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Pangalax (Veya Trilogy, #1)
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Archives > Pangalax (Book 1 in the Veya Trilogy) by S.M. Koz - BR&R - Starting August 17th 2015

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Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod

Aveyana’s world will never be the same.

After an unexpected attack claims her mom, seventeen-year-old Veya is forced to abandon the only home she's ever known and the only boy she’s ever loved to make a new life on Pangalax, a US space station.

Heartbroken, angry, and homesick, she resents her dad’s decision to move and his demand to hide her unique abilities. As she suspected, appearing normal proves to be nearly impossible, especially around Kye, a way-too-handsome officer who is determined to break through her walls.

But can he be trusted?

Can anyone be trusted?

As Veya uncovers the deep, dark secrets of Pangalax, her very existence becomes threatened. Only one person can save her.

Is she willing to forget the past and trust him with her life?

message 2: by Sarah Elizabeth (last edited Sep 24, 2015 10:30AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Hi guys, we have a 'read-2-review' opportunity up for grabs! S.M. Koz is kindly offering up ebook copies of her book 'Pangalax' in exchange for honest reviews. This is a YA Sci-fi novel and was released in August 2015. The buddy read will start on August 17th ☺

To sign up, please leave your name on this thread, and then send me a message with your email address, and preferred format. This book is available in Epub/Mobi/ and PDF formats.

Please Note:
*This buddy read will be a read-to-review opportunity.
*The author will provide participants with a free ebook of the book, and in return you agree to:

-read the book
-join the buddy read
-write an honest review
-NOT SHARE THIS EBOOK - it is for your review purposes only.

Amazon links -
UK -
US -

1. Sarah - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
2. Abbie - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
3. Sharon - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
4. Tiffany
5. Runningkvinna
6. Auntie
7. Cinthia (on hold)
8. Julia
9. Siobhan - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
10. Monique - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
11. Kimberly (on hold)
13. Charlotte - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
14. Maddy - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
15. Infinite
16. Rachel (TX)

Sharon Mariampillai | 10838 comments I will join this one as well. Epub format, please!

message 4: by Crystal (new) - added it

Crystal | 15 comments I would like to join this one

message 5: by netareads (new)

netareads I would love to read this one as well. Thanks!

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Added ☺

message 7: by Auntie (new)

Auntie K | 273 comments I'll give it a shot

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Added ☺

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

This one actually sounds fun... I could tell already there are gonna be juicy twists. Add me please.

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Added ☺

message 11: by Julia (new)

Julia (julia_landerss) | 111 comments I'd like to try this one! Epub and do you have my email still or would you like me to resend it to you? :)

message 12: by Siobhan (new)

Siobhan Quinlan | 2095 comments can you hold a spot for me please

message 13: by Monique (last edited Aug 06, 2015 08:54AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Monique | 9 comments I would like to read this :)

message 14: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly (kimbe08) | 5 comments I'd like this one too

message 15: by Sage (new)

Sage Winchester  | 2 comments Tiffany Adams

Charlotte (charlotte-booklover-weaver) | 75 comments I would like to read this please...

message 17: by Madison (new)

Madison Honey  (book-rat) I'd like to read this

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Added ☺

message 19: by Infinite (new)

Infinite Scythe (infinite_scythe) I would like to read this please.

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Added ☺

message 21: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Remeny (rachelremeny) I'd like to join! Mobi format please

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Added ☺

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Email addresses have been sent to the author

message 24: by Crystal (new) - added it

Crystal | 15 comments Im seeing you dont have my email address? T.Arnold1026@gmail.com

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Thank you, do you know which format you need?

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Actually, I think I have your email address, I think it's the other Tiffany whose email address I don't have ☺ Thank you though!

message 27: by netareads (new)

netareads Is mobi the frmat for the kindle? If so do you have a copy you could send me,Sarah? I got an epub copy from the author but currently my Laptop doesnt recognise my ereader so I cant load epubs on the Reader. I just read dark lightning on my iPad 2 but that is a bit clunky!:-) So if you have a kindle ersion could you please mail it to me? Thank you so much! If not I will read it on the iPad again. I plan on starting tonight...

Abbie (abbie_gr) | 27699 comments Starting now. :)

Abbie (abbie_gr) | 27699 comments Chapter 2 - (view spoiler)

Abbie (abbie_gr) | 27699 comments Chapter 5 - (view spoiler)

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Runningkvinna wrote: "Is mobi the frmat for the kindle? If so do you have a copy you could send me,Sarah? I got an epub copy from the author but currently my Laptop doesnt recognise my ereader so I cant load epubs on th..."

I'll sort it out for you ☺

message 32: by Monique (last edited Aug 17, 2015 10:50AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Monique | 9 comments Chapter 1 (view spoiler)

Chapter 2 (view spoiler)

message 33: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Remeny (rachelremeny) Have the mobi formats been sent out? I haven't gotten mine yet :/

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Yes, you should have it by now have you checked your spam folder?

message 35: by Abbie (last edited Aug 18, 2015 03:22AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Abbie (abbie_gr) | 27699 comments Chapter 22 - (view spoiler)

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
I've resent it Rachel, so you should have it now ☺

Charlotte (charlotte-booklover-weaver) | 75 comments I'm almost ready for this one... half way through my last R2R...

message 38: by netareads (new)

netareads Chapter 1-4 - (view spoiler)

Sharon Mariampillai | 10838 comments Prologue: (view spoiler)

Sharon Mariampillai | 10838 comments Chapter 2: (view spoiler)

Sharon Mariampillai | 10838 comments Abbie wrote: "Chapter 5 - [spoilers removed]"

I feel the same way.

Sharon Mariampillai | 10838 comments Chapter 5: (view spoiler)

Sharon Mariampillai | 10838 comments Chapter 9: (view spoiler)

Sharon Mariampillai | 10838 comments Chapter 12: (view spoiler)

Sharon Mariampillai | 10838 comments Chapter 18: (view spoiler)

Sharon Mariampillai | 10838 comments Abbie wrote: "Chapter 22 - [spoilers removed]"

(view spoiler)

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Abbie wrote: "Chapter 5 - [spoilers removed]"


Abbie (abbie_gr) | 27699 comments Sharon wrote: "Chapter 2: [spoilers removed]"


message 50: by Sarah Elizabeth (last edited Aug 20, 2015 03:01AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) | 89104 comments Mod
Sharon wrote: "Chapter 2: [spoilers removed]"

Wouldn't bother me at all. I wanted to be a pathologist, the dead don't answer back. usually.

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