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Countdown to Halloween

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm currently counting down the days to Halloween on my blog. Each day I feature a different dark fiction writer whose work I have enjoyed in the past. There's no way to sign up to be featured so don't ask, if I've read and enjoyed your work there's a good bet you'll hear from me.
So far I've featured
Robert Dunbar
Ian Woodhead
Sara Brooke
Ronald Malfi
T.W. Brown

My personal homage to those writers whose work I have enjoyed.

message 2: by Clara (new)

Clara (claratlas) | 19 comments Send me a link to your work and I will take the time to read it, as well: xx, Thank you.

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Here's the link to my amazon Author page, you can get to all my available work that way.

And smashwords:

message 4: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 09, 2013 05:23AM) (new)

Today I featured Iain Rob Wright and his latest release, The Housemates.

message 5: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 09, 2013 05:24AM) (new)

Today I feature Kealan Patrick Burke and his latest Nemesis: The Death of Timmy Quinn.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Sorry for the delay. I've been updating this info from work and when I went in yesterday I had been transferred to a different department. Took me all day to get my office set back up.
For October 8 I featured Kat Yares

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

T-minus 21 days until all hallows eve and who do we run across? None other thanArmand Rosamilia

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