Food Book Club discussion

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message 1: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Tell us who you are!

message 2: by Dawn (new)

Dawn Whidden (dawn71753) | 1 comments Congratulations and best of luck with the new book club!! I am sure you are going to be a great moderator. Let me know if there is anything I can do to keep it interesting!

message 3: by Annavarkatzas (new)

Annavarkatzas Good book club! It's a pity that I don't know books about cooking... But here in Spain we've very good cookers so some of their books are interesting!

message 4: by Camille (new)

Camille Thank you so much for the invite! I'm looking forward to talking about food and health with you.

I'm a 40+ wife and mother of 3--two of them are teens! I've struggled with weight and food issues my entire life. I've gained and lost hundreds of pounds over my lifetime. Keeping it off is always the hardest part for me. I have many bad habits that I need to break where food is concerned.

In 2012, I lost over 60 pounds, was the smallest I had been in 10 years and have since gained it all back. It's hard and I battle daily.

All that aside, I love my life! My husband and I hammock camp, hike, and love to travel. We are childhood sweethearts and best friends!

Good luck getting the group started!

message 5: by Angela (new)

Angela | 1 comments I live in Delaware Ohio. I am married to the live of my life and we have an amazing 2 yr old boy. I was recently let go from my job and now I am enjoying my time off with my son and my "book boyfriends" :)

message 6: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin | 4 comments I'm 25, a Midwestern transplant to NYC balancing a job and a graduate arts program at NYU with as much fun-time reading and writing as I can manage.

Love the idea of this group as a source of inspiration for new recipes and cooking styles; it's easy to get everything delivery in New York but it adds up ($$ and calorie-wise), so I try to cook several times a week and am always looking for new and interesting recipes.

message 7: by Hilda (new)

Hilda Adade | 1 comments Neja wrote: "Tell us who you are!"

My name is Hilda i go to Westerville central high school I'm 17 years old enjoy reading very much

message 8: by hugsandcookies (new)

hugsandcookies | 1 comments So happy to be part of this Cookbook Club. Thank you for the friendvite.

I'm 40 with 2 grown twins and just became a nana. I'm Pacific Islander. Niuean. If there is something that we know what to do is that we love to eat. Island food consists mainly of fat and that's not really good. I'm not good at cooking Niuean food but I know how its done. Still, I stay away and my son promotes healthy eating cause he plays rugby. So I would say only Sundays is when we kind of cheat. But not overly done.

Only one thing I am good at is baking. I love baking. I have 2 godchildren that loves my cookies and cupcakes. I have tons of cookbooks, especially the sweets. My son's weakness are my brownies.

Looking forward to your book club grow. Congrats again.

message 9: by Diane (new)

Diane Great idea! Looking forward to posts in this book club. I enjoy reading nutritional books and sharing favorite cookbooks. I'm a Midwest mom & hairdresser always looking for fast, healthy ways to feed my family. Fortunately I have a family of foodies. My 2 young boys (6&8) count oysters, Brussel sprouts, frog legs, kale, etc as some of there favorite foods. Basically they love all the foods they're not "supposed" to lol.

message 10: by Cats (new)

Cats 274 (cats274) | 2 comments That's a first book club EVER that I wanted to join. Great idea!

I'm a Dalmatian living in Ljubljana, Slovenia for a quarter of a century. One of my favourite hobbies is cooking, exploring new recipes, creating something new and tasty and making my loved ones happy. And yes, I have very, very many cookbooks.

message 11: by Holly (new)

Holly (goldikova) Hi all;

I'm Holly, I'm 49, living in the Rustbelt town where I was born & raised. I'v moved around the US and have lots of local and regional recipes that I have collected over the years. I'm a foodie and love to cook; I don't do much baking though, because you have to follow the recipes. I love the freedom to experiment with recipes, changing and adding ingredients, etc. I use as much fresh, locally raised ingredients as I can; and I avoid factory-farm products whenever possible. We get our eggs from the pet ducks who live in our backyard, and we grow as much of our own produce as we can.

I look forward to discussing food & recipes with everybody here.

Good luck with the group, Neja!

message 12: by Barbara (last edited Mar 17, 2014 12:36PM) (new)

Barbara | 2 comments Hi! I'm an empty nester I guess, since my only son is now off at college. I still love to cook even though it's just my husband and myself most nights. I collect cookbooks and I'm always looking for the next great recipe. I LOVE to bake bread when I have the time, but it's not always easy to find time since I work full time as a librarian and go to school at night.

I think this is a great idea for a book club! I love my cookbook collection and I'm always finding "just one more" that I HAVE to have! Maybe we could use a foodie" novel for a group read. Like "The School of Essential Ingrediants," or "The Love Goddess Cooking School." There are many great ones to choose from.

message 13: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Dawn wrote: "Congratulations and best of luck with the new book club!! I am sure you are going to be a great moderator. Let me know if there is anything I can do to keep it interesting!"

Thank you so much for joining us and being a part of something I wanted to do and your best wishes. You just be active and that will be enough=)

message 14: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Anavarkatzas wrote: "Good book club! It's a pity that I don't know books about cooking... But here in Spain we've very good cookers so some of their books are interesting!"

Thank you! Well than maybe this is a PERFECT place for you. You will discover a loooot of good cookbooks in this little corner=). I love paella! ;)

message 15: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Camille wrote: "Thank you so much for the invite! I'm looking forward to talking about food and health with you.

I'm a 40+ wife and mother of 3--two of them are teens! I've struggled with weight and food issues ..."

Thank YOU for accepting my invite. Wow three kids! I wanted to have three kids some day but I'm not sure if I could handle them! =). You are very blessed.

I can understand your struggles with eating habits. Believe it or not, I battle them myself. I am a foodie and Jesus I just love to eat, cook, bake! I am starting to eat more clean at this moment. Less desserts and junk food. More vegetables, fish, poultry, amaranth, quinoa, beans ,… salads with much of good ingredients in it. I think we can all motivate each other here and also find good books for healthy eating and cookbooks for some guilty pleasure too ;). Well we can sin now and there, right? =)

When I read about you sand your husband I almost got a teary eye. That is so sweet. Really, so, so sweet! I am happy hearing you have a happy life & family.

message 16: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Angela wrote: "I live in Delaware Ohio. I am married to the live of my life and we have an amazing 2 yr old boy. I was recently let go from my job and now I am enjoying my time off with my son and my "book boyfri..."

Hi Angela! Great seeing you here! Congrats on your sweet little boy and happy marriage.

Sorry to hear you were let go from your job. But I hope you're not struggling financially and enjoying this time that you have, for spending it with your child and raising him into a very special person. Much Love!

message 17: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Caitlin wrote: "I'm 25, a Midwestern transplant to NYC balancing a job and a graduate arts program at NYU with as much fun-time reading and writing as I can manage.

Love the idea of this group as a source of insp..."

Arts program! This sounds very interesting to me! Is it tough? Did you know, my biggest wish was always to visit NYC. It's such an amazing, busy city! Well, at least it seems this way on TV! :D Someday…

Cooking is really good, it can be healthy and really fun too!

message 18: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Hilda wrote: "Neja wrote: "Tell us who you are!"

My name is Hilda i go to Westerville central high school I'm 17 years old enjoy reading very much"

Oh you are so young! I'm glad you're here! I am obsessed with books, so I understand you =)

message 19: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Danielle wrote: "Good morning fellow cookbook-lovers - Happy Monday!

My name is Danielle, and my food/cooking/nutrition personality is mostly light, always indulgent, and about 90% vegan. I aim to live cruelty-fr..."

Hi Danielle! Thank for joining us! You have a very busy life! And I like the fact that you have a lot of hobbies. I think that hobbies make us very happy. I love to blog too!

Looking forward reading your comments and checking out your suggestions.

message 20: by Stephen (new)

Stephen | 2 comments I'm Stephen. I work as a SAR EMT and at work, I either have lots of time to cook or none. I do love to spend time in the kitchen, but I spend most of my time playing with recipes or doing stuff from my Star Trek cookbook. I know I'm a geek, but hey it's the Age of the Geek. lol

Prescylla Veronique (prescyllav) | 1 comments I'm Prescylla I am a student and aspiring entertainment journalist from Toronto, Canada. I love Young Adult and Romance Novels and I'm really into fashion and eating all types of food!

message 22: by Anja (new)

Anja Hi, my name is Anja. :)

I am from Slovenia and I am a 3rd year midwifery student.

And a bookworm, obviously. :)

message 23: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
hugsandcookies wrote: "So happy to be part of this Cookbook Club. Thank you for the friendvite.

I'm 40 with 2 grown twins and just became a nana. I'm Pacific Islander. Niuean. If there is something that we know what to..."

I love to bake too! It feels to nice to talk to people that love to cook, bake and talk about food. Most of the time I just annoy my bf, friends and family with food talk, but they aren't that passionate about food :(

I am so interested into your Island recipes. I hope you will share with us the titles of your favorite cookbooks.

Thank you for your enthusiasm ! =)

message 24: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Diane wrote: "Great idea! Looking forward to posts in this book club. I enjoy reading nutritional books and sharing favorite cookbooks. I'm a Midwest mom & hairdresser always looking for fast, healthy ways to fe..."

Hi Diane! My, my, your sons eat things even I don't, because I'm afraid =). That's so cool you're all foodies! Must be fun.Please share your favorite cookbooks, I am dying to discover some new ones.

message 25: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Cats wrote: "That's a first book club EVER that I wanted to join. Great idea!

I'm a Dalmatian living in Ljubljana, Slovenia for a quarter of a century. One of my favourite hobbies is cooking, exploring new rec..."

Awesome, you live in the best city of our little country ;). This Friday they will again start the project Open kitchen at food market (Odprta kuhinja). Do you know this project? Ever heard of it? It's so cool, because you can find lots of good and different cousins in one place.

message 26: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Amadéa wrote: "I love the idea of a book club for cookbooks!

I'm 24 and I love being in the kitchen, playing with food, and learning all kinds of things from cookbooks!"

Thank you! The thought just crossed my mind and I did it! I am so grateful for all these nice responses and interest. Thank you for joining us!

Keep on discovering new recipes and I wish you a lot of those fun kitchen moments=).

message 27: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Holly wrote: "Hi all;

I'm Holly, I'm 49, living in the Rustbelt town where I was born & raised. I'v moved around the US and have lots of local and regional recipes that I have collected over the years. I'm a ..."

Thank you Holly! You already eat very clean and fresh. I love this! This is the way to live! eating & cooking with fresh, local vegetables, fruit,…

I have to learn how to be more creative and create my own recipes, I'm still working on that. But I have to tell you, baking is fun to, there's a lot of simple recipes for baking. =)

I hope I will read more from you!

message 28: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Barbara wrote: "Hi! I'm an empty nester I guess, since my only son is now off at college. I still love to cook even though it's just my husband and myself most nights. I collect cookbooks and I'm always looking fo..."

Hi Barbara!

That's a huge change for you and your husband, an empty nest. As longs as your son in happy & healthy and being a good student.

I know what you mean, I am just starting my cookbooks collection and THERE'S SO MANY OUT THERE, THAT I JUST HAVE TO HAVE! Wa!! =)

Thank you so much for your suggestions! I will check them out, great idea!

message 29: by Holly (new)

Holly (goldikova) Anja wrote: "Hi, my name is Anja. :)

I am from Slovenia and I am a 3rd year midwifery student.

And a bookworm, obviously. :)"

Welcome, Anja! I think it is wonderful that you want to be a midwife. I had a midwife during my pregnancy and she was so wonderful and I am grateful to have had the alternative to a traditional OB/GYN approach to birthing. Best wishes in your schooling & future career.

message 30: by Angelia (new)

Angelia Phillips (femmeflashpoint) | 1 comments Thanks for the invite and congratulations on your club!

I'm Angelia (femmeflashpoint), a full-time reader and photojournalist.

I don't do much cooking, but I do enjoy skimming cool vegan recipes and tend to pass them on to my kith and kin, especially the ones that are plant-based alternatives to favorite traditional recipes.

Those are always a big score and much appreciated. :)

message 31: by Glenda (new)

Glenda (gandes) | 5 comments Thanks for the invite, and looking forward to exchanging ideas!

I'm Glenda (or Gia to some). Currently living in Seattle, but "normally" from the Bay Area. Mostly vegetarian in terms of cooking and eating. I find a lot of great stuff on Pinterest these days as opposed to cook books, but will share my favs.

message 32: by Paulia (new)

Paulia BSN-RN | 2 comments Thank you for allowing me to join your book club! I am a thirtysomething chick who loves to read and write. I enjoy a lot of quiet time at home with my pet dog and turtle doing just that when I am not out and about. Wish you much success on this group.

message 33: by threepmreads (new)

threepmreads Hi everyone,
My name is Carly and I am a thirtysomething living in the historic seaside town of Cape May, New Jersey.

I own a creative agency called threepmdesign and I also work part time with the Cape May County Library.

Reading, art/design, my puggle, and eating are my favorite hobbies.

Cooking is not a passion but I do enjoy trying new recipes and making old recipes better! I also adore anything made/discussed on America's Test Kitchen. Chris Kimball's recipes have always been a winner in my home.

Thanks Neja for the invite.

message 34: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Calvert (melissacalvert) | 1 comments Hello!
My name is Melissa AKA Luna. I am 29 and live in Seattle, WA. I own Light of Luna Photography. I enjoy reading, writing, exploring, thinking, cooking, photography, etc.

I enjoy cooking and attempt to try new recipes every month. Thank you for the invitation to the group. :)

message 35: by Tjaša (new)

Tjaša | 4 comments Hello everyone! :)
Thanks Neja for the invite - I was immediately drawn to your bookclub when I read "foodies". :) I love food - love to bake and cook, especially if I have some new recipes to try. Oh, and I'm 26 and from Slovenia.
I'll be more than happy to chat with you guys here in Neja's book club. :)

message 36: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Stephen wrote: "I'm Stephen. I work as a SAR EMT and at work, I either have lots of time to cook or none. I do love to spend time in the kitchen, but I spend most of my time playing with recipes or doing stuff fro..."

Ha ha Stephen! You crack me up! At least you have some interest for food =). And I so agree, it's Age of the Geeks!

message 37: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Prescylla wrote: "I'm Prescylla I am a student and aspiring entertainment journalist from Toronto, Canada. I love Young Adult and Romance Novels and I'm really into fashion and eating all types of food!"

Welcome Prescylla! It sounds very interesting-entertainment journalism. Good to see you here! I hope I will visit Canada someday.

message 38: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Anja wrote: "Hi, my name is Anja. :)

I am from Slovenia and I am a 3rd year midwifery student.

And a bookworm, obviously. :)"

Hey Anja! Where is your school, in Ljubljana? Maybe we shared same school =)

message 39: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Angelia wrote: "Thanks for the invite and congratulations on your club!

I'm Angelia (femmeflashpoint), a full-time reader and photojournalist.

I don't do much cooking, but I do enjoy skimming cool vegan recipes ..."

Hi Angelia! I like that, that you do a healthier spin of some other recipes! I hope you will like this little foody corner=)

message 40: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Glenda wrote: "Thanks for the invite, and looking forward to exchanging ideas!

I'm Glenda (or Gia to some). Currently living in Seattle, but "normally" from the Bay Area. Mostly vegetarian in terms of cooking a..."

Hello Glenda! Did you watch Gia, the movie? =) I know what you mean! I find almost all my recipes on Pinterest. Pinterest Obsession! =)

message 41: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Paulia wrote: "Thank you for allowing me to join your book club! I am a thirtysomething chick who loves to read and write. I enjoy a lot of quiet time at home with my pet dog and turtle doing just that when I am ..."

Great to see you here Paulia! Quiet time is my middle name! So I perfectly understand what you mean=)

message 42: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Carly wrote: "Hi everyone,
My name is Carly and I am a thirtysomething living in the historic seaside town of Cape May, New Jersey.

I own a creative agency called threepmdesign and I also work part time with ..."

Welcome Carly! You know, I really like people that create something and it seems you create a lot. So happy to read about your favorite hobbies, things that make you happy.

message 43: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Melissa wrote: "Hello!
My name is Melissa AKA Luna. I am 29 and live in Seattle, WA. I own Light of Luna Photography. I enjoy reading, writing, exploring, thinking, cooking, photography, etc.

I enjoy cooking an..."

Well hello there Melissa! We have same interests. I am just getting into photography since I'm blogging. I really enjoy it. Say hello to Seattle for me will ya? =)

message 44: by Summer (new)

Summer (summer654) | 110 comments Mod
Tjaša wrote: "Hello everyone! :)
Thanks Neja for the invite - I was immediately drawn to your bookclub when I read "foodies". :) I love food - love to bake and cook, especially if I have some new recipes to try...."

Thank you Tjaša so, so much for being here with all us food obsessed maniacs! =) And it's just the best to see someone from my country here too!

message 45: by Dahiany (new)

Dahiany (clockworkocean) | 2 comments Hi! My name is Gisette, and I'm very excited to be part of this club! I saw nutrition as one of the threads and I was flattered. I'm sure this club will turn out to be very successful. (: thank you for the invite!

message 46: by Betty (new)

Betty | 3 comments Thanks for the invite to what should be a very interesting group. I love reading about food, as well as preparing it... I'm much more a cook than a baker. I have an enormous cookbook library, although most are not listed here, as it is all I can do to keep my "Eat Your Books" catalog current. :-)

I have two grown kids, so if we aren't entertaining, most of my cooking is done for two, although I always seem to cook full recipes and have one of the better stocked freezers around.... Makes some feel less guilty when I travel and abandon my husband, at least I know he has plenty to eat!

message 47: by Kristen (last edited Apr 06, 2014 05:48PM) (new)

Kristen Thanks for the invite :) I'm not really that good at cooking or eating healthy, so I'm hoping that I'll get some easy/healthy recipes to try :)

message 48: by Nadia (new)

Nadia (purplegems) | 1 comments Thanks for the invite :) I enjoy cooking and baking and it's always good to learn something new about the things you like ^^

message 49: by Nermeen (new)

Nermeen Elbek | 1 comments Thanks for inviting me Neja :) I love cooking and I'm always surfing the internet searching for new recipes.. So hope to be beneficial to each other :D

message 50: by Neil (new)

Neil (krispbaykon) | 1 comments Thank you very much for the invitation to join your group Neja. From an early age my Mother taught myself and my brothers how to cook, so that we wouldn't be helpless in the kitchen.
I am of the opinion that food should be fun and so I am looking forward to 'borrowing' some recipes and seeing what I can turn out.
So good luck with the group, and once again thank you for the invitation :o)

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