I think :)

message 30: by Alissa (last edited Nov 28, 2015 06:41AM) (new)

Alissa | 171 comments Currently reading Royal Assassinand enjoying it very much.
Before delving into Hobb, I read Carol Berg's Lighthouse duet, she is a superb fantasist. Surely my favourite along with Janny Wurts.

message 31: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
I've only read Berg's Transformation, Revelation, Restoration trilogy, but I was very impressed and have a number of her other books on my self, waiting for me.

message 32: by Chris (new)

Chris Dietzel (chrisdietzel) Just finished The Stars My Destination. One of the few books where the ending is not only not a letdown, but is the highlight of the story.

Getting ready to start The Left Hand of God.

message 33: by Scott (new)

Scott (thekeeblertree) | 99 comments Bout halfway through Veiled - Benedict Jacka and it's another entertaining entry to this series. Really love the pacing and world in these books.

Plan on starting The Kingdom of Gods - N.K. Jemisin after finishing

message 34: by Lulu (new)

Lulu (robotwitch) | 65 comments Scott wrote: "Bout halfway through Veiled - Benedict Jacka and it's another entertaining entry to this series. Really love the pacing and world in these books.

Plan on starting ..."

I once played a tabletop RPG version of the Dresden Files with Benedict Jacka. He was very sweet to me (and I was a newbie to the group) so I'm glad to see people enjoying his series! :) I don't read UF, or I'd give it a go myself.

message 35: by Jo (new)

Jo  (jomixedbookbag) | 35 comments I just finished Killing Titian by Greg Bear. Did not like it as much as book Dogs of War but will look for and read book three when it comes out in 2016.

Also read Her Brothers Keeper from Baen. An OK read. I got an ARC for review. It may not be out yet.

message 36: by Kurt (last edited Nov 21, 2015 02:54PM) (new)

Kurt Rocourt (krocourt) | 38 comments I read Made to Kill and Brisk Money both by Adam Christopher this month. I also read Doctor Who: System Wipe by Oli Smith. I'm currently reading an ARC of Steal the Sky by Megan E. O'Keefe it comes out in January 2016.

message 37: by Christine (new)

Christine | 634 comments I just finished The Girl with All the Gifts which I enjoyed more than I thought I would (I generally don't like zombie stories). Now reading off topic: Speaking in Bones

message 38: by Justine (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments Finished The Kingdom of Gods and also Illuminae. I'm now starting Updraft by Fran Wilde.

message 39: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (last edited Nov 23, 2015 08:39AM) (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Looks like I might finish Toll the Hounds this month... but I'm leaving tomorrow for a week with my family and don't have much reading time, so maybe not. IF I do, I'm diving right into Dust of Dreams since the Malazan group is getting ahead of me again.

message 40: by Justine (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments lol Kathi:) Are we keeping you on your toes?

message 41: by Shel, Moderator (new)

Shel (shel99) | 2868 comments Mod
Justine wrote: "Finished The Kingdom of Gods and also Illuminae. I'm now starting Updraft by Fran Wilde."

I really enjoyed Updraft! It was a tad predictable, but the worldbuilding was amazing.

message 42: by Justine (last edited Nov 23, 2015 10:14PM) (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments I'm about halfway through, Shel, and I'm enjoying it. A good debut effort for sure.

message 43: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Justine wrote: "lol Kathi:) Are we keeping you on your toes?"

Well, I'll just say that some of you read faster than I do, which is fine, but I'm trying to be a good discussion facilitator and not be left in the dust.

message 44: by Justine (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments You are the best discussion facilitator. Your awesomeness is legendary...look how many people have hopped on the Malazan read:) Mostly with those books the thing is that once I start I just want to power through them otherwise I get distracted and forget what is going on. Worry not about dust trails:)

message 45: by Helen (new)

Helen Kathi wrote: "Justine wrote: "lol Kathi:) Are we keeping you on your toes?"

Well, I'll just say that some of you read faster than I do, which is fine, but I'm trying to be a good discussion facilitator and not ..."

You are funny! You're always ahead of me.

message 46: by Justine (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments Sorry Helen...I suspect the SpecFic reading list might have had something to do with that. :)

message 47: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (last edited Nov 24, 2015 07:32PM) (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Justine wrote: "You are the best discussion facilitator. Your awesomeness is legendary...look how many people have hopped on the Malazan read:) Mostly with those books the thing is that once I start I just want to..."

*blush* You are too kind!

message 48: by Helen (new)

Helen Justine wrote: "Sorry Helen...I suspect the SpecFic reading list might have had something to do with that. :)"

Nodding in agreement.

message 49: by Christine (new)

Christine | 634 comments I finished Speaking in Bones which I enjoyed (but why does Tempe have to keep going into dangerous situations without backup???). Now on to Cuckoo Song which was recommended by someone on this list

message 50: by Justine (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments Christine wrote: "Now on to Cuckoo Song which was recommended by someone on this list.."

There are a few of us on here who have read and loved that book Christine:) Hope you enjoy it!

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