101 Books to Read Before You Die discussion

The Lists > Discuss the lists

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message 1: by Alana (new)

Alana (alanasbooks) | 1189 comments Mod
I know many of you have thoughts as to the books that are and are not included on these lists. We have spoken about them in other threads, and as we've said, these were two lists that someone came up with and we just chose to adopt for our group. It does not mean these are necessarily the top books of all time (and even if I said so and thought that they were, we all have different opinions on that and would disagree). So, the lists are set and we will work from them, at least until they are complete.

However, here is the thread where we can discuss our thoughts on which books have been included (or excluded). Just keep it nice and remember we are all free to agree to disagree :)

message 2: by Alana (new)

Alana (alanasbooks) | 1189 comments Mod
So I totally just realized that in my fuzzy brain, somehow "O" comes before "N" in my alphabet.... for whatever reason, that's how the list is! Lol, sorry about that :)

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